We deal with Aizhen and finish our first sub-event at last!
I have decided to change up the party whenever side ventures happen from here on out to add more variety to the party compositions.
Oh yeah, getting a decently hefty side quest done with some hefty rewards. It’s nice. One more update after this covering some side quests that have been on the back burner way too long and we should be good to go for dealing with the Invisible mission.
It’s a sidequest and puzzle bonanza! Featuring a 7th Dragon trivia show! Just how well do you know the world of 7th Dragon? Test your knowledge and find out!
Time to take down Invisible!
Of course, as this mission has been completed, it’s time for a party vote!
Voting is closed! Final results:
Stella: 8
Dia: 6
Edward: 4
Ark: 3
Buront: 2
Haru: 1
Nila: 0
Looks like Stella, Edward, Ark, and Dia are the ones coming along for the next mission.
Slight change of plans. I intended for this dungeon to be a 2-parter, but I underestimated how long this dungeon was, and this part was getting so long it turned into a 3-parter. And I might as well start breaking up dungeons into multiparts cause some of the later dungeons in this game get looooooong.
Also as it turns out completing 3 missions is what progresses the game to late-game, not all 4. So there won’t be a vote right away for a party swap after Earthshaker dies, so I’ll be doing a bit more sidequesting after this.
Learning new techniques, going grave robbing on archaeological digs, there’s quite a bit here! On and there’s a party vote in this update at long last!
Voting is closed! Final results:
Stella: 7
Nila: 6
Edward: 5
]Ark: 3
Haru: 2
Buront: 2
Dia: 1
My choice: 6
Looks like the party will be Stella, Nila, Edward, and Ark!
We deal with Flame Eater once and for all. And of course, there’s a party vote in this one for the next mission.
Voting is closed! Final results:
Dia: 5
Haru: 4
Nila: 3
Buront: 3
Ark: 2
Edward: 2
Stella: 0
Lowest Leveled Characters: 3
My choice: 2
Love the charm this LP has. Probably the main reason I was able to beat the original 7th dragon though I didn’t get 100%