X and Crew vs Inexplicable Biblical Allegories – Let’s Play the Mega Man X Series

Hey, it’s the next one of these! I’ve already played through the whole Classic Mega Man series here, so now it’s time for the X series. You can also find a full list of the whole X series here in case you just want to scroll through a Youtube playlist for some reason. And lastly, here’s a riff of the prequel OVA, The Day of Sigma:

The NeXt Generation - Let’s Play Mega Man X1
Now, every robot has a chance of saying, “I’m more than just a robot. Die, Wily.”

Long ago, there was a genius roboticist named Dr. Thomas Light. His expertise in the field had helped populate the world with advanced robots who helped people in their every day lives. But at the end of the day, they were mere machines, bound to the will of humanity. But recently, a scientist named Dr. Cain made a discovery: Dr. Light had created something even more advanced than the robots of that time period. A new type of robot who could think for himself, who Dr. Light had named X. Although X could not be finished before Light’s passing, all he had needed was time to ensure that he wouldn’t become a threat. But that time had passed, and Cain could unseal X from his capsule. Indeed, X was far more advanced than any robot the world had seen before. By using Light’s notes, Cain was able to mass-produce more of these robots, which came to be known as “Replica Androids,” or “Reploids” for short. These Reploids integrated quickly into society, and seemed to be a greater boon than their predecessors. However, a problem soon arose: the ability to think freely came with the danger of turning against humans. Although robots had been used as tools against the world before, now they could go maverick and become a threat without a human master. A group of Reploids were banded together for the purpose of combating the threat of Mavericks, but even these Maverick Hunters are susceptible to going Maverick themselves. Sigma, formerly a Reploid Commander, has begun a rebellion against humanity. With eight other powerful Mavericks by his side, the casualties could be immense. Even without their superiors, the Maverick Hunters must muster the strength to stop Sigma’s rebellion. And amongst their ranks is the original Reploid, X, a mere Class-B Hunter who must nonetheless prove he’s not going to be left in the dust.

It’s finally time for Mega Man X! Although the Classic series did eventually move to the Super Nintendo, the X series got the console first. And as far as reputation goes, X1 is incredibly popular. And for good reason: it’s got solid level and boss designs, it looks amazing, and the soundtrack breathes even further life into each stage. Yes, X1 is most certainly a classic, which is a good note going into this game.

… the bad news is, it’s one of the best games in the series. A series with seven other games after it. That’s… not usually where you want the best entry to be. Ah well, let’s not worry about that yet! Let’s just enjoy X1 while we have it.

Episode List

Part 1: Highway to the Vile Zone

Part 2: For Good or for Chill

Part 3: Arm-adillo, Watch it Fight

Part 4: Eagle to Please

Part 5: Bully Mammoth

Part 6: Mr. Mandriller

Part 7: Boomer and Buster

Part 8: King of Sting

Part 9: Octopus in Boats

Part 10: Your Best Foot Quarter Circle Forward

Part 11: Zero Damage

Part 12: Sigma Wars

Zero-Sum Game - Let’s Play Mega Man X2
Don’t be so down, X, you’ve already got a fan clu- oh wait those guys hate you personally.

X may have defeated Sigma, but there’s still work to be done to clean up the remnants of his rebellion. Thankfully, that’s just a factory raid away from being finished! … Or at least it would be, if there weren’t another shadowy organization lurking just around the corner. And this group seems to have a particular interest in X’s deceased friend…

Welcome to Mega Man X2! X1 did well, and we know from the Classic games that Capcom is no stranger to a long series, so this was more or less inevitable. So how does X2 fare against its predecessor? Well, this game is far more polarizing than the universally-loved X1, so you can probably guess the answer is, “less good.” And when compared to the advancement from Mega Man 1 to 2, X2 doesn’t really do anything incredibly new or exciting after X1. Personally, though, I’m pretty fond of it even if it isn’t quite as good as the first game. It stands up well enough on its own, which is more than what some of the actually bad games in the series can say.

Episode List

Part 1: Maverick Hunter X Hunters

Part 2: Oily Maverick Monday

Part 3: At a Snail’s Framerate

Part 4: Desert Yellow Overdrive

Part 5: Turn of the Centipede

Part 6: Down to the Wire Sponge

Part 7: A Stag in the Dark

Part 8: Bubble or Nothing

Part 9: Trash Moth

Part 10: Cleanup at the Gator Tank

Part 11: Ex-Hunters

Part 12: Sure You Can

Part 13: The Uncanny Sigma

Bonus Part: Zero, But Mean

Topple the Dopple - Let’s Play Mega Man X3
Everyone loves Dr. Doppler, a lovely Reploid who cured the Maverick Virus! 5 seconds later We regret to inform you Dr. Doppler has gone Maverick.

It seems the threat of Mavericks is over and done with! A Reploid scientist by the name of Dr. Doppler has figured out a way to suppress Maverick abnormalities, thus ensuring the safety of Reploids and Humans alike. Everyone was so overjoyed that they decided to found Dopple Town, which promises to be a perfect utopia. One problem: Mavericks have not been dealt with, and now there are a whole lot of them rampaging around Dopple Town under the command of Dr. Doppler himself. Well, damn. With a new threat in play, X and Zero move out to suppress the threat of Doppler’s minions, before they get too out of hand.

Welcome to Mega Man X3! Hey, you know how Mega Man X2 didn’t have enough time to bake, and was kinda so-so compared to X1? Well, here we go again! X3 did not have that long of a development time after X2, but it shows… differently than it did in X2. Where X2 was a bit too short for its own good, X3 can feel a little drawn out in places without enough substance to make it feel worthwhile. And one of its major mechanics, the ability to play as Zero, wound up being too restrictive to be fun. So good news if you were disappointed by that: this LP uses a hack designed to make it easier and more worthwhile to play as Zero! So while X3 still isn’t my favorite X game, we at least have this. And it does make things much more enjoyable.

Episode List

Part 1: Mac vs Me

Part 2: Poiso-Neigh-s Water

Part 3: Neon and On

Part 4: Rhino Can Do

Part 5: Blast Corpse

Part 6: High Tide Voltage

Part 7: Big Grav Beetle Boss

Part 8: Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo

Part 9: Zero Gets Something Stuck in His Crawfish

Part 10: Head Hunting

Part 11: O, Inary, Where Art Thou?

Part 12: Captain Sigma

Bonus Part: Mosqui-toeing the Line

Outer Heaven by Reploids, for Reploids - Let’s Play Mega Man X4
Hold up, just what are we fighting for, anyway?

A recent Maverick attack has been blamed on a Reploid army by the name of Repliforce. But Repliforce has not only denied these allegations, but take them as a grave insult. They have decided to revolt and establish their own settlement away from the humans who would so quickly label them as enemies. Which, of course, has labelled them as enemies of mankind. X and Zero have no choice but to regard Repliforce as Mavericks, and battle against the insurrection.

Welcome to Mega Man X4! We’re leaving the Super Nintendo behind for the Sony Playstation this generation, which means a bit of an overhaul for the X series. The jump may not be as big as the Classic series’ shift tov16-bit, but it’s not insignificant. And joining us for this new style is Zero, who’s feasibly playable without a hack this time around! In fact, X and Zero have distinct playstyles and slightly differing perspectives on the game’s storyline. Add that to some solid level design and bosses, and you have a good first impression for the PSX’s X games. Savor it while you can.

Episode List

Part 1: Repliforced Conflict

Part 2: Stingray Operation

Part 3: Jungle-Wide Web

Part 4: Back to the Walrus

Part 5: The Colonel After the Storm

Part 6: Split the Chestnut

Part 7: Cyber X

Part 8: Dot Slash

Part 9: Dragoon, From Volcano

Part 10: Novigator

Part 11: Sigmavania

Alia Called, She Says it’s the End of the World as We Know It - Let’s Play Mega Man X5
Dawn of the first stage. 16 hours remain.

Not long after Repliforce’s attempted coup, a new space-based threat has emerged. Someone has attacked the space colony Eurasia, and now it’s on a crash course towards the Earth. Worse yet, Sigma is back already, and has wasted no time attacking civilization. X and Zero head out to stop him, unaware that they’re playing right into his hands.

We’ve made it to X5, the game with the opposite dev cycle problem that most of the Mega Man games have had up until now. It’s been about three years since X4 released, and now it feels like there’s strange new meat on the bones X4 introduced. That’s not to say X5 is all bad; there’s a lot of ideas going on with this one. Some of them work, and some of them do not. It certainly doesn’t reach the lows that we’re going to see after it, but it also feels a little bloated compared to X4. (Also, some of the level design’s really bad, imo.)

If you want to cut a little bit of the awkward design out of your playthrough, there’s now a hack that actually makes several improvements to the game. This LP will be showcasing said hack, which means things’ll look a bit different if you’re used to vanilla X5. But I highly recommend it; it’s made playing X5 for the LP much more enjoyable.

Episode List

Part 1: Planet of the Sigma

Part 2: Squid Adler

Part 3: Duff McWhalen

Part 4: Grizzly Slash

Part 5: Izzy Glow

Part 6: Dark Dizzy

Part 7: The Skiver

Part 8: Axle the Red

Part 9: Mattrex

Part 10: World-Wide Cleanup

Part 11: X vs Zero

Part 12: Total Dis-Sigma

Nightmare on Reploid Street - Let’s Play Mega Man X6
You’d better hide yourself before you repair yourself.

It’s been three weeks since Mega Man X5 happened, and the world is unsurprisingly still in turmoil. But not long after Zero’s death, phantom images have haunted the world, alongside various other miscellaneous effects, a phenomenon which has been named the “Nightmare.” A man named Isoc has called to Reploids around the globe to put an end to this crisis, but the Maverick Hunters aren’t so certain his intentions are pure. Especially since the main eight investigators all seem to be linked to a mysterious Reploid named Gate, who unbeknownst to them has had a recent change of heart…

Hoo boy, welcome to Mega Man X6, a game characterized by both a surplus and lack of ambition, somehow. There are a bunch of new mechanics which, while interesting, add to the clutter bogging down the usual pace of an X stage. The same thing goes for the story, which does try to go places, but is also held back by the utter disinterest they had following up any consequences of X5’s storyline. In short, the game’s kind of a mess. But just like with X5, I’ll be making it slightly less of a mess with the Mega Man X6 Tweaks hack.

Episode List

Part 1: Hi, Max

Part 2: Undead Sheldon

Part 3: Like Rain on a Turtloid

Part 4: Poor Yammarks

Part 5: Metro-Brawl-iton

Part 6: Crisis on Infinite Mijnions

Part 7: Haven’t got a Player

Part 8: Blaze of Glory

Part 9: Buoy Wolf

Part 10: Clean Dream

Part 11: Mothers Day

Part 12: Gate Keeper

Part 13: Night of the Living Sigma

X in the Third Dimension (Now Featuring Less X)
Now featuring less of Mega Man “Actually Both Sides are Wrong” X.

After the last defeat of Sigma, the world is finally on the road to recovery. The Nightmare Virus is done and dusted, and now civilization can reemerge. I assume humans are back on the surface, even if we continue to not see them. But even as things improve, the Maverick Hunters still find difficulty returning to their prime form. And worse for them, X has finally had enough of the constant fighting, and has retired. So who’s going to take care of the rising crime rates? Why, everybody’s favorite mercenary band, Red Alert! Everyone knows them, and everybody loves them! Now let’s just hope they don’t experience any sudden moral deterioration.

Well. It’s X7. While the X series tried to keep its core design throughout the PS1 games, this is where they finally tried to implement 3D sections into the formula. And, well, it certainly changes things. But 7 is usually regarded as the worst game in the series, so as you might imagine there wound up being a lot of problems with this change. Now thankfully, a recent mod called N’s Edition aims to clean up a lot of the oddities that really drag down the game. Does it fix all of them? Probably not, but at least we can go through this one with fewer road bumps!

Episode List

Part 1: Axl the Red (Alert)

Part 2: Don’t be a Boar

Part 3: Joey to the World

Part 4: A Murder of Crowrang

Part 5: Kong Hell or Highwater

Part 6: Hyenard and Mighty

Part 7: I’m Still in a Dream, Anteater

Part 8: Tonion Fun

Part 9: Warfly on the Horizon

Part 10: Second to Last Alert

Part 11: Red Space

Part 12: MaSigma Z

Hold on tight, Axl! We’re blastin’ off to the moooooon!

Humanity has bounced back from the Eurasia incident. A new generation of Reploids has been produced; these new Reploids are, apparently, resistant against viruses and are in no danger of going Maverick. With these developments, humanity once again sets its sights towards space. They begin the Jakob Project, which aims to build an elevator that reaches the moon itself in order for humans and these new Reploids to migrate away from the Maverick-infested Earth. But unfortunately, those old Mavericks have designs on the moon as well. And while the threat of Sigma seems to be gone for good, an old rival has arrived on the scene to make sure the Jakob Orbital Elevator doesn’t wind up in the hands of humans.

At last, we’ve reached the final Mega Man X platformer. After X7 didn’t go over particularly well, its successor reigned in a decent bit. The 3D sections are mostly gone, and the game as a whole leans towards 2.5D levels. That’s not to say this feels entirely like an SNES game with 3D graphics, though. There’s more emphasis on the partner system, including additional special attacks that can be used as long as both characters are active. X, Zero and Axl are also just a touch more distinct in their gameplay styles, and you don’t have to wait half the game to have everyone available. It’s an interesting step forward that doesn’t exactly feel like what came before it. And considering this is the last game in the series, we never saw what could have come after, either.

Episode List

Part 1: Park of the Covenant

Part 2: Abominable Snow Stage

Part 3: Rule the Rooster

Part 4: Trilobyte and Error

Part 5: Center of Gravity

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Part 1: Highway to the Vile Zone

It’s been a long time since the year 20xx. Things have changed. I mean, cities are still being attacked by robots. But now the robots are smarter and they’re the ones in charge of the attacks. Progress??? Anyway, our new Mega Man is named X, and he’s got a charge shot and the ability to dash get pummeled by some guy’s mech.

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Part 2: For Good or for Chill

X rushes off to stop Chill Penguin from causing an avalanche. And this time around, it seems like X won’t hesitate to take any shots. So does that mean he’ll get more or fewer lectures from 'ol Icy Penguigo this time?

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Part 3: Arm-adillo, Watch it Fight

Zero’s searching for Sigma’s Fortress, but what better way to do that than to cut off their weaponry? A mine in the region has been occupied by the Mavericks, so everyone’s favorite red Reploid will start his campaign by spelunking.

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Part 4: Eagle to Please

The Death Rogumer has landed in a nearby airport for… I dunno, refueling or something. X must rush to the scene and sabotage the Death Rogumer, lest it drop more cars on unsuspecting cities. But who else could be at the helm but Zero’s best buddy and all around swell guy, Storm Eagle.

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Part 5: Bully Mammoth

Zero has destroyed the rebellion’s mining operations, and now he has his buster set on the factories that were using those resources. Flame Mammoth has been set up to oversee weapon productions, and is more than happy to throw his weight around. Literally, by stomping anyone who tries to attack the factory. Bad news for him though: his factory has already been sabotaged due to the death of Chill Penguin.

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Part 6: Mr. Mandriller

As it turns out, X managed to defeat Storm Eagle at the perfect time, as the Death Rogumer has crashed into a power plant that the rebellion had taken. So let’s not waste a perfect opportunity; time for X to go fight Spark Mandrill.

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Part 7: Boomer and Buster

Sigma’s rebellion has now been bereft of its weapon production, all thanks to Zero. So why not kick them while they’re down and take back the tower they occupied as well? This one’s guarded by Boomer Kuwanger, who’s overclocked and ready to run a mile around a small room if anyone tries to fight him.

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Part 8: King of Sting

X has one more stop in his battle against Sigma’s generals: Sting Chameleon still remains, and he’s… well, he’s guarding a base. Look, it’s not a complicated situation, but someone’s still gotta take this chameleon out.

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Part 9: Octopus in Boats

Sigma’s down to one more Maverick, and it’s the guy in charge of his navy. Zero takes to the sea to take down Launch Octopus, as well as a single ship and two giant snakes. And I hope you weren’t planning on showing off that flamethrower you got from Flame Mammoth, because this is an ocean we’re dealing with here.

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Part 10: Your Best Foot Quarter Circle Forward

Today, we find a concept that was only rarely in the Classic series: cleanup! The X series, with its focus on “permanent power ups being located in stages instead of just shop selections,” will typically require you to double back to stages you’ve completed with weapons you didn’t have before. So, just how inefficient was this run? We’ll say: so-so.

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Part 11: Zero Damage

With Sigma’s eight main underlings down and out, X and Zero move to take down the man himself. However, Sigma’s base isn’t defenseless. You may remember a certain punk-ass Boba Fett cosplayer stomping X at the start of this adventure. Well, nothing was ever done about that guy, so he’s still hanging around the guy who employed him. Now we get to see how X’s upgrades let him fare against his strongest opponent so far!

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Part 12: Sigma Wars

X has overcome Vile and conquered half of the fortress. But without Zero by his side, taking on Sigma will be a challenge. None the less, it’s time for X to prove his limitless potential!

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Don’t be so down, X, you’ve already got a fan clu- oh wait those guys hate you personally.

X may have defeated Sigma, but there’s still work to be done to clean up the remnants of his rebellion. Thankfully, that’s just a factory raid away from being finished! … Or at least it would be, if there weren’t another shadowy organization lurking just around the corner. And this group seems to have a particular interest in X’s deceased friend…

Welcome to Mega Man X2! X1 did well, and we know from the Classic games that Capcom is no stranger to a long series, so this was more or less inevitable. So how does X2 fare against its predecessor? Well, this game is far more polarizing than the universally-loved X1, so you can probably guess the answer is, “less good.” And when compared to the advancement from Mega Man 1 to 2, X2 doesn’t really do anything incredibly new or exciting after X1. Personally, though, I’m pretty fond of it even if it isn’t quite as good as the first game. It stands up well enough on its own, which is more than what some of the actually bad games in the series can say.

Part 1: Maverick Hunter X Hunters

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Part 2: Oily Maverick Monday

Right, it’s off to the eight-boss races once again! Today, X is taking on the most pressing matter at hand: the giant alligator tank that is currently driving through the middle of some city. In charge is a much smaller alligator, but one that’s certainly a bigger threat to X personally than the tank itself.

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Part 3: At a Snail’s Framerate

X heads to the crystal mines to obtain another item he should have waited to get, and to fight exactly one snail. It’s a snail with either time or gravity manipulation powers, though, so it’s not as sad as I made it sound.

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Part 4: Desert Yellow Overdrive

So what’s out in this desert? One very large missile, probably pointed at somewhere important. Gonna be honest, nobody asked what it was for specifically, and after the alligator tank just about any given danger seems kinda self-evident. So off X goes into a perilous sandstorm to fight an ostrich.

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Part 5: Turn of the Centipede

Huh, something seems vaguely familiar about this stage. Ah well, I’m sure it’s nothing! Anyway, Magna Centipede’s lined his base with various security systems, all of which will surely bog X down if they catch him. But while X may not be the stealthiest robot, he does have the ability to traverse an area at high speeds, and that’s the next best thing!

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Part 6: Down to the Wire Sponge

Welcome to the weather station! There’s a sponge here. The sponge is very angry.

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Part 7: A Stag in the Dark

Today, X moves on out to stop Flame Stag from causing a volcanic eruption! I mean, an eruption does kinda happen in the middle of the level anyway, but that one’s small potatoes. There’s a far worse eruption that could happen without intervention, and that’s the only one we need to care about!

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