The Take Your Med Thread

Take :clap: your :clap: meds :clap:


I have to take pills every morning and evening, which is also when I have to brush my teeth, so I have a pill organizer next to my toothbrush. Also whenever I get a refill I leave ten day’s worth in a separate bottle so I know when to order more without going into β€œomg I’m about to run out” panic mode.

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##Taking my Medication, the Adventure:

Facts about my medication:

  1. It helps me function.
  2. It must be taken with food.

Facts about my mental illnesses:

  1. It causes me to be quite dysfunctional and not just in the funny, quirky, cute ways.
  2. I experience intense nausea, which is often triggered by the mere sight, smell, or idea of food.
  3. :effort: and 0 fucks given.

Process to taking my meds:
Step One: Put food in my mouth and swallow it.
Problem: Experience intense nausea. Cannot put food in My mouth and swallow it.
Solution: Treat nausea with dramamine.
Problem: Dramamine requires putting a thing in my mouth and swallowing it, nausea prevents me from putting things in my mouth and swallowing it. Error, error, error.
Reaction: Feel overwhelmingly sick, retch, dry heave, perhaps even puke. Miserably ill for at least an hour.

Step Two: Wait out my body revolting and rebelling against my efforts to treat myself. Let the dramamine kick in.

Step Three: Eat something gentle, crackers and cheese or toasted bread with peanut butter, etc.
Problem: Body still hates it, tantrums at food.
Solution: Wait it out.

Step Four: Take your fucking medicine with literally anything but water. Any flavored liquid. Because if you take it with water it won’t mask the medicine taste and you will puke it up.
Problem: :effort: and apathy.
Solution: DO IT.
Problem: My body and mental illnesses say no.
Solution: FUCKING DO IT.

Results: 30ish% chance of me winning against my body and mental illnesses and taking my meds that day.
