The LP Turnabout: A Documentary on Japanifornian Law with Phoenix Wright

(welcome to the endless case)

Case 5 - Rise From the Ashes
Investigation (Day 1) - Part 1

(Click here for video.)

: Two months without a single trial. Iā€™ve had offersā€¦ But none I took. That isā€¦ until the day that girl showed up.

: (Itā€™s not like I want to workā€¦)
: There you are! Finally!

: ā€¦ ā€¦ Umā€¦ who are you?
: It doesnā€™t matter who I am! It only matters who YOU are!
: Youā€™re the famous defense attorney, Mia Fey!
: ā€¦
: ā€¦
: ā€¦

: Iā€™m sorry but Ms. Mia Fey no longerā€¦ works here.

: Iā€™m Phoenix Wrightā€¦ A defense attorney.

: Youā€™re THE Phoenix Wright!?
: The Phoenix Wright from the Edgeworth murder case!?
: Um, yes, thatā€™s correct. (It wasnā€™t Edgeworth who was murdered, thoughā€¦)

: Iā€™m sorryā€¦ Iā€™m afraid Iā€™m not taking cases right now.
: But, you are Phoenix Wright, right? The undefeated defense attorney?
: Look, Iā€™m not accepting any new cases. Iā€™m sorry, but youā€™ll have to try elsewhere.
: Please!
: Iā€™m out of time!
: Butā€¦
: Please, you have to help! I-itā€™s my sister!

: Okay. Iā€™ll hear you out.
: R-really!?
: Thank you so much! My nameā€™s Ema, Ema Skye. Iā€™m a scientific investigator.
: (Scientific investigator?)

Letā€™s check out the office before anything.

: Looks like itā€™s cleaning day again at the hotel across the way. I hear theyā€™re planning a second branch outside the city. Egads! The bellboy was staring right at me.

: Miaā€™s plant, ā€œCharley.ā€ Iā€™ve been taking care of him in Mayaā€™s absence.

: Thereā€™s a poster of the Steel Samurai on the wall. Maya stuck it up here on the day that she left. I didnā€™t have the heart to take it down.

: I do sometimes get strange looks from the clients, though.

: Miaā€™s desk. I sit here even less now that Iā€™ve stopped taking cases. I ought to at least dust it off once in a while.

: Difficult-looking legal books stand in a formidable row. They mock me. I tried reading one, and it made my head hurt. When I closed it, it slipped out of my hand. Then my foot hurt too.

Now, letā€™s chat with Ema.

: Ema, was it? So youā€™re a ā€œscientific investigatorā€?
: Yes! Thatā€™s right! Isā€¦ something wrong?
: No, itā€™s just, you seem kind of, er, jumpy. Or maybe justā€¦ young?
: Young?
: Iā€™ll be sixteen years old this year!
: Oh, I seeā€¦ wait! Only sixteen!?
: Iā€™m set to be formally assigned to Forensics in three more years. My work is becoming quite well knownā€¦
: At my age, no less!
: Um, so what exactly is your current position, then?

: I guess youā€™d call me an ā€œEleventh Grader.ā€
: But Iā€™m ready to do my job! At my age, no less!
: (Great, another future professional in trainingā€¦)

: So whatā€™s this about a case? You said the trialā€™s tomorrow?
: My sister didnā€™t do it!
: She wouldnā€™t stab someone with a knife! She wouldnā€™t!
: Soā€¦ itā€™s a murder case.
: I donā€™t care if thereā€™s a witness who saw her do it! She didnā€™t do it!
: I know she didnā€™t do it! Itā€™s a scientific fact!
: Andā€¦ thereā€™s a witness.
: J-just talk to her!
: You have to talk to her!
: Rightā€¦ I suppose I will.
: I promised her Iā€™d bring Mia Fey, butā€¦
: (Thatā€™s interestingā€¦ How would she know Mia?)

: So, you want to be a scientific investigator when you grow up, then?
: E-excuse me?
: Iā€™m not a child. Iā€™ll have you know!
: Still, itā€™s good to have a goal. Albeit a very unusual one.
: I believe investigations should be done scientifically!
: Donā€™t you?
: Uh, yeah. (Sure canā€™t fault her for a lack of enthusiasm.)
: If this case is handled scientifically, Iā€™m sure my sisterā€™s name will be cleared!
: Your sisterā€¦?
: Iā€™ve been doing research, you know!
: Iā€™m developing a new scientific method of case investigation!
: Iā€™ll show you when Iā€™m done!
: Iā€™m looking forward to it. (Guess I should get down to the Detention Center and talk to her sister.)

: My sister asked for her specifically. Mia Feyā€¦
: was a few years below her in school.
: (So she went to the same school as Mia.)
: She always told me to go to Mia if I ever needed a defense attorneyā€¦ And, wellā€¦
: I need one.
: Um, incidentally, Mia is a woman.
: Miaā€¦ Yeah, I thought it was a little strange when I saw you, too.
: Well, itā€™s nice of you to help your sister out like this. You must be close.

: ?
: Wellā€¦
: Actually, when she gets like she is now, I kind of hate her.
: i[/i]
: Butā€¦ But sheā€™s my only family.
: Your only family? What about your parents?
: They died in a car accident when I was little.
: Ohā€¦ Iā€™m sorry.

And we present the badge.

: Ahh! Well! Iā€™ve never seen a real one before.
: (Youā€™re the first one whoā€™s actually been interested in mine, believe me.)
: Its composition is mostly silver. The gold plating is flaking a bit.
: (She analyzed it. Scientificallyā€¦)

: Sorry, but itā€™s not for sale. Yetā€¦

Now, letā€™s get moving.

: ā€¦
: (Hmm, I wonder whatā€™s wrong with Ema? She got quiet all of a sudden as soon as we arrived.)
: Guardā€¦ I thought I told you I didnā€™t want visitors.
: S-s-s-sorry, maā€™am! Itā€™s j-j-just, your sisterā€¦
: No excuses! Or did you not want a raise this year, hmm?
: U-u-u-understood, maā€™am!
: (Wh-wh-wh-what was that all about?)

: Funny. I seem to remember specifically telling you NOT to come here. Perhaps my memory is failing?
: L-lookā€¦
: I didnā€™t want to come here either, okay? But your trialā€™s tomorrow and you still donā€™t have a defense attorney!
: Iā€™ll be the one in court tomorrow. This has nothing to do with you, Ema.

: Hey! How do you know me?
: Mia mentioned you. Iā€™ve heardā€¦ quite a bit.
: Er, Iā€™m sorry. What exactly is it that you doā€¦?
: My name is Lana, Lana Skye. Iā€™m Chief Prosecutor for this district.
: Y-youā€™re a prosecutor!?

A brief look around is in order.

: This guard monitors the visitorā€™s room. Heā€™s frozen in fear of the frigid Miss Lana. Iā€™m feeling a bit chilly myself.

Now, letā€™s chat with Lana.

: Thereā€™s something you should know from the start.
: W-which is?

: Huh?
: W-wait! But the suspectā€¦
: The suspect isā€¦
: Me. I did it.
: Well, Mr. Wright?
: Wellā€¦ why donā€™t you begin by telling me exactly what happened.

: Thatā€™s quite specific.
: It was in the witnessā€™s deposition.
: A witness clearly saw me committing the crime.
: Uhā€¦ My, that was a bit of bad luck, wasnā€™t it?
: The crime took place in the underground parking lot at the Prosecutorā€™s Office.
: The body was found in the trunk of my subordinateā€™s car.
: The Prosecutorā€™s Office, huh? (In your subordinateā€™s car trunk? Classyā€¦)
: I was arrested on the spot. Caught red-handed, as it were.
: (My, myā€¦)

: So, who was the victim?
: An investigator with the Police Department. I suppose the correct term is ā€œDetective.ā€
: A detectiveā€¦?
: Death was due to a loss of blood. He was stabbed once in the stomach.
: Byā€¦ you?
: Death wasnā€™t immediate, but the wound was fatal.
: I seeā€¦
: Allow me to repeat myself, Mr. Wright. The victim was a detective. You know what that means,
: donā€™t you?
: Uh oh!
: What? Mr. Wright? What does it mean?
: Well, it meansā€¦
: The police department will consider it a matter of pride to have me found guilty.
: They will use any means at their disposal to do so.
: (This case gets worse and worse with everything I learn.)

: So, youā€™re the Chief Prosecutor?
: That is correct.
: Iā€™m responsible for overseeing every trial handled by prosecutors in this district. I make sure the prosecutors have what they need to do the job, and manage every aspect.
: Those are my responsibilities, in a nutshell.
: (Thatā€™s an awfully large nutshell.)
: Still, Iā€™m a little surprised.
: I would think youā€™d recognize the districtā€™s Chief Prosecutor, Mr. Wright.
: Huh?

: Umā€¦ Lana? What happened to your hand?
: Oh, this?
: I cut myself by accident. When I stabbed him, that is.
: Huh?
: Iā€™m not very good at being a criminal, I suppose.
: (How am I supposed to defend this!? Time to change the subjectā€¦ Wait, she was in the class ahead of Mia, wasnā€™t sheā€¦?)

: Um, you were in school with Mia, correct? A few years above her?
: ā€¦
: Ema told you that, too, did she?
: W-well, why not? I did drag him all the way here from his office!
: Although it seems he has very little in common with Miaā€¦
: i[/i]
: It was in law school. I was in my third year, and she was auditing the class. She was different than the other students.
: Different?
: She was strongā€¦ Sheā€™d do anything to become a defense attorney. Anything.
: Thatā€¦ was probably why she was attracted to me.
: E-excuse me!?
: Intellectually attracted! Lana was top of her class in school.
: I was the best there was.
: Ohā€¦
: Iā€™m doing pretty good in school too, by the way!
: (It sounds a bit different when Ema says itā€¦)
: Well, Mr. Wright?
: E-excuse me?
: As you can plainly see, I am admitting my guilt. I think itā€™s safe to sayā€¦
: thereā€™s no way you can take this case. None.
: B-but, Lana!
: ā€¦
: Youā€¦ you were always this way, werenā€™t you?

: You never think of anyone but yourself.
: ā€¦!
: I know you didnā€™t do it, Lana, I know! Soā€¦
: So how can you say you did!?
: ā€¦
: If I lose youā€¦
: Iā€™ll be all alone! Iā€¦
: I hate you, Lana!
: ā€¦

: Mr. Wright?
: Y-yes?
: I believe our discussion here is ended. The restā€¦ I leave to you.
: ā€¦! Umā€¦ you mean, youā€™re requesting my services as your defense?
: Donā€™t lose any sleep over it. Your client has confessed, after all. The case is over.
: Rightā€¦ Iā€™ll do what I can to get to the bottom of this.
: ā€¦

: (But something doesnā€™t fit.)

Next time: Investigation.

Case 5 - Rise From the Ashes
Investigation (Day 1) - Part 2

After the last scene, we are automatically dropped off back at the office.

: Huh? About what?
: My sisterā€¦ Sheā€™s not always like that you know.
: ā€¦ I just never expected to be defending another prosecutor again.

: She used to be so gentle, always smiling. Everybody liked her.
: I seeā€¦ (Sorry, but Iā€™m having trouble imagining that.) What happened to her?
: I donā€™t know for certain myselfā€¦ I think maybe sheā€¦ Well, maybe not.
: (Sounds like thereā€™s something there that defies a simple scientific explanation.) Letā€™s go check out this underground parking at the Prosecutorā€™s Office, shall we?
: O-Okay!

: So this is the lot where it all happened?
: Looks like theyā€™re still investigatingā€¦
: (Funny that my first visit to the Prosecutorā€™s Office should be like thisā€¦)
: Hey everyone! Keep up the good work!
: H-hey! What are you thinking?
: Well, they are going to be my coworkers three years from now after all.
: No harm in saying helloā€¦
: Actually, there is. You know attorneys arenā€™t supposed to examine crime scenes? Iā€™m trying to not stand out too much, here, see?

: You 'specting to go unnoticed here, pardner?
: P-Pardner?

: What do we have here? Looks like a bambina got loose from the ranch and is up to no good!

: M-Mr. Marshall!

: (Marshall? Looks more like a sheriff to meā€¦)
: Lookie here, bambina. I know how you feel. But this is my gangā€™s gold strike,
: see?
: Strikeā€¦?
: This is our claim, our territory. And the goldmine isā€¦ evidence.

: You know what dreams the cacti out in the desert dream? You want to?
: (Whatā€™s this guy talking about?)

: You head along home now. Happy trails, bambina!

And he leaves.

: ā€¦
: ā€¦
: Was that uh, hombre, a friend of yours?
: Uhā€¦ kind ofā€¦ sort ofā€¦ Yeah. Heā€™s a detective.
: (Who thinks heā€™s a sheriff from the Wild West it seems.)

Letā€™s look around.

: Um, excuse me! Officer!
: W-w-waaaait!
: What are you doing, Mr. Wright!?
: What am I doing? I just found this wallet, so Iā€™m handing it over to the policeā€¦
: I donā€™t believe it!
: This is real basic: anything at a crime scene is evidence! Letā€™s be scientific about this, please!
: Just put it in your pocket.
: H-how is that scientific? (Sounds like theft to me!)

But hey, we pocket it.

: Iā€™m called to duty already, and at my tender age! Here, Iā€™ll teach you the trick to examining evidence in detail, okay?
: (By the way her eyes are sparkling I can tell sheā€™s been waiting for thisā€¦)
: Okay, okay, now. Look at the Court Record!

This method of evidence examination will be in this case, and this case only, forā€¦oh, the next three games or so.

: Now. Letā€™s start examining! From every angle!

We can rotate evidence to look at points of interest from every angle.

: You should check it out! Press the Examine button.

: Thisā€¦ This is an ID card. (Detective Bruce Goodman, ID# 5842189ā€¦)
: See? Well? Isnā€™t scientific investigation useful?
: I guessā€¦ Though I donā€™t see what ā€œscienceā€ has to do with it.

And the wallet transmutes into the ID.

: Letā€™s be sure to examine every piece of evidence we find!
: (I guess Iā€™ve got to be on my toes from now onā€¦)

: ā€œDetective Bruce Goodman, ID# 5842189ā€
: I wonder why they only use numbers for IDs.
: What else would they use?
: Letters, silly! Theyā€™re the reason we have a written language in the first place!
: Trueā€¦

: See? Wouldnā€™t that be better?
: ā€œYABADABā€? Well, it does have a certain ring to itā€¦
: Exactly my point! Tee-hee!
: (It doesnā€™t take much to amuse her.)

: This is where the cars leave the lot.
: The arrow on the ground makes it look more like an entrance.
: What are you talking about? Itā€™s plainly an exit!
: Well, maybe itā€™s both. Kind of a dual purpose?
: Ah hah! The theory of relativity!
: What? Uhā€¦
: Iā€™ve got to write this down.
: Ah! Hey, hey, Mr. Wright!
: Maybe you knowā€¦ Was Mr. Relativity, German? Or was he British?
: Mr. Relativity? Are you sure that was his name?

: Look! A door! This must mean something!
: Iā€™m not sure that doors ā€œmeanā€ anything.
: No! It wonā€™t open! A mysterious lock!
: I fail to see whatā€™s mysterious about it.
: Mr. Wrightā€¦
: You need to learn to enjoy life more.
: Letā€™s finish our investigation first, shall we?

: Ah hah! A ladder.
: Umā€¦ Thatā€™s a stepladder.
: Whatā€™s the difference? In scientific terms, please.
: S-scientific huh?
: Look at the basic nature of things, Mr. Wright.
: (This all seems so horribly familiar somehowā€¦)

: Hey. Donā€™t touch stuff we donā€™t need to be touching.
: ā€¦
: I canā€™t hear anything!
: My ears! No, my ears!
: Maybe itā€™s due to the barometric pressureā€¦
: (What is she babbling about?)
: Hey!? What did you just say?
: See? You can hear just fine. The phoneā€™s broken!

: An oil drum. Looks like itā€™s filled with water.
: I-itā€™s heavy! I canā€™t even budge it!
: The drum over here is on its side.
: Wait! I know! Iā€™ll hide in here and do a stake-out!
: I think youā€™ll probably just get arrested. (In fact, you may not even have to hide in the drum to get arrested.)
: What? Iā€™m not suspicious!

: This wall is in our way.
: Itā€™s got a faucet for water.
: Wait! I know!
: This ā€œwallā€ is merely a facade, hiding the truthā€¦
: This is no wall, but a water tank!!!
: (I fail to see how it makes any difference either wayā€¦)

We can look at the other halfā€¦

ā€¦but it doesnā€™t really matter what we look at.

: Well, no time to waste! Letā€™s get hunting for clues!
: Hmmā€¦ I wonder what this is?
: Well, pardner. Looks like you got no intention of going home quietly.

: Like I said before, this hereā€™s our claim. Youā€™d best be moseying along.
: Unless youā€™re fixing to bite the bullet.
: (Gah! Scary!)
: C-could you just tell us one thingā€¦? Who owns that car?

: You want to know who rides that red mustang with the body in her saddle, eh?
: Please!
: No problem, pardner. 'Bout time for vittles anyway.

: Might just find you a cervesa you like.
: (Prospectorā€™s Office? Where does this guy think he is? And when, for that matter!?)
: Note to self: look up vittles, saloon, cervesa.
: (Maybe we should check out room 1202ā€¦ the High Prosecutorā€™s Office!)

We are faded to the other side of the room.

: You can look around here all you like, just keep your paws off our claim.
: (Rightā€¦ great.)

He leaves again.

: Great! Maybe there are some clues around here, Mr. Wright! Letā€™s check it out!
: Excuse me? Were you two all set?
: Us?

: Y-youā€™re selling lunches? Here?
: This is a crime scene!

: Oh. Uh, thanks.
: And you, sir?
: Y-yes?

: Uhā€¦ thanks. (Interesting way of doing business.)
: This area is off limits to anyone without clearance.

: Uhā€¦ no, but youā€¦
: You donā€™t exactly look like the type to have clearance.
: Well, thatā€™s hardly a way to greet someone! Even if my days as the ā€œCough-up Queenā€ are overā€¦
: C-cough-up? Huh?

: Iā€™m quite connected to this case, you see. The images are burned into my eyes, you might say.
: Yes, all the sordid secretsā€¦
: Secretsā€¦?
: Dear me.
: You are a slow one, arenā€™t you?

: Whaaaat!?

: Please! Cough-up Queen! Tell us what happened!
: The name is Angel Starr.
: Donā€™t you go forgetting it. Or before you know it
: Iā€™ll have you whimpering at my heels.
: Y-y-yes, maā€™am! (Yipes! She means it!)

: Somehowā€¦ I knew. Yesterday was a day of destinyā€¦ I knew something was going to happenā€¦
: Just like I know that the Daily Special on Friday every week is salmon.
: Destinyā€¦? Was yesterday special for some reason?
: Youā€™re a defense attorney, right? You should know then. You should know the foul methods of the evil ones who haunt this den of inequity!
: E-evil ones?
: Prosecutors! They have no qualms at all about blackening the name of innocents! And yesterday they paid homage to the most evil one of all!
: They gave an award for ā€œKing of Prosecutorsā€ā€¦ What a farce!
: So, sheā€™s sayingā€¦
: There was some sort of prosecutorā€™s convention yesterday.
: I was almost compelled to lace their lunches with something foulā€¦

: Or is there some kind of scientific evidence of this, um, ā€œevilā€?
: Young missā€¦ Mock me at your own risk!
: Youā€™ll soon find out why they call me the ā€œCough-up Queenā€!
: Ew!
: The most heinous of all the evil ones, the one they awarded yesterdayā€¦
: It was in
: his car that they found the body! Proof that he devours the evilest lunches of all!
: R-really!?
: (Really what? Iā€™m totally confusedā€¦ One thingā€™s clear. This lunch lady has a thing against prosecutors.)

: So, what exactly was it that you witnessed, Ms. Starr?
: It was a fascinating spectacle, to be sure! I now feel I know what they say when they talk about a ā€œwomanā€™s wrath.ā€
: To see Lana Skye wield that knife soā€¦
: !
: Her knife flashed in anger, bringing him to a sad end.
: It was truly a sight to see.
: Y-you mean you saw the very moment of the crime!?
: The sound of his silvery ties to this world being cruelly cut still rings in my ears.
: And the rhythmic beat of Lana Skyeā€™s knifeā€¦
: Wait a second! You know Lana Skye?
: Hmph. Of course. Itā€™s quite a featā€¦ becoming Chief Prosecutor.

: Sheā€¦ always travels light.
: (Now why would this pretty lunch lady know the Chief Prosecutorā€™s name?)

: Umā€¦ Could we ask you a bit about yourself, Ms. Starr?
: I come here every day to sell lunches. I import only the freshest and best from the Far East.
: For some reason, the box lunches are a hit here.
: Why not make the lunches here rather than import them?
: Did you say something?
: N-noā€¦
: Only true conossieurs can understandā€¦

Not my misspelling.

: Ahā€¦ Nevermindā€¦ You win.

: Anyway, I come here every day to sell lunches.
: My boyfriend works in the security room here at the Prosecutorā€™s Office.
: Y-your boyfriend?
: See the security room over there?
: The glass-walled booth?
: I sell my lunches and, since Iā€™m here anyway, I drop in to see him.
: (Since youā€™re here anywayā€¦ I guess selling lunches is more important than romance.)
: So, to scientifically analyze the data available so farā€¦ You, Ms. Starr, are
: a lunch vendor with an ulterior motive for coming here!
: (Useful analysis. Not.)

: Did you have a bad experience with a prosecutor, Ms. Starr? I sense someā€¦ hostility.
: Hostility? Hah! Perhaps.
: Prosecutors are all alike. And the bigger they get, the worse they smell.
: Kind of like 10-day old clams in the chowder.
: (I wonder if Ms. Starr was involved in some sort of legal trouble in the past?)
: Thatā€™d be a sure cause of food poisoning! Scientifically speaking, of course.
: I mean, now youā€™re talking ā€œCough-up Queenā€!
: (I thought she was just a lunch vendor, but now Iā€™m not so sureā€¦)

And the badge, of course.

: How about you? Do you think you can win?

: (A box of picklesā€¦? Kind of a sad lunch if you ask me.)

Next time: Upstairs.

Case 5 - Rise From the Ashes
Investigation (Day 1) - Part 3

: This is the kind of room that just screams ā€œI can do the job.ā€
: Quite a change from your office, really.
: Thanks.

: (A trophy? What, that shield?)
: It takes real nerve to display stuff like this.
: Whoeverā€™s office this is, he must be a real stuck-up jerk!
: Mr. Phoenix Wrightā€¦ You never tire of prying into other peopleā€™s business, do you?
: (That voiceā€¦!)

: Huh?
: Aaaaaaaaaaaaah!
: M-M-Mr. Edgeworth!
: ā€¦! You know him from somewhere?
: O-of course! Iā€™m his
: biggest fan!
: My sister introduced us once, andā€¦
: (Rightā€¦ her sister was the Chief Prosecutor, after all.)
: Well? What brings you here?
: Iā€™ll warn youā€¦ Iā€™ve been known to be a real stuck-up jerkā€¦
: N-no! Did Iā€¦? No! It was just, Mr. Wright here, heā€¦
: Hey! Donā€™t blame me!
: W-weā€™re just here to investigate a murder case!
: Murderā€¦?
: A body was found in this nasty, bright red sports car in the parking lotā€¦
: Hmm?

: Whaaaaaaaaaaaa!?
: Y-y-y-your car!?
: (Iā€™ll say one thing, she certainly can scream.)

And now, we get the chance to poke all around Edgeworthā€™s office.

: Wow! This jacket is even lacier than his usual ones!
: This must be his lucky trial jacket!
: Lucky jacket, rightā€¦ Iā€™ve never seen him wear it.
: Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a story behind why itā€™s in a frame!
: Maybe Iā€™ll be naughtyā€¦
: and take a picture!
: (Sheā€™s getting way too excited about this.)

: It has a big ā€œKā€ on it.
: mumbles of Prosecutorsā€¦
: Huh? Whatā€™s that?
: Itā€™s the ā€œKing of Prosecutorsā€ trophy.
: K-K-Kā€¦
: ā€œKing of Prosecutorsā€!?
: Itā€™s a great honor. They send that shield to the best prosecutor each year.
: What! So?
: So that ā€œKā€ā€¦ thatā€™sā€¦
: ā€œKā€ stands for ā€œKingā€?
: Yeah, you got a problem with that?
: I didnā€™t design the thing!
: ā€œKing of Prosecutorsā€ā€¦
: Kind of like ā€œEmployee of the Month,ā€ only better!

Nothing to talk about on the object itself, however.

: Mr. Edgeworth has such a comfy sofa!
: Sofas like this make me want to curl up and take a nap.
: I bet he pours over his case files here until the wee hours of the morningā€¦ Then he takes off his jacket, rolls up his sleevesā€¦
: And goes to sleep using his arms as a pillow!
: (I donā€™t believe it. Sheā€™s actually daydreaming about Edgeworth workingā€¦)
: I bet in the morning he has sofa hair, and little creases in his cheek from the seams!
: Heā€™s so cool!
: Sofa-hair is cool!?

: A work desk. Itā€™s quite tidy, as one might expect.
: What a nice desk! Easy to use, and easy on the eyes!
: Itā€™s polished so well I can see my own reflection.

: (Strangeā€¦ Why did I just picture Detective Gumshoe?)
: Maybe Iā€™ll take that name plaque as a souvenir.
: Donā€™t. Heā€™ll sue you.

: My, my, my! What an amazing bouquet! Just right for Mr. Edgeworth.
: No kidding. Hey, thereā€™s a card on itā€¦ ā€œBack from the Dead ā€“ Wendyā€ (ā€œWendy?ā€ ā€¦ Iā€™ve heard that name somewhere before.)
: And beside itā€¦
: A giant Steel Samurai!
: Wow, I want one!
: Huh? Thereā€™s something written on the bottom of his foot. ā€œBetween a rock and a hard place ā€“ Wendyā€
: Wendy? Is she Mr. Edgeworthā€™s fiancee?

: Umā€¦ I donā€™t think so.

: Whoa!
: What a view! It must be nice to have an office on the 12th floor.
: I guess you would feelā€¦ important.
: Incidentallyā€¦
: Were you to jump out this window, the time until impact with the ground would beā€¦
: ā€¦
: Got it!
: Approximately 3.23 seconds!
: (Thatā€™s handy to knowā€¦)

: Oooh! Cute! What a pretty tea set!
: I go more for the instant tea bags myself.
: Amazing! The drawer below is filled with packets of tea leaves!
: Theyā€™re all sorted by place of origin and flavor!
: Look at this Royal blend! What an exquisitely splended concoction!
: (Thereā€™s such a thing as taking a hobby too farā€¦)

: Whoa! These are all case files!?
: Theyā€™re stacked up to the ceiling! Thereā€™s even a ladderā€¦
: Oddā€¦ I thought Edgeworth wasnā€™t good with heights.
: He must have someone get them for him.

: (Strangeā€¦ Why did I just picture Detective Gumshoe?)
: He must study these case reports so closelyā€¦
: Heā€™s so cool!
: You wouldnā€™t say that if you saw him sweating bullets up on that ladder.

: Hey, a chessboard!
: Iā€™m not too up on my chess but it looks like Blueā€™s in a bit of a tight spot.
: The Red Knights have surrounded the Blue Pawnā€¦
: Huh?
: Those horses are mounted knights. Their swords have really sharp ā€œedges!ā€ And check out that poor pawn, his head is kind of spikyā€¦ Kind of reminds me of you.
: Mr. Edgeworth must be an avid chess player!
: Whatā€™s wrong, Mr. Wright?
: (Edgesā€¦ surrounding a pawn with spiky hairā€¦ Nahā€¦ Itā€™s nothing.)

Now, to question Edgeworth.

: So, the body was found in your car?
: Go ahead, say it, Wright. You think I did it, donā€™t you?
: After you went through all that trouble to help me last year, no less.
: N-no, we donā€™t think you did it!

: Uh, wait, no, she didnā€™t do that! I meanā€¦
: Waitā€¦
: So youā€™re the Chief Prosecutorā€™s little sister, then?
: Y-yes, sir! Ema Skye!
: It, uhā€¦
: Itā€™s nice to meet you again!
: (Now that didnā€™t sound forced at allā€¦)
: Ah, now I remember. Youā€™veā€¦ really grown.
: Iā€™ll admit, it was a surprise to me, too.
: To think that my own car would become the scene of a murder.
: More surprising stillā€¦ Now Iā€™m forced to prove my superiorā€™s guilt.
: I can understandā€¦ W-wait!.. What did you say!?
: Lana Skye is the Chief Prosecutorā€¦ the top prosecutor in the district.
: She canā€™t prosecute herself, so Iā€™ll be the prosecutor at the trial tomorrow.
: You!?
: Mr. Edgeworthā€¦

: To be honestā€¦
: Itā€™s a bit of a miracle Iā€™m still here at all.
: What do you mean?
: Rumors. Youā€™ve heard the rumors about me, havenā€™t you?

: Wh-what? Thatā€™s crazy!
: Hmph. Some people need very little excuse to think ill of others.
: Itā€™s a fact of life. Impossible to stop.

: They think itā€™s funny.
: (Toys? That bronze shield? Thereā€™s got to be a story behind htat oneā€¦)

: It was my first big case.
: Thatā€™s right, I remember.
: (Two years agoā€¦ I wasnā€™t even a lawyer yet.)
: Since then, I always felt that she was looking out for meā€¦
: It appears I was mistaken.
: M-mistaken!? Why?
: I mean, I know sheā€™s not the warmest personā€¦
: But Iā€™m sure she felt some responsibility for you!
: Thenā€¦ why?
: Why did she stab someone in the trunk of my car?

: Whaā€¦ Whaaaaaat!?
: Mr. Edgeworth! Your knife was the murder weapon!?
: To be specific, it was the knife kept in the toolbox in the trunk of my car.

: Umā€¦ Edgeworth?
: What?
: Are you sure you didnā€™t do it?
: ā€¦
: (Cā€™mon, canā€™t he take a joke?)
: You have a strange sense of humor, Mr. Wright!

Examining the knifeā€¦

: Either that, or Edgeworth cut himself peeling an apple. Whatā€™s Edgeworth doing with a knife like this anyway?
: Hey! Maybe he spends his weekends roughing it in the wild!
: Edgeworth? In the wild? I think my fruit-peeling theory is more likely.
: Are you kidding? I always pictured him as an outdoorsman!
: (Now thereā€™s a scary thoughtā€¦)

Presenting the badgeā€¦

: What? You wanted to be a defense attorney, Mr. Edgeworth?
: Yet, my path is laid out clearly before meā€¦
: I have no time to reflect on what might have been.

Presenting the trophyā€¦

: I lost a day of work to receive that travesty.
: Huh? Whyā€™s that?
: I had to go to the Police Department ceremony to receive that broken shield.
: The Police Department?
: Yes. Right next to the Police Station downtown. Youā€™ve been there, correct?

: What does it matter?
: Iā€™ve got more important things to worry about.
: Oh. Rightā€¦
: (He doesnā€™t seem too concerned about his award, for better or for worse.)
: Yesterday was a very busy day for the Prosecutorā€™s Office.
: Maybeā€¦ we should ask him more about yesterday?

Presenting the ID cardā€¦

: M-Mr. Wright!
: Huh? What?
: Are you sure you should be showing that to Mr. Edgeworth?
: Oh. (Heā€™ll take it for sure, wonā€™t he.)
: sigh I wish I could be on the same side as Mr. Edgeworthā€¦
: But then my sister would be found guilty!
: (If she sighs any deeper Iā€™m going to start getting depressedā€¦)

And now we have a new topic.

: Could you tell me more about yesterdayā€¦ the day of the murder?
: Yesterday was the annual cleaning day at the Prosecutorā€™s Office.
: Cleaning day?
: Working with the Police Department, we sort and file all evidence for solved cases. We call it ā€œevidence transferal.ā€
: Wiping your hands of old cases, in other words.
: Oh, and another thingā€¦
: A ceremony was held at the Police Department. Thereā€™s an annual review and awards for outstanding police officers and prosecutors.

: I was at the police department yesterday afternoonā€¦ I got back here at 5:12.
: Thatā€™sā€¦ very precise.
: People like myself and Mr. Edgeworth pride ourselves on our precision, Mr. Wright.
: No, I place little faith in my memory.

: This is the parking stub from the underground lot.
: (The murder took place around 5:15ā€¦)
: So the murder happened right after you got back.
: What, Wright?

: Umā€¦!

: Iā€™m Edgeworth. What is it?
: Iā€™m here, sir, at the request of the Chief, sir! Iā€™ve got your report, sir!
: Report? What? Did you find new evidence in the case against Chief Prosecutor Skye!?

: (I donā€™t like the way this conversation is going at allā€¦)

: No name of that kind, sir! Not in this report, sir!
: ā€¦!
: (I think I just heard Edgeworthā€™s lid blow.)
: Mr. Edgeworthā€™s lid isnā€™t on very tight, is it?
: I made a clear request to the Police Department, did I not? I need to focus on the trial tomorrow, so donā€™t bring me anything unrelated!

: Sir! But, but sir!

: I wasnā€™t aware of the particulars of your arrangement with us, sir!
: Give me your name!
: U-uh, yesā€¦ yes, Sir! M-M-Meekins, sir. Officer Meekins!
: Right. Officer Meekins?
: Take your report and leave. And good luck with that raise next month.

: (Poor guy. Looks like he was absent on the day they gave out brains and good luck.)
: Wright.
: Y-yes, sir!? (Gah! He caught me off guard!)
: As you can see, Iā€™m busy.
: You may leave now.
: L-letā€™s do what he says, Mr. Wright!
: The victim was a detective from the same department as that patrolman just now. Go down to the Police Department.
: You can ask more there.
: U-uhā€¦ Thanks. (He seems to have finally calmed down at least.)

Examining the parking stubā€¦

: This is dated the day of the crime.
: The murder took place three minutes after Edgeworth parked his car. If only he was held up at a couple extra red lightsā€¦
: he wouldnā€™t have been caught up in this whole affair.
: Perhapsā€¦
: It just goes to show you never know whatā€™ll happen when you run a yellow light!

Next time: Cops.

Case 5 - Rise From the Ashes
Investigation (Day 1) - Part 4

Since we have to pass through here anyway on our way to our next destination, a brief stop to present the ID card to Angel, which I forgot to do earlier.

: ā€¦
: Lunchland vendors only accept cash. No cards.
: Especially not a card belonging to someone else!
: No, no, this isnā€™t a credit card. Itā€™s an ID card. It belongs to a detectiveā€¦
: And youā€™re showing this to me, the lunch lady, why?
: Thatā€™s like showing a fine honeyed ham to a detective!
: (Why do I always feel like Iā€™m being mocked?)

Anyway, to the police department.

: Whewā€¦
: Weā€™re finally here.
: Why would they put the detectives so far away from the Prosecutorā€™s Office?
: That took almost 30 minutes by taxiā€¦ and traffic wasnā€™t even that bad. This is my first time to the Police Department, actually.

Something flashes.

: ?

: Theyā€™re trying to make him the police mascot.

: Forget the Blue Badger! Whoā€™s that next to him!?
: Someone appears to beā€¦ dancing with the Blue Badgerā€¦ Uh oh. He noticed me.
: He sure is running over here fastā€¦
: H-h-h-hey, pal! W-w-w-whatā€™re you doinā€™ here!?
: Thatā€™s my line, Detective Gumshoe. Specifically, why were you dancing over there?
: What!? Um, wellā€¦
: (Well, at least he doesnā€™t seem to be busy. This is our chance to get information!)
: Hey! Iā€™ll have you know Iā€™m a very busy man, pal.

But before we ask Gumshoe anything, letā€™s stare at the scenery for a while.

: I always get excited when I come to the police station.
: Why is that?
: It just feels like Iā€™ve jumped into a movie.
: Huh?
: You know, with all the police and criminals.
: W-well, I donā€™t know if this is all that exciting.
: Sure it is! Look at those two officers over there.
: Theyā€™re probably talking about the latest bust!
: ā€¦ Funny, I thought they were talking about the weather.

: The detectives in there look pretty busy.
: Just imagine! Right nowā€¦ Behind those doorsā€¦!
: A police drama in action!
: ā€¦ (Somehow, the thought fails to excite meā€¦)

: What? The Dancing Blue Badger?
: Itā€™s my masterpiece!

: Poor Blue Badgerā€¦ fated to dance until he drops.

(Sadly, the check is just the Blue Badger unmoving.)

: Look, that patrolman is saluting the other guy. He must be a detective!
: And then I said ā€œhey, you do that, your soup will get cold, buddy.ā€
: Th-Thatā€™s hilarious, sir! I laughed so hard I cried!
: ā€¦
: I guess he wasnā€™t saluting, he was wiping tears from his eyes.
: They make a good pair.

: Mr. Wright! Do you know why patrol cars are painted black and white?
: No idea. Why?
: Well, I think theyā€™re designed after a panda!
: A pandaā€¦?
: Not that I have scientific proof. Itā€™s just a theory.
: Umā€¦ do you mind me asking how you came up with that theory?
: It was when I was on a school trip! I saw a patrol car and it came to me!
: We had just been at the zoo, seeā€¦
: ā€¦ What about zebras? Or did they not have those at your zoo?

: The banner here is announcing the ā€œCrime Fighting Campaign.ā€
: Nice sloganā€¦
: I wonder if theyā€™ll be selling fingerptinting sets.
: I donā€™t think itā€™s that kind of campaign.
: What family wouldnā€™t want a set at home?
: Itā€™s good for finding out who snuck into the cookie jar.
: I think most families can figure that out without the extra help.

: The usual wanted posters are hanging up on the bulletin board here. <<Do you know this face!? If you do, dial 911!>>
: You know, Mr. Wright, Iā€™ve always thought it was kind of funnyā€¦ Iā€™ve never seen anyone who looked like the people in these posters.
: They hardly even look human!
: ā€¦ (She has a pointā€¦)

Now we can pester Gumshoe.

: Iā€™ll give you one word of advice, pal.
: Youā€™d better not agree to defend the suspect in this case.
: Whā€¦ Why not?
: Huh?
: Wellā€¦ Itā€™s just that the Chief Prosecutor has confessed to the crime.

: But, what if sheā€™s not telling the truth!?
: Yes, wellā€¦ no! Cā€™mon, pal!
: Thereā€™s plenty of evidence against her!
: B-but what if the evidence was faked?
: Hey, pal.
: Can I speak to you for a second?
: Huh? Me?
: Why is this little girl so peeved at me?

: Whoa!!! The Chief Prosecutorā€™s little sister!?
: Just, please investigate this case carefully, okay?
: Scientifically!
: Yessir!
: Oh, by the way.
: You might want to keep your voices down.
: You donā€™t want to be overheard using words like ā€œfakedā€ā€¦
: Huh?
: Itā€™s justā€¦ itā€™s a sensitive issue with us these days.

: Soā€¦ what are you doing here, Detective Gumshoe?
: Me? Oh, wellā€¦ nothing, really.
: They kicked me out of Criminal Affairsā€¦
: Detective Gumshoe! What did you do this time?
: Whaddya mean, ā€œthis timeā€!?
: Then, what happened? I know things are busy right nowā€¦ I meanā€¦
: with my sisterā€™s case and allā€¦
: Itā€™s true. Weā€™ve never had a Chief Prosecutor murder anyone before!
: Only the highest-ranked people are being let into Criminal Affairs nowā€¦ The lowest ranking guy in there is our chief of detectives.
: Theyā€™re not letting any of us rank-and-file detectives in at all.
: None of you?
: (I know this is an important trial, but isnā€™t that a little odd?)

: Umā€¦ Isnā€™t there anything else you could be doing?
: The Chief of Police himself is directing the investigation, pal.

: Officer Marshallā€¦
: (Now that I think about it, Ema did seem to know that Marshall guy.)
: A patrolman in charge of a crime sceneā€¦
: Itā€™s unheard of, pal!

Now, presenting the badge.

: You show this to me every time we meet, pal.
: Real men show their police badge. 'Nuff said!
: I wish had a badgeā€¦ Even an ID card would be niceā€¦

Their typo, there.

: (Waitā€¦ Speaking of ID cards, I found that detectiveā€™s card, didnā€™t Iā€¦?)

So we present that.

: Huh? Hey, pal! This is a detectiveā€™s ID card!
: You canā€™t just keep that! You have to turn it in to the police!
: Itā€™s people like you that get me into so much trouble all the time!
: (Meaning Detective Gumshoe must drop his card a lot.)
: Hmmā€¦ letā€™s seeā€¦ ā€œBruce Goodmanā€ā€¦
: Goodmanā€¦ Sounds familiarā€¦
: ā€¦
: Nah, my mistake.
: But, donā€™t you work together with him in Criminal Affairs?
: Whoa!!! Now I remember! Bruce Goodman!
: Heā€™s the victim!
: (Thatā€™s what I thoughtā€¦)
: Can you tell us more, Detective Gumshoe?

: He was a detective, like myself.
: Detective Bruce Goodman.
: Hmmā€¦ Donā€™t you think itā€™s strange?

: There was an evidence transferal for a case he handled two years ago.
: Evidence transferalā€¦ Mr. Edgeworth mentioned that too.
: Butā€¦ Detective Goodman was killed at the Prosecutorā€™s Officeā€¦
: Well, thatā€™s the thingā€¦
: Itā€™s hard to say this, butā€¦

: (And Lanaā€™s confessing as muchā€¦)

It was at this point I remembered I hadnā€™t shown profiles.

Anyway, back to Gumshoe. We present the parking slip.

: What would drive Chief Prosecutor Skye to do such a thing?
: ā€¦
: W-wait, I didnā€™t meanā€¦
: I mean, sure, of course someone else really did it!
: Someone who must have, umā€¦
: Someone who must have a grudge against Mr. Edgeworth!
: (The car and the knife do seem a little too well-organized to be a coincidence.)
: Poor Mr. Edgeworthā€¦ What could have happened?
: (We have to find out a little more about whatā€™s going on with Edgeworthā€¦)

Speaking of which, I forgot to examine the trophy more closely. On the bottomā€¦

: Hm. It looks like the names of all the previous recipients are engraved on it.
: Wow. One guyā€™s listed a bunch of times! ā€œvon Karmaā€ā€¦ I guess he must be a foreigner?
: Uh, yeah. Thatā€™s probably it.
: Well wherever heā€™s from, he must have been an amazing prosecutor!
: Iā€™d like to meet this Mr. ā€œvon Karmaā€ sometime!
: (When she says it, his name does have kind of a ring to itā€¦)

We present the trophy.

: Thatā€™s the ā€œKing of Prosecutorsā€ award that Mr. Edgeworth got yesterday!
: Were you at the awards ceremony, Detective Gumshoe?
: Of course, pal! I got an award for diligence, myself.
: Ahā€¦ congratulations.
: I was wondering, why is the award a shield?
: Andā€¦ why is it broken?
: Oh, thereā€™s a reason.
: Umā€¦
: Iā€™ll tell you what it is later.
: (Apparently, heā€™s forgotten.)
: But, I was proud of Mr. Edgeworth for winning that award.
: Heā€™s even got naysayers in the Prosecutorā€™s Office.
: (Yeah, weā€™ve heard about the rumorsā€¦)

: Heā€™s in a tough spot, againā€¦
: ā€œAgainā€ā€¦?

: But Edgeworth was found innocent!
: Listen, pal, there have always been rumors about Edgeworth. Forging evidence, making deals with witnessesā€¦ Nothing outright, but there were always whispered rumors.
: Ever since he was accused of murder, no oneā€™s whispering. Theyā€™re practically shouting!
: Butā€¦ but thereā€™s no evidence against him!
: Well, Mr. Edgeworth has always had unusually strong ties to the department higher-ups.
: Itā€™s only natural that people would be suspicious.
: (I had no idea he was under the gunā€¦)
: Anyway, this latest case has started a new rumor.
: People say the only reason he took this caseā€¦ is because heā€™s aiming for the Chief Prosecutor position himself!
: W-what!?
: But I know the truth, pal! Nobody wants to be the one who has to prosecute the chief prosecutor!
: Mr. Edgeworth is biting the bullet on this one! Heā€™s doing this for all of us! ā€¦
: And thatā€™s all I know about that.
: Iā€™m not officially on the case, you know.
: Thank you!
: Why arenā€™t you handling the case, Detective Gumshoe? We met the guy who isā€¦ what was his name? The guy in the parking lotā€¦
: Thatā€™d be Officer Marshall.
: He was appointed directly by the Chief of Policeā€¦
: Officer Marshallā€¦ Is he some kind of Wild West sheriff or something?
: No, Jake Marshallā€™s just a regular officerā€¦
: From West LA.
: For a moment there, I wasnā€™t sure.
: Look, pal, let me try to make things a little easier for you.

: (Iā€™ll be surprised if this gets us anywhereā€¦)
: Just act like youā€™re supposed to be there, and nobody will look at you twice, pal!

: Maybe it was a letter or something to Detective Gumshoe.
: Letā€™s seeā€¦
: ā€œAnnual bonus: $20.ā€
: Umā€¦ I think a couple zeros are missing.
: No, that sounds about right. (At least in that detectiveā€™s caseā€¦)
: ā€¦ Maybe I should rethink my career as an investigator.

Next time: The crime scene, at last.

Case 5 - Rise From the Ashes
Investigation (Day 1) - Part 5

: (Looks like the investigation is still goingā€¦)
: I have to be getting back to the shopā€¦
: Sorryā€¦ Looks like Iā€™ll be stuck in this pit 'til the sun sleeps.
: Iā€™ll see you in my dreams tonight, then, baby.

: Ah, h-hello.
: Why the surprised looks? Didnā€™t I mentionā€¦?
: Iā€™ve got a boyfriend in Criminal Affairs, too.
: (What happened to the security guard!?)

She leaves.

: Hey! Whatā€™s wrong, bambina?

: (Jake Marshallā€¦ Strange guy to put in charge of a crime scene.)

Now we can chat Marshall up.

: Thereā€™s something I wanted to ask you!
: The scene of the crimeā€¦ a cold grave for men whoā€™ve lost their dreamsā€¦ And me? I watch over them as they sleepā€¦ dreaming of the desertā€™s harsh judgment.
: ā€¦
: Heā€™s asleep.
: Wellā€¦ should we show this hopeless case something to catch his interest?

It doesnā€™t matter what we ask - thatā€™s all we get until we present the letter.

: Whatā€™s this? I warn you, fan letters to me go right in the spittoon!
: Itā€™s a letter of introduction from Detective Gumshoe. May we investigate?
: Gumshoeā€¦? Ah, that old cowdog?

: Huh?
: Look, where it should say letter of ā€œintroductionā€ā€¦ It says ā€œinvitation.ā€
: Ahā€¦ I think he just miswrote it. (Great, Detective Gumshoe. I owe you oneā€¦)
: No worries. This proves itā€™s from Detective Gumshoe, better than a blood test.
: Guess Iā€™d better let you in, then.
: Th-thank you, Officer Marshall!
: (Officer Marshall isnā€™t a ā€œdetectiveā€ā€¦ heā€™s a ā€œpatrolmanā€ā€¦ That reminds me of somethingā€¦)
: That is odd!
: Isnā€™t a crime scene supposed to be handled by a detective or higher?
: Well, folks. The clues are calling! Welcome to our gold strike. Be like the settler! Strike out for lands unknown! Manifest Destiny!
: Letā€™s have a hootenanny!
: Note to self: police investigations are like settling land.
: Well, Mr. Wright, what do you say!?

So Nick tosses it out. Now we can examine the crime scene.

: ā€œA Blockā€ā€¦ This area is reserved for prosecutors.
: Defense attorneys are relegated to ā€œB Block.ā€
: I dream of the day when I will be able to park my car here!
: Iā€™ll go over to B Block to buy my hamburgers from you, Mr. Wright.
: Iā€™m not planning on giving up my job that soonā€¦

: Look! Somethingā€™s written on it!

: Thereā€™s a name printed on the paper above thatā€¦ ā€œGoodman.ā€
: (Maybe it fell out of his pocket when he was killed.)

: How am I supposed to know?
: Note to self: for deductive reasoning, go to Edgeworth, not Wright.
: (Iā€™m sure Edgeworth wouldnā€™t know what this means either.)

This only shows the image above. Canā€™t move it around.

: This appears to be the car where the body was found. (It looks like the lock on the trunk is busted.)

: The body was found in the trunk of my subordinateā€™s car.

: Yeah. Prosecutors get the big bucks.

: Scientific analysis would suggest this belonged to the victim!
: I canā€™t think of anyone else it could belong toā€¦

: (Right! Letā€™s check it out.)

The game automatically jumps us to investigating it.

: Redialā€¦?
: Um,
: Mr. Wright? Most phones keep a record of all the calls youā€™ve made and received. You just press the blue button to dial the last number you called.
: Convenient, isnā€™t it? Iā€™m surprised you didnā€™t know about it.
: Sorry to disappoint you, but even I know about things like ā€œredial.ā€
: Huh? Oh, Iā€™m sorry! Itā€™s just, you never know with people from your generation.
: (Whateverā€¦ letā€™s check this phone out.)

: Whatā€™s wrong with it? Everyone has different tastes, you know.
: Here, check out mine. Itā€™s a Pink Princess strap!
: These are hard to come by, you know.
: (I see heā€™s as popular as ever with the kidsā€¦)

: Note to self: a defense attorney doesnā€™t think first, he just pushes the button.

: Hey! That song! I know that!

: Ah! Oh, s-sorry.
: I see you, pardner!

: Uh, well, yeahā€¦
: Whose phone is this, anyway? It was on the ground over thereā€¦

: What? Itā€™s my sisterā€™s!?
: She apparently dropped it when she was taken into custody, right after the crime. Lookā€¦ the last call was made right when the murder occurred! Looks like she was fixing to call someone.
: Except she only spoke for a few seconds, according to this.
: Who did she call!?
: No idea.
: Sorry, pardner. Now, I got a question for you, pardner.
: I heard a phone ring just nowā€¦ one of those new-fangled ring-tunes.

: Your phone!?
: Yeah, uh, itā€™s kind of strange, butā€¦ Someone called me right as we picked up the other phone, a wrong numberā€¦
: ā€¦ I hope youā€™re not lyingā€¦
: They shoot you for that in Texas, pardner!
: (Uh oh, Iā€™ve incited the wrath of the Lone Star patrolmanā€¦)

Back to looking around.

: This ropeā€¦ is itā€¦?
: Yep. They laid it in the outline of the victimā€™s body.
: ā€¦
: So waitā€¦
: The victim must have died when the killer closed the trunk on him!
: ā€¦ (You have got to be the only person I know that would come to that conclusion.)

Now, letā€™s talk to Marshall. We present the badge.

: A beam of light, illuminating evildoers who come in the dark of night!
: Note to self: evildoers are weak against starlight.
: (Hey, thatā€™s a sheriffā€™s badge!)

: Officer Marshall? Could you tell us more about the victim?

: Good men always die young. Remember that, pardner.
: Umā€¦ could you be a little more specific?

: Detective Goodman was stabbed here at 5:15ā€¦
: The smiling Madonna told me the taleā€¦

: One stab to the chest. A fine piece of work.

: Was my sister involved with the victim in any way?
: Funny you should mention that, bambina. Chief Prosecutor Skye and Detective Goodmanā€¦
: had nothing in common at all.
: Nothing in commonā€¦?
: They apparently worked together on a case a few years back.
: (Soā€¦ thereā€™s no motive!)
: Goodman wasnā€™t a particularly gifted detective.

: But, my sister called the victim here on the day of the murder, right?
: Hereā€¦ to this parking lot?
: So it seems. Like calling an unarmed man to a shootout at high noon.

: Um, I donā€™t mean any offense, butā€¦ Officer Marshall, youā€™re a patrolman, right? Not a detective.
: You callinā€™ me out? They shoot you for that in Texas.
: Huh?
: I was one of them fancy-shoed ā€œDetectivesā€ till two years ago, to tell ya the truth.
: Oh, really? (Now he tells me!)
: But, youā€™re a patrolman now. So how can you be in charge of a crime scene?
: Nothing gets by you, does it, bambina?
: So, why are you in charge?
: No reason. Weā€™re just short on hands right now. Iā€™m keeping an eye out in the meantime.
: Thatā€™s odd, though.

: Heā€™s nothing but a sad olā€™ cowdog, that canā€™t find his tail.
: Maybe itā€™s because he runs with that Edgeworth, eh?
: Edgeworthā€¦?
: That cowdogā€™s been kicked out of this cattle runā€¦ by order of the Chief of Police.

: (Detective Gumshoe, kicked out of the investigation!?)

: So, thereā€™s no connection between Detective Goodman and my sister!
: Thatā€™s correct, butā€¦ Thereā€™s a goldmine of evidence against herā€¦
: ā€¦!
: And the prospector tomorrow is none other than Edgeworth himselfā€¦ Iā€™m afraid your sisterā€™s fate is decided, bambina. Many condolences.
: Officer Marshall!
: Yeah, bambina?
: H-how can you say that! You and my sister,
: you wereā€¦
: (Is there something between this cop and her sister that I donā€™t know about?)
: ā€¦!
: I apologize, bambina. Something must have gotten to me.

: (Dry wind or ill will, someoneā€™s up to something hereā€¦ but who?)

: Suspicions about Mr. Edgeworth have been flying around for nearly two years now.
: Forged evidenceā€¦ arranging testimonies, you name it.
: He was unbeatable because he did whatever it took to win.

: But rumors are justā€¦ rumors, arenā€™t they?
: These are prosecutors weā€™re talking about! Evidence is everything to them!
: If you follow the rumors about Edgeworth to their source, you find one personā€¦ Butā€¦ theyā€™re off limits. Untouchable, you might say.
: One person? Who?

: What!? My sisterā€¦?

: Edgeworth couldnā€™t rustle all those cattle by himself. Some people load their guns with bullets, some people load them with ā€œdeals.ā€
: What, youā€™re saying Edgeworth was making deals to win trials?
: ā€œWhere thereā€™s gunshots, thereā€™s bound to be bullets.ā€ Thatā€™s what the old-timers say.
: Thereā€™s a big olā€™ secret hidden around here somewhere. Everyone knows it.
: (Is that why Detective Gumshoe was taken off the caseā€¦? Did they target him because he was closest to Edgeworth?)
: So, well, how are we doing, Mr. Wright?
: I guess weā€™ve got some cluesā€¦ We have an autopsy report, a note from the victim, and a cell phoneā€¦
: Soā€¦ you think weā€™ll be okay?
: Well, the only thing still bothering me is that Lana is confessing to the crime. She says she did it!
: No problem!
: I can guarantee that sheā€™s not the criminal.
: Oh, by the way, Ema?
: Yes?
: I know that song your phone plays when it ringsā€¦
: Whatā€¦?

: Itā€™s the Steel Samurai theme song, isnā€™t it? That popular TV showā€¦ for kids?
: ā€¦!

: it was yours. At 5:18, just after the murder took placeā€¦

: Your sister called you, didnā€™t she, Ema?
: Iā€¦ Iā€™m sorry!
: Can you tell me what you talked about?
: Iā€¦ She hung up right away.
: I seeā€¦

And the cell phone is updated.

: (Iā€™ve got a bad feeling about thisā€¦ Likeā€¦ maybe I still donā€™t know everything that went on hereā€¦)

Next time: Trial.

(just a little more filler)

(almost there)

Case 5 - Rise From the Ashes
Trial (Day 2) - Part 1

: Frankly, there are still a lot ofā€¦ gray areas.
: Or rather, the whole thing is one big gray areaā€¦
: Donā€™t worry about me, no matter what the outcome.
: Iā€™m ready to accept my fate.
: I believe in you, sis.
: Mr. Wright, let me offer you a word of advice.
: Yes?
: A defense attorney should
: never ā€œbelieveā€ their client.
: ā€¦!
: The defendant is called to trial because they are suspected of wrongdoing!
: Never forget that.
: Ms. Skye, youā€¦ You remind me a lot of Mia. But there is one decisive difference between you and her.
: And that is?
: Youā€™re not a defense attorney.
: ā€¦
: I believe itā€™s almost time for the trial.
: Good luck, Mr. Wright.

: (No oneā€™s going to bail me out this timeā€¦)

: (Iā€™ll be alone in thereā€¦ So I have to discover the truth all by myself!)

: The court is now in session for the trial of Ms. Lana Skye.
: The defense is ready, Your Honor.
: The prosecution has been ready for a while, Your Honor.
: i[/i]

: I hope that personal feelings will not be a part of the proceedings today, Mr. Wright.
: ā€¦!
: I will choose the path I think is right, regardless of what those around me might say.
: The judgment to be made here is in our hands, not those of anyone else.
: Very well, Mr. Edgeworth, your opening statement please.
: Chief Prosecutor Lana Skye has committed an unpardonable crime.
: Not only this, but she was rash enough to commit it in the Prosecutorā€™s Office lot!

: However, she will now pay for her rashness with her life. There was a witness to her crimeā€¦
: A ā€œprofessionalā€ witness!

: Well then, call your first witness, Mr. Edgeworth!
: The prosecution calls its first witness, Ms. Angel Starr, to the stand.
: (The ā€œCough-up Queenā€ā€¦?)

: Hmm? Havenā€™t I seen you somewhereā€¦?

: Ho ho! Caviar! Iā€™ve never eaten caviar before!
: (The judge is really wolfing it downā€¦)

: Uhā€¦ thanks.
: Will the witness state her name and profession?

: It is too early for lunch. Your name and profession, please.
: ā€¦
: Well, Your Honor? How does it taste?
: So this is why everyone raves about caviar!
: Itā€™s so tasty it hurts!
: I always thought caviar would taste like pickled tapioca.
: (What the heck does pickled tapioca taste like!?)

: Name. Profession. Now.
: Me? The name is Angel Starr.
: Donā€™t go forgetting it. I find myself running Lunchland these days.
: Isā€¦ that what you wanted me to say, Mr. Edgeworth?
: Very well, witness. Please describe the incident to us.
: The prosecution will wait!
: Iā€™m not finished eatingā€¦
: (Hurry it up!)
: Mmmmā€¦
: Very well, Mr. Edgeworth. As you know, we usually call on the police to provide a description of the crimeā€¦
: Your Honor, as Mr. Edgeworth has said to the courtā€¦
: I am aā€¦ ā€œprofessional.ā€
: Uhā€¦ Huh?
: What exactly does that mean?
: Until two years ago, Ms. Angel Starr was a special investigator with the police. She was a first-rate homicide detective.

: ā€¦
: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-hah! I-I know who you are!!!
: Cough-upā€¦!?
: Cough-up Queen Angel Starr, Your Honor.
: Long time no see.

: V-v-very well! Y-you may continue with the description, Ms. Starr!
: (Just who is this lady!?)
: If I might have the courtā€™s attention over hereā€¦

: I suppose thatā€™s to keep visitors from taking up prosecutorā€™s spaces, yes.

: And who was this valiant ā€œwitnessā€ā€¦?
: Why, it was me, Your Honor.

We get the floor plans seen above added to the Court Record. I forgot to open it up here. Whoops.

: Witness, did you see the very moment of the crime?
: Of course, Your Honor.
: Immediately after that, I apprehended the Chief Prosecutor.
: Hmmā€¦
: It seems rather cut and dry, doesnā€™t it?
: Well, Mr. Wright?
: Uhā€¦ I canā€™t agree on principle, Your Honor.
: It seems that some poor losers are unwilling to accept the truth, Your Honor.
: Shall I proceed to crush what little hope they have remaining?
: If you canā€¦ Then give them your worst, Ms. Starr!
: (Wait, are they talking about meā€¦!?)

: Hmmā€¦ Bringing a lunchbox to your boyfriend?
: How touching!
: Hmph. As you can seeā€¦
: There is no room for doubt.
: The key ā€œpointā€ of your testimony seems to be nothing other thanā€¦
: the point of the knife which you saw being stabbed into Detective Goodman!
: Soā€¦ how does it feel to be so utterly crushed?
: Iā€¦ Iā€™m still thinking about that.
: I-itā€™s merely a flesh wound, Mr. Wright!
: Very well, Mr. Wright. You may cross-examine the witness.

: How did you know!?
: I respect the prosecutorsā€™ basic abhorrence of crime. Yet their methods are ugly and twisted.
: Twisted methods will always lead to tragedy.

: The lunchladyā€™s uninformed opinion is duly noted.
: Given that they are used to erasing inconvenient evidence at their whimā€¦

: Killing off a detective that knew too much is merely an extension of that.
: ā€¦
: Ms. Starrā€¦ do you have something personal against prosecutors?
: I felt that I had found my dream job when I became an investigatorā€¦
: And if I hadnā€™t been laid off by those prosecutors over there, Iā€™d still be one.
: Laid offā€¦?
: (She was firedā€¦)
: To me, prosecutors are nothing more than worms.
: That said, I am a pro, as you know. My testimony is unbiasedā€¦ and flawless.

: Very well. You may continue, Ms. Starr.

: This boyfriendā€¦ heā€™s the detective?
: Not that boyfriend. The security guard.
: Th-ā€œthatā€ boyfriend?
: You haveā€¦ several?
: Yes. ā€œThisā€ boyfriend, ā€œthatā€ boyfriend, and ā€œthe otherā€ boyfriend. Care to join?
: The ā€œyet anotherā€ boyfriend position is still open for applicants.
: ā€¦
: I-Iā€™ll stick with the lunch, thanks.
: Note to self: the judge had to think before replying.
: The security guard room is in the lot, in A Block.

: (That would be the room with the ā€œSECURITYā€ sign.)

: Since Iā€™m a visitor now, I parked in B Block.
: Soā€¦ she was in B Block when she witnessed the crime.

: You ā€œsensedā€ something? So, youā€™re saying you had a premonition of the murder?
: It felt likeā€¦ how would you sayā€¦ Oh yesā€¦
: It was like the feeling you get when you view a pumpkin chock full of seeds!
: I have no idea what that means.
: Speaking of a ā€œdetectiveā€™s instinctsā€ā€¦

: Yes, well, he was like a young cheese.
: Aā€¦ young cheese?
: A pale white cheese, not yet tangy with experience on the streets. A greenhorn.
: Hmmā€¦
: I, of course, am hard, yellowed, sharp as a tack.
: I bet you stink, too.
: In any case, there, in the lot, I felt something stirring in the back of my mindā€¦

: By ā€œgarish car,ā€ you meanā€¦
: Mr. Edgeworthā€™s car, yes.
: M-Mr. Edgeworthā€™s!?

: Wasnā€™t it?
: ā€¦
: Indeed, it was.

: Hmm!
: What an odd case this is.
: And the person you sawā€¦ you are sure it was the defendant?
: I saw her from no further than thirty feet away.
: I am certain it was her.
: (If sheā€™s telling the truth, weā€™re doomed!)

: Even if we donā€™t have any proof, we can always complain!

: Witness! In your testimony, you clearly stated the following: Prosecutors are nothing more than worms.
: Ergo!
: You are a biased witness!
: You might want to keep those silly opinions to YOURSELF in the future, rookie.
: Huh? Rookie?
: Unless youā€™re willing to risk the consequences of doubting me?

: Thatā€¦
: That was inspiring!
: I believe Iā€™ve heard that tag line elsewhereā€¦ you could cry plagiarism?

: The moment I witnessed the crime,
: my reflexes took over and snap! I took a picture.

: (I suppose thatā€™s more exciting than just hanging it around your neck.)

: You think Iā€™d show it to you, a prosecutor? Think again.
: ā€¦!
: My boyfriend works in the photography division of Criminal Affairs.

: (Uh oh, that is unmistakably Lana Skye!)
: So, what was the defendant doing at the time?

: Tell me more about this knife that the suspect was carrying.

: Is that right, Mr. Edgeworth? It is your knife, after all.
: Erā€¦ Ahem, yes, thatā€™s about right.
: Prosecutors are, by nature, well-versed in the location of a manā€™s vital organs.
: Iā€™m sure it was easier than boiling an egg for my egg salad surprise set.

: Y-you canā€™t testify as to her ability to kill an egg! I mean, a person!
: Hmm? Perhaps a chicken salad set would have been a better metaphor?
: So, the defendant was holding a knife. What then?

: Tell the court why you didnā€™t try to stop this crime!
: You did see her raise the knife to strike, no?
: Hmmā€¦
: The defense has a point.
: Unfortunately, by the time I realized what was going on, it was already too late.
: Too lateā€¦?

: Iā€¦ I see.

And loop.

: I-itā€™s only a flesh wound, Mr. Wright! We can make it!
: You said that before. Anything else?
: Scientifically speakingā€¦
: Ms. Starrā€™s testimonyā€¦ is flawless.
: (Sounds pretty fatal to me.)
: Wh-what do we do!? Is this it? Is my sister guilty!?
: Letā€™s just keep our heads cool and press the witness a bit, shall we? (For some reason, having her panicking next to me makes me calmerā€¦)
: D-donā€™t smile like that!

Itā€™s been a while since youā€™ve had toā€¦but can you spot the contradiction?

Next time: More lunch.

Case 5 - Rise From the Ashes
Trial (Day 2) - Part 2

: And you witnessed this?
: You saw Ms. Skye stab the victim with the knife?

: Hmm!!!
: Iā€™m sure that is a fine lunch!

: This is the photograph you took of the very moment of the crime, is it not?

: ā€¦
: ā€¦
: ā€¦
: Ahem.
: Mr. Edgeworth, your thoughts?
: Objection.

Yes, he just says it - no cut in, no shouting.

: Letā€™s be a little more careful with our evidence, shall we?
: It is you that needs to be more careful, Mr. Wright!
: What do you mean, Mr. Edgeworth?

: H-how can you tell that!?
: Blood splatter.
: Huh?

: (Itā€™s a black-and-white photograph!)
: Ahā€¦ yes, itā€™s hard to tell, but this could be blood.

: Mr. Wright! Are you going to just sit there and take that kind of abuse!?

: Now that you mention it, I see no problem here.
: Other than myself.
: M-Mr. Wright! You canā€™t just let him walk all over you! Th-thatā€™s just sad!

: Well, that was a waste of time.
: Letā€™s continue with the testimony.
: (Perhaps I should have dug a little deeperā€¦)

But if we objectā€¦

: Wait! That contradicts what the witness said in her testimony!
: Namely, that she took the picture the ā€œmomentā€ she witnessed the crime!
: Well, it seems I was slightly unclear.
: My apologies.
: ā€¦
: ā€¦
: Th-thatā€™s it!?
: If you run out of lunch, you order seconds. Problem solved!
: If you donā€™t like it, try ordering the jumbo-sized lunch from the get-go!
: Good advice. Iā€™m not sure I understood it, butā€¦ good advice.
: I didnā€™t have time to stop her.

: She killed without pain or remorse! It was a premeditated murder!

: P-premeditated!?
: How do you know!?

: Surgical gloves made of thin rubber, most likely. Why would she have those on?
: Uhā€¦

: These gloves do seem to tell a tale of premeditation!
: Premeditated murderā€¦ a serious offense.
: Witness! Add this to your testimony!

: What if she was just in the habit of wearing gloves? Like, driving gloves?

: The gloves were admitted as evidence when the defendant was arrested!
: They were rubber gloves, of the kind used for autopsies!
: In other words, when the chief prosecutor came to the crime sceneā€¦ She came to do murder!
: Itā€™s the only possible conclusion one can make.

: Everything was planned, it was a premeditated crime!

: Impressive! Iā€™m sorry they took you off the force, Ms. Starr!
: (This is badā€¦ Sheā€™s got them thinking this was all plannedā€¦)
: (If she can prove this claim, the trialā€™s already over!)
: (Iā€™ve got to think of a way to show that this wasnā€™t premeditated!)

And loop. So, how do we prove it?

: Are you trying to test me? I sell box lunches for a living, you know. Thatā€™s a knife. THE knife.
: The knife that was in Mr. Edgeworthā€™s trunk!
: Indeed, it is my knife.

: Whatā€™s with this case!?
: The bloody murder weapon, a red carā€¦ all belonging to the prosecutor there!?

: The defense has a request.
: We ask that the witness provide an ACCURATE testimony.
: Whatā€™s that, Rookie?
: In your testimonyā€¦
: You stated that Lana Skye planned this murder. And thatā€™s why she was wearing those special gloves.
: Seems like a natural conclusion to me! The gloves do indicate planningā€¦
: However!
: Why would she not also prepare the most important thingā€¦ the murder weapon!?

: Order! Order! Order!
: (Great! Now the tide is turning in our favor!)
: Great show, Mr. Wright!
: My sisterā€™s as good as free!

: Wright.

: W-what!?
: I hope you werenā€™t deluding yourself into thinking that the ā€œtide has turned.ā€
: Not over such a trifling detail!
: B-but this shoots a hole
: in the whole premeditated theory!
: Bah!
: The prosecution could care less if it was premeditated or not.

: !
: The defendant, Lana Skye, murdered a detective with a knife.

: That is the only thing the prosecution need prove. Nothing else.
: Very good, Mr. Prosecutorā€¦ I suppose you think youā€™re clever now?
: But you know as well as I do that she planned on killing him! It was planned! If she wasnā€™t, why would she have been wearingā€¦

: I believe Iā€™d like to hear your testimony again.
: Witness, please tell us only what you ā€œsaw,ā€ not what you ā€œthought.ā€
: How dare you!

: My powers of deduction are not to be underestimated!
: (Really nowā€¦)

: The victim was summoned from the Police Department to the Prosecutorā€™s Officeā€¦
: It does sound a lot like premeditation, doesnā€™t it!?
: So, if I order pizza, does that mean Iā€™m planning to kill the delivery boy?
: In any case, the defense may now cross-examine the witness.

: Youā€™ve said that, but you havenā€™t told us how you know!

: I believe what she just said was a mere prelude to the story she is about to tell.
: Try not to interrupt her again.
: Rookieā€¦

: Never interrupt a storyteller! Itā€™s like pulling a bun out of the oven half-baked!
: (Somethingā€™s half-baked here alright, and itā€™s you!)
: Try not to confuse the defense, witness. Theyā€™re not very quick on their feet.
: Now, why did you believe the suspect had intentions to murder the victim?
: Her actions speak for themselves!

: You have no proof that Ms. Skye called him there!
: You have no proof that she didnā€™t!
: Hmmā€¦
: Mr. Edgeworth, thoughts?

: She might have written him a letter!
: (Cā€™mon! You could have tried ā€œpublic phoneā€ first, at least!)
: In any case, the victim came to the Prosecutorā€™s Office, where he was murdered.

: Iā€™m sure he had a reason to be there.
: Witness? Why do you think it was the suspect who summoned the victim that day?

: What kind of ā€œgrudgeā€!?
: Well, I wouldnā€™t know that.
: Of course you donā€™t! Thatā€™s because she didnā€™t have a grudge!
: Rookieā€¦

: H-how am I supposed to know!?
: See? We agree there is a lunchbox here, but we donā€™t know whatā€™s inside!
: A personā€™s life is like a lunchbox with pretzels. Donā€™t you agree?
: I-I get it! Thatā€™s why my lunch was so salty!
: (This judge isnā€™t very good with metaphorsā€¦)

: Will you tell us your basis for thinking this?
: Itā€™s simpleā€¦

: A ā€œhuman machineā€!?
: Thatā€™s a contradiction!

: Pleaseā€¦
: Canā€™t you find fault with something of substance, Mr. Wright?
: Note to self: Mr. Edgeworthā€™s sighs smell like citrus fruit.
: Ummā€¦
: You say ā€œagain and againā€ā€¦ how many times did she stab him, exactly?
: We often say ā€œchop into a thousand pieces,ā€ but we donā€™t actually mean 1,000 pieces.
: What difference does it make if the deed is done!?
: (How come sheā€™s getting mad at me!?)
: Letā€™s just say she stabbed him several times and leave it at that.
: (Leave it at that!? This is a murder case, people!)
: Mr. Wright, you should speak up if you have an objection, you know!

And loop.

: (Ms. Starr has turned out to be as short-tempered as she looked when we met her.)
: (Challenging her abilities as a detective really set her off!)
: The short wick burns out the fastest!
: Itā€™s a scientific fact!
: I wonderā€¦ wouldnā€™t it depend on the size of the candle? I mean, add more wax and even a really short wick will burn longerā€¦
: ā€¦
: Obviously, more scientific testing is required!

So, can you spot the problem?

Next time: Angel Starr continues speaking.

Case 5 - Rise From the Ashes
Trial (Day 2) - Part 3

: You say she stabbed him again and againā€¦
: But you couldnā€™t have witnessed that!
: Are you testing meā€¦?
: Then Iā€™ll test you!

: Iā€™m afraid the moss is growing under our feet as we wait, Ms. Starr.
: ā€¦!?
: W-what do you mean?

: The autopsy report states that death was due to a loss of bloodā€¦ from one stab wound.

: Ah hah! Youā€™re right!
: Good show, Mr. Edgeworth!
: What a hunk!
: Heā€™s my hero, really.
: (What about my objection? No one noticed?)
: Well, witness?

: Uhā€¦ oh, thanks.
: I always believed that no one could ever mistake ketchup for bloodā€¦
: But now, I realize that such mistakes are possible.
: Soā€¦
: Youā€™re saying you mistook somethingā€¦ for blood?
: When she lifted her knife, I thought I saw blood at her breastā€¦

: Thatā€™s why I thought she must have stabbed him at least twice.

: Then tell us what you saw that you thought was blood!
: Testify!
: ā€¦

: Her red muffler?
: Yes, like a scarf. The Chief Prosecutor always wears one around her neck.
: So she can be easily hanged at a momentā€™s notice, I supposeā€¦
: (Sheā€™s rightā€¦)

: But waitā€¦
: Isnā€™t it odd that you mistook that for splattered blood?
: ā€¦
: Well, people often mistake my beardā€¦
: For a bib.
: (A judge with a bib. Thatā€™s why this place feels so much like kindergarten sometimes.)
: Actuallyā€¦

: There was only one knife wound.
: ā€¦
: (Apparently, Ms. Starr isnā€™t entirely sure of her own testimony.)
: Mr. Wright!
: This is our chance!!!
: Chance for what, I wonderā€¦?

And loop. This should be easy.

: Ms. Starr! I demand an explanationā€¦

: The witness is clearly not suited for detective work.
: W-what!?
: The suspect was not wearing
: a scarf or muffler of any kind when she stabbed the victim.

: Only a true professional could be so clueless.
: Iā€™m sure youā€™ll make a good lunchlady, have no fear.
: Hmm!
: Harsh words! But good!
: In the end, Mr. Edgeworth prevails!
: (What was my objection, chopped liver!?)
: B-but it was there, a scarf, no, not that, but something red! Really!

: Well now, where were we?
: The witness has given us an entertaining interlude, now back to business.
: Wh-what!?

: Very well, witness. Continue your testimony.
: You saw the crime, and apprehended the suspectā€¦
: Tell us about that.
: ā€¦
: Very well.
: I do remember some things accurately, at least.
: (Ultimately, we couldnā€™t shake the most important part of her testimony.)
: The most important partā€¦?
: The part where your sister stabs the victim! (This next testimony might just be the moment of truth!)

: You are quite determined about this scarf, arenā€™t you?
: I strike like a snake and bite like a cobra!
: Thatā€™s me. Angel Starr.
: Thatā€™s not a very good metaphor. First of all, a cobra is a kind of snake.
: Donā€™t bother me with details, unless you want to get bitten!
: N-no thanks!
: Note to self: Attorney Wright gets bitten by snake.
: The chief prosecutor tried to resist, but her efforts were in vain.
: She knocked my hands aside, kicked over an oil drumā€¦
: O-oil drum? (Hard to imagineā€¦)
: Oh, sheā€™s beautiful, but deadly! A predator, this one! A leopard woman! Rowr!
: Very well, Mr. Wright. Your cross-examination, if you will.

: (Thatā€™s rightā€¦)

: She was obviously trying to hide herself.
: Quite a natural thing for a criminal to do!
: And what did you do then?

: You say ā€œquicklyā€ā€¦ were you close to the suspect?
: As I just said!
: I was only 30 feet away from her the whole time.

: That would make it about 30 feet from the car, yes.
: Is that correct, Ms. Starr?
: Y-yes, thatā€™s right.

: I went over it, of course.
: Amazing! The Cough-up Queen, lunchlady athlete, indeed.
: It would have taken her a little time to climb over the fence.
: So she couldnā€™t have gotten to my sister THAT fastā€¦

: (How come Ms. Skye didnā€™t get away?)

: She mentioned the muffler?
: What exactly did she say?
: If I remembered exactly, I would have told you in my testimony!
: i[/i]
: Anyway, all I heard her say was the word ā€œmuffler.ā€
: Just that one word?
: Soā€¦ what you heard wasnā€™t the suspect talking to you, but to someone else?
: Yes. The chief prosecutor was talking on her phone!

: Yes, ultimately.
: Ultimately?
: My memoryā€¦

: Itā€™s like a salmon, heading upstream, you see.
: N-no, the court doesnā€™t see, Ms. Starr.

: On the wall?

: Apparently, it was out of order.
: And so she used her cell phone?

: Hmm.
: Good witnessing, witness!
: (Good witnessing? What ever happened to good testifying?)

: You should of course add this to your testimony.
: The things I do to please this rookie defense attorney.

And the cell phone evidence is updated to note the call and the whole ā€˜mufflerā€™ thing.

: Umā€¦ do you think you could restate your testimony for the court?
: Ah hah! I was going to ask the same thing!
: Iā€™ll only say this one time, so listen close, Rookies.

: The chief prosecutor hung up her phone!
: And you
: saw her doing this?

: ā€¦?
: What is it, Mr. Wright?

: She ā€œmade to escapeā€ā€¦
: Can you be more specific?
: She brushed aside my hand and ran! It was a terrible sight to see, like a dollop of lard on a pate of foie gras!
: i[/i]
: She even kicked over an oil drum at me!
: A-an oil drum!?

: There was an oil drum lying on its side at the scene of the crime.
: But, itā€™s strangeā€¦
: Hmm? Whatā€™s that?
: If she wanted to escapeā€¦
: why didnā€™t she run the other way?

: Th-thatā€™s right!
: It doesnā€™t make any sense that she would run from behind the partition to the oil drums!
: ā€¦

And loop.

: Excellent! More mysteries!
: I wish we could solve a few before finding more, thoughā€¦
: (So Ms. Skye tried to run?)
: Iā€™m sorry my sister is so suspicious, Mr. Wrightā€¦
: Not as sorry as I am.
: But she didnā€™t do it! You have to believe me!

So, can you spot a problem in this testimony?

Next time: Trying to solve a few mysteries.

Case 5 - Rise From the Ashes
Trial (Day 2) - Part 4

: I have to conclude that you have a personal grudge against Ms. Lana Skye.

: The witness is a former detective.
: Her testimony is unmarred by personal bias.
: Well, who would have thought you would be my knight in shining armor, prosecutor? You who, together with
: the chief prosecutor, kicked me out two years ago!
: ā€¦
: Well, Ms. Starrā€¦ This is a fatal contradiction with your testimonyā€¦
: How do you explain this?

: Hmph!
: I donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about. Mess with meā€¦
: and Iā€™ll make you cough it ALL up!
: Ahem. Letā€™s look at the floor plans.

: However, if thatā€™s trueā€¦

: ā€¦!
: I believe you see what Iā€™m getting at.

: Order! Order!
: What is the meaning of this?
: Itā€™s simple, Your Honor. Sheā€™s not coughing up lunchā€¦
: sheā€™s coughing up lies!!!
: Grrr!

: Thatā€™s quite a claim, Mr. Wrightā€¦ perhaps you will allow me a question?
: Tell us exactly what lie this witness has told the court!
: (Hereā€™s where the counter-attack begins! I canā€™t afford to be get this wrong!)

: She lied about what she saw! In other words,
: she didnā€™t see Ms. Skye using that emergency phone!
: It does seem hard to imagine how she could have!
: Very logical!
: ā€¦
: ā€¦
: (Whatā€™s the matter, Starr? Cat got your lunchbox?)
: Um, Mr. Wrightā€¦ I hate to bother you while youā€™re celebrating your victoryā€¦ But why would
: Ms. Starr lie like that?
: Huh?
: Why would she say that my sister had tried to use the phone, but failed?
: It doesnā€™t make any sense! Why lie about something so insignificant?
: Ohā€¦ (Dang, sheā€™s right!)
: I mean, maybe she really did see her try to use the emergency phone.
: I see no room for doubt here.

: Ugh.
: (Oneā€¦ one more try!)
: Hmph. I see it in your eyes. You havenā€™t learned your lesson, have you?
: Tell us exactly what lie this witness has told the court!

: She lied about the order of events!
: Ms. Skye used that emergency phone BEFORE the murder!
: I-I see!
: I hadnā€™t thought of that!
: ā€¦
: ā€¦
: (That took the wind out of her sails!)
: Um, Mr. Wrightā€¦ I hate to bother you while youā€™re celebrating your victoryā€¦
: Butā€¦ why would anyone use the emergency phone before the murder?
: Huh?
: Just when you think he canā€™t sink any lower, he amazes us. I applaud you, Mr. Wright.

: Ugh.
: (Oneā€¦ one more try!)
: Hmph. I see it in your eyes. You havenā€™t learned your lesson, have you?
: Tell us exactly what lie this witness has told the court!

: She tried to use the emergency phoneā€¦ but it was out of order.
: What is significant about this fact?
: Nothing. It would be pointless for her to lie about it!
: Pointless to lieā€¦ I see!
: The witness did actually see Ms. Skye using the emergency phone.
: In other wordsā€¦

: A different location!?
: Now thatā€™s a pointless lie if I ever heard one!

: Before you call my lie pointlessā€¦
: at least let me tell it!

: Let me ask a question to our clever wordsmith, Mr. Wright.
: Just where was the witness
: when she saw the crime!?

: (All the testimony weā€™ve heard until now points in one directionā€¦)

: This is the only place where she could have been.
: The security guard room?
: Indeed, the security room in the underground parking lot is well positionedā€¦

: Hmmā€¦ She would have been able to see the emergency phone from there.
: But why there? There are many other places where she could have seen the phone?

: Not in this case, Your Honor.

: I remember in your testimony, you saidā€¦
: You brought a lunch to your ā€œboyfriendā€ in the security guard room, yes?

: Well, Ms. Starr?
: ā€¦ How many years have I been getting the better of menā€¦? To think that the tables could be turnedā€¦
: Today, a man has got the better of Angel Starr!

: Order! Order!
: Witness! What have you done!? You used to be a detective! You should know better!
: Iā€™m not turning back. The guilty will be punished.
: And Iā€™ll do what I must to make sure justice prevails.
: (The guiltyā€¦ is she talking about Ms. Skyeā€¦?)
: Um, Mr. Wright? Doesnā€™t this strike you as odd? Why did Ms. Starr lie?
: It doesnā€™t make sense!
: Huh?
: She could have just said she saw the crime from the security guard station. It wouldnā€™t change anything!
: Exactly!

: That truth still stands!

: It ā€œstill standsā€?
: I disagree, Mr. Edgeworth.
: Wh-what!?
: If a witness is found to be lying,
: theyā€™re guilty of perjury. She knows this.
: She wouldnā€™t risk that without a good reason!

: So tell us what her reason was, Mr. Wright!
: ā€¦
: Huh? M-me?
: Who else!?
: Mr. Wright! Letā€™s review what we know!

: Why, the angle at which she saw the crime occur would change!
: The angleā€¦?
: What do you mean!?
: Uh, um, wellā€¦
: The security guard station is on the second floorā€¦ and umā€¦
: She would have sort of a more 3-D view of the crime.
: And this is importantā€¦ why?
: Umā€¦
: ā€¦
: ā€¦

: Mr. Wright! Letā€™s review what we know!

: Itā€™s a difference in lighting!
: Lightingā€¦?
: What does that mean!?
: Well, it means, uhā€¦
: See, the security guard station is on the second levelā€¦
: So, uh, she would have seen the crime in better lighting conditions.
: And this is importantā€¦ why?
: Umā€¦
: ā€¦
: ā€¦

: Mr. Wright! Letā€™s review what we know!

: It changes the distance between her and the scene of the crime!

: I donā€™t see how that would change what she could see.

: What she saw is not in question here.
: What matters is the time it would take her to reach the scene of the crime!
: ā€¦!
: Ms. Starr! You witnessed the crime from the security guard station!
: Now, how long did it take you to go from thereā€¦
: to the scene of the crime, where you arrested Ms. Skye!?

: ā€¦
: Well, witness?
: Youā€¦
: Y-yesā€¦?

: (The quality of my lunches has gone from low to inedible.)
: I was bringing a PB&J lunch with fresh boysenberry jam to my boyfriend.
: Hmmā€¦
: Boysenberry for the boyfriend!
: He wasnā€™t in the station, so I waited.

: Butā€¦ the door was locked. I couldnā€™t open it.

: Thatā€™s quite a detour.
: It probably took me at least five minutes to get to the scene of the crime.
: F-f-f-five minutes!?

: Hmmā€¦
: This changes things considerably!
: But, it was that woman over there in the defendantā€™s chair who stabbed him!

: I swear itā€¦
: I swear it on my finest plastic spork!
: You have a point. And the spork is a wonderful invention.

: Absolutely!
: (Uh ohā€¦)
: Mr. Wright! You have to do something!

: (I think I need more evidence before I go sticking my spork in this messā€¦)
: Woo! Caviar!
: Ahā€¦ how it makes my eyes tingle!
: Mr. Wright!
: No evidence can win against the raw power of caviar! Itā€™s a scientific fact! The only thing thatā€™s leftā€¦
: Is your strong presence and deft powers of deduction!
: ā€¦!
: Letā€™s screw the lid back on those overpriced fish eggs!

Which leaves us where the right answer does.

: Five minutes between the witnessing of the murder and the arrest! Think about it!
: You could make pasta in that amount of time! If you like it al dente!

: A five minute ā€œblankā€ā€¦
: Isnā€™t that strange!?
: Strangeā€¦?
: If you were a criminalā€¦
: What would you do with five minutes, Your Honor?
: Well, umā€¦
: I guess Iā€™d flee the scene.
: Hey! D-donā€™t get the wrong idea! I didnā€™t kill anyoneā€¦

: But you have the instincts of a killer! You would run!
: But this time was different!

: Well then.
: It seems weā€™ve come to the end of this testimony.
: She has a grudge against the defendant, and there is a blank in her testimony.
: ā€¦!
: Mr. Edgeworth, is the next witness ready to go?
: Unfortunatelyā€¦
: I appear to have overestimated this witness on account of her professional historyā€¦
: We did it! We screwed that can shut, Mr. Wright!
(Th-that was too close!)

: Iā€™m afraid that
: the Cough-up Queen has been dethroned.
: And with that, court is adjourned!

: (Thatā€™s the one she tried to foist off on me!)
: I prefer to not take the defense teamā€™s lefotvers. Anything else to say?
: Iā€¦ might be able to save you.
: I have decisive evidence.
: Wh-what was that!?
: (Is this another one of her trick lunchboxes!?)
: My apologies, but we have no further questions to ask of you, Ms. Starr.
: Ahā€¦

: Whoo hoo! A triple-decker!

: Out of deference to the witnessā€™s determination, Iā€™ll allow one more testimony!
: Letā€™s hear about this decisive evidence.
: Like the Lunchland motto says, you wonā€™t be disappointed!
: (Whatā€™s she going to pull out of her lunchbox this time!?)

: Wh-what!? There was blood found on that shoe!?

: Witness, whatā€™s the meaning of this?

: Simple. As Iā€™ve already saidā€¦
: I donā€™t trust you with evidence, Mr. Edgeworth! Thatā€™s why I took the liberty of investigating this myself.
: Andā€¦ you had blood tests performed?
: Didnā€™t I mention?
: I have three boyfriends in forensics.

: In any case, Your Honor,
: I canā€™t accept this as evidence!

: Whatā€¦?
: You should know the two rules of evidence law, Ms. Starr!
: Rule 1: no evidence shall be shown without the approval of the Police Department!

: I-is that right, Mr. Wright!?
: It seems so. Edgeworth sure is celebrating.
: Not so fast, Mr. Edgeworth.
: ā€¦!
: Donā€™t forgetā€¦ I used to be a detective! As I mentioned previouslyā€¦

: Even the general public can produce official evidence, Mr. Edgeworth.
: Nuhā€¦ Ungh!
: I-is that right, Mr. Wright!?
: It seems so. Edgeworth is looking pretty sullen.
: You could at least study some evidence law! Really!

: The prosecutionā€™s complaints notwithstandingā€¦
: It appears that this evidence satisfies the first rule of evidence law. Wellā€¦
: It seems you have yet another count against you, witness.
: Anything to ensure that the guilty are properly judged.

Examining itā€¦

: It appears so. (Lanaā€™s right hand was bandaged when I saw her in jail. She must have cut herself at the time of the crimeā€¦)
: Poor sisā€¦

: On the sole of the shoe? Itā€™s got to be the victimā€™s. He must have stepped in a puddle of his own blood.
: All this bloodā€¦ Itā€™s horrible!
: (Hmmā€¦ This blood might be an important clueā€¦)

Next time: Yeah, even more testimony.

Case 5 - Rise From the Ashes
Trial (Day 2) - Part 5

Back to the trial.

: Very well, Mr. Wright, you may cross-examine the witness!

: Why did you lie about those five minutes?
: I guess you could say, I just wanted people to look at the results.
: Theā€¦ results?
: How many times do I have to say this?
: I saw the chief prosecutor stab the victim before my very own eyes! Compared to thatā€¦
: A five minute ā€œblankā€ means nothing!
: Then why didnā€™t you just tell the truth?
: Donā€™t make me laugh! Weā€™re dealing with the most untrustworthy of the vile lot known as prosecutors! Falsified evidence, arranged testimonies, erasing and manipulating evidenceā€¦
: When you fight monsters, you need to use every trick in the book!
: (This when the suspect is admitting she did it?)

: False testimony is the most despicable crime of all, Ms. Starr.
: Letā€™s just get this over with.

: And, you found this shoe at the scene of the crime?
: I detained the chief prosecutor, and notified the Police Departmentā€¦ I wanted to make myself useful while I was waiting for the police to arrive.
: So, like an ill-trained pooch, you snuck off with a shoe!
: I was afraid someone would erase the chief prosecutorā€™s crime.

: See this fashionable basket I have hereā€¦?
: It carries more than lunchboxes, gentlemen!
: (Iā€™m happy for you and your lunchbox bag, really.)
: In any case, you removed valuable evidence from the scene of the crime.
: Now tell us what you did next.

: So, you brought it to the forensics department?
: If youā€™re going to submit something as evidence in court, you need it approved. To do that, evidence must be analyzedā€¦
: by a forensics expert.
: (And she got away with her little coup because she used to be a detectiveā€¦)

: Makes sense. After all, a man was stabbed here.

: As I said, there were two types of blood found on the shoe.

: You canā€™t say for sure the blood belonged to the victim with a blood test!
: You claim to know something about blood tests, Rookie?
: Huhā€¦
: Well, speak up!
: Uh, wellā€¦ Blood comes in four typesā€¦ A, B, O, and ABā€¦ However!
: You canā€™t tell from a blood test whether a murder was performedā€¦ in cold blood!
: ā€¦
: ā€¦
: ā€¦ Thatā€™s just a figure of speech, Mr. Wright.
: Actually, if you combine all the various blood tests, there are millions of types! Itā€™s practically impossible to narrow a blood sample down to one person!
: Or so I hear.
: M-millions of types?

: But they said thereā€™s very little doubt it could be anyoneā€™s but Ms. Lana Skyeā€™s.
: Hmmā€¦
: So the suspectā€™s blood was found on the victimā€™s shoeā€¦
: That ties her directly to the death of Detective Goodman!
: (I was afraid he was going to say thatā€¦)

: (I canā€™t let this evidence go through without a fight!)

: ā€¦!
: Some like it hot, Mr. Wright. Some, like your client. Sheā€™s in enough hot water to make a whole batch of soup.

: A problemā€¦?

: (Noā€¦ thereā€™s nothing there. And if I just stab blindly at it, Iā€™ll hurt my case.)
: Cā€™mon, Mr. Wright, I know you can find something!
: Some kind of off-the-cuff contradiction!
: Iā€™m trying to avoid saying things off-the-cuff today.

And loop.

: (Thatā€™s pretty sly, hiding evidence like that!)
: Thereā€™s nothing sly about a lawyer using the law as a weapon!
: In any case, science is always on our side!
: Donā€™t forget!
: Scientific investivation is the wave of the future!
: (Hmmā€¦ maybe I should ā€œinvestigateā€ this evidence a little more closelyā€¦)


: If Iā€™m not imagining thingsā€¦

: That gleam in your eyesā€¦
: Youā€™re still young, Rookie.

: Letā€™s hear what Mr. Wright has to say!
: What is contradictory about the victimā€™s shoe?

: Donā€™t mess with me, Rookieā€¦

: Hmmā€¦ Indeed, there is quite a bit of blood on the bottom of the shoe.
: It makes sense. The victim was stabbed with a knife!

: The problem liesā€¦
: in the footprint.
: Theā€¦ footprint?

: Thenā€¦ isnā€™t it strange?

: Why werenā€™t any bloody footprints found by the scene of the crime!?
: Ah hah!

: If there were bloody prints they would have been found.

: Order! Order! Order!
: Well, witness!?
: What!? Huh? I, uhā€¦
: Great going, Mr. Wright!
: Butā€¦ Itā€™s true that the lack of a footprint is a contradictionā€¦
: But then we have to ask why there wasnā€™t a footprint!
: Oh!
: Thatā€™s true! There has to be a reason why there wasnā€™t a footprint!
: Think, Mr. Wright, think!
: ā€¦ Hey, I donā€™t know why itā€™s not there. Iā€™m just good at finding contradictions.
: What!?

: I seeā€¦
: Now I get it!
: (Get what!?)
: Our witness is more devious than I gave her credit for!
: We were hoodwinked to the very end!

: Wh-what are you talking about?
: Think back to when she told us about apprehending the suspectā€¦

: She knocked my hands aside, kiced over an oil drumā€¦ Oh, sheā€™s beautiful, but deadly! A predator, this one! A leopard woman! Rowr!

: (No kidding!)
: Now, witness. Allow me to ask a very simple question. This ā€œoil drumā€ā€¦
: was it empty?
: ā€¦
: Oh, that, hmm? Iā€™m not sure I like your attitude, Mr. Edgeworth.
: Though apparently youā€™re not the slowest conveyor belt in the lunchbox factory.
: Witness! W-well?
: Was the oil drum emptyā€¦?
: The oil drum kicked over by the chief prosecutorā€¦
: was brimming with water.
: W-water? (What does that mean?)
: Still donā€™t get it, Mr. Wright? Do you want to know the reason she knocked it over?
: The REAL reason?
: Aaaa haaaaah! You donā€™t meanā€¦!
: Yes, the suspect knocked over that oil drum for one reason and one reason alone!

: That ties things up quite nicely!

: Then, after the deed was done, she knocked over the oil drum to erase the telltale signs!
: Why, thatā€™s a prosecutorā€™s specialtyā€¦
: erasing evidence!
: (That reminds meā€¦ Ms. Skyeā€™s right hand was hurtā€¦)

: Wellā€¦
: I see no reason to prolong this trial.
: M-Mr. Wright! Do something! Please!
: W-what!? What can I do? Your sister has confessed to the crime, and she tried to conceal it!
: B-butā€¦

: Enough.
: There is no need for further debate.
: The verdict, Your Honor!
: Very wellā€¦
: But Angel Starr is on the prosecutionā€™s side! She could have been lying about the water!

: This court finds the defendant, Ms. Lana Skyeā€¦

: Huhā€¦? M-me?
: Did you say that I, Angel Starrā€¦
: was on the prosecutionā€™s side?
: W-well, yeah, you are! Youā€™re saying my sister hid evidence by erasing the bloody footprints!
: Well.

: I thought youā€™d had your fill, but here you are, demanding a second helping!

: W-waitā€¦ Witness, donā€™t tell me
: you have something else?

: Youā€™ve reached your verdict, Your Honor!
: Any further comments will be held in contempt of court!
: Your threats donā€™t scare the Cough-up Queen!

: that the white shoe didnā€™t belong to the victim!
: Hmmā€¦
: I see no room for error in this evidence.

: Hey! Itā€™s clearly wet!

: Erasing the last trace of doubt from the courtā€™s mind.
: Immediately after the murder, the crime scene was washed with water!
: I-Iā€™m sorry, Mr. Wright. I guess Iā€¦
: I couldnā€™t help after all.
: (Itā€™s not your faultā€¦ I knew I couldnā€™t win this case from the beginning.)
: (Andā€¦ it seems this is what your sister wanted anyway!)

: (Iā€™m sorry, Miaā€¦) ā€¦

Donā€™t be so quick to throw in the towelā€¦

Donā€™t give upā€¦ Not until the bitter end.
: (This is the last piece of evidenceā€¦)

: Very well! This time Iā€™d like to declare a verdict for good!

: What is it with you people!? Canā€™t I hand down my verdicts in peace anymore!?
: Whatever it is, can it wait?
: N-no it canā€™t. Then it will be too late!

: So, Wrightā€¦
: Are you saying thereā€™s a problem with this latest piece of evidence?
: Yeah! (Iā€™ll think later!)
: Yeah, thereā€™s a problem! (Right or wrong, Iā€™ve got to go ahead with this!)

: I suppose since weā€™ve come this far, we should give every claim a fair shake.
: Very well, Mr. Wright.

: The problem in this photographā€¦ is here!

: Thereā€™s something poking out of the carā€™s muffler!
: Wait just a moment, Mr. Edgeworth!
: Your Honor?
: You just said
: ā€œmufflerā€ā€¦

: ā€¦
: A muffler is also a part on a car or motorcycle, Your Honor.
: Just think of it asā€¦ part of the exhaust system. A pipeā€¦
: I see! Andā€¦ I see!

: Hmph! So what if there is something sticking out of the muffler! What does that have to do with this case?

: Nothing! Absolutely nothing!

: Sorry, Ms. Starrā€¦ But itā€™s not going to be that easy! In fact, youā€™ve already told us why this is important to the caseā€¦
: You said as much in your testimony!!!

: Wh-what!?

: Letā€™s hear what Mr. Wright has on his mind!

: Ms. Starr!
: Recall your testimony for the courtā€¦

: Thatā€™s what had me confused in my earlier testimony!

: Could it be that the ā€œmufflerā€ you heard mentionedā€¦

: If so!

: Wellā€¦ It seems we will have to suspend the proceedings.
: Susā€¦ Suspend!?
: I find myself wondering
: about that piece of cloth. If we leave any question unanswered here we do a disservice to the law!
: Have the car at the crime scene inspected at once, and bring me that cloth! The verdict will wait until after weā€™ve seen all the evidence.
: Agreedā€¦?
: ā€¦
: I suppose so.
: (Whewā€¦ that was close. Butā€¦ we made itā€¦)
: (at least for now!)

: The court will adjourn for a thirty minute recess!
: Itā€™s lunchtime after all!
: (Heā€™s still hungry!?)

Next time: Recess.

Case 5 - Rise From the Ashes
Trial (Day 2) - Part 6

In every other case, a chapter break has meant going to the next cycle of Investigation or Trial. Not so this time! Instead, weā€™re going back into the trial once we finish the recess.

: Umā€¦ Mr. Wright?
: Huh? What?
: Are trialsā€¦ always like this with you?
: Like youā€™re swimming up from the bottom of a lake, about to reach the surfaceā€¦
: But no matter how hard you paddle you never seem to get thereā€¦
: Pretty much. Except today weā€™re swimming in quicksand. So what happened to your sister, anyway?
: Apparently she got called off to the judgeā€™s chambers.
: Hmmā€¦ Probably something to do with that piece of cloth.
: So! This is where we turn this trial around, right?
: Our only weapon, a tiny, insignificant piece of cloth!
: Iā€™m the one whoā€™s starting to feel tiny and insignificant to tell the truth.

: Thatā€™s what they told me when I was a youngā€™un, at least.
: Officer Marshall!
: Thought Iā€™d come take a look-see at how the trialā€™s going. Looks like Iā€™m late. Theyā€™ve got the place locked down tighter than a fort in enemy territory!
: What is going on over there, anyway? All the police Iā€™ve seen these last two days have been really on edge.
: Donā€™t you got enough on your plate without worrying about other people, compadre?
: You could be worrying about the chief prosecutorā€™s taste in mufflers, for example.
: Umā€¦ Officer Marshall?
: The whole ā€œmufflerā€ thing didnā€™t have anything to do with scarvesā€¦
: She wasnā€™t even wearing a scarf!

: You donā€™t say?
: Now donā€™t that just beat all.
: ā€¦?
: Iā€™ve seen the red breeze blow at her slender neck many a timeā€¦

: What!?
: At the awards ceremony that afternoon. Edgeworthā€™s seen it too, Iā€™d reckon.
: (What does that mean!?)

: So, Ms. Starr
: wasnā€™t mistakenā€¦
: Well, itā€™s about time.
: Remember, pardner, sometimes you gotta grab the bull by the hornsā€¦

: (Ughā€¦ I have a bad feeling about this.)
: Soā€¦ what are we swimming in now, Mr. Wright?
: If itā€™s steak sauce, I can hook you up with some fine ribs! Ooh-wee!

: Iā€™dā€¦ like toā€¦ resumeā€¦?
: (Whatā€™s up? The judge keeps looking over at the prosecutionā€¦)

: Is something wrong, Mr. Edgeworth?
: Your face is blue, your lips are purple, youā€™re sweating bulletsā€¦ That furrowed brow, those grinding teeth, those water eyesā€¦ Whatā€™s more, your eyes are unfocused, youā€™re doubled over, your back is bentā€¦

: Itā€¦ canā€™tā€¦ be!!
: Thisā€¦ canā€™tā€¦ happen!
: I wonder what happened to Mr. Edgeworth?

: Well then, I believe it is time we continued on with this trial.
: During our recess I had requested that the prosecution conduct an investigationā€¦
: Th-this is unacceptable!

: Hmmā€¦
: It seems our prosecutor is quite beside himself.
: Ah, er, excuse me. Knock knock?
: ā€¦?
: Whoā€™s there?

: (Whatā€™s with this guy?)

: Hey! The temperature rose 5.7 degrees when that man came in!
: (Who on earth is heā€¦?)

: Ah, itā€™s youā€¦

: Sorry Iā€™m late, Udgey! The roads were packed. Itā€™s just me!

: Ah! Hello, hello.
: No, Iā€™ve been so busyā€¦
: Busy! Busy-smizzy, Udgey, my boy! You have to make time to relax!
: Y-yes, indeed.
: Udgeyā€¦ seems to be his nickname for the judgeā€¦?
: Iā€™m afraid youā€™re right. Very afraid.
: Umā€¦ sorry, butā€¦ who are you?
: Ah hah! So youā€™re Wrighto! The attorney! Iā€™ve heard good things about you, son!
: Eh? Uh, th-thanksā€¦?

: You know, we should all go swimming together sometime! Jolly!
: Littleā€¦
: Little Worthyā€¦?
: Mr. Wright!

: Chuhā€¦?
: Chief of Policeā€¦!?
: Heā€™s the top ranking police officer in the entire district!

Just imagine dead silence pretty much every time this happens.

: Nameā€™s Gant, Damon Gant. Pleased to meet you, everyone!

: So, uh, to what do we owe this honor today?
: Itā€™s been overā€¦ two years since you last came to this courtroom, hasnā€™t it?

: Hey! Th-thatā€™sā€¦!
: My sisterā€™s muffler!
: (So Ms. Starr wasnā€™t just seeing things!)

: On little Worthyā€™s car, no less!

: Wh-whatā€™s this!?
: Itā€™s what youā€™d call a switchblade knife.
: Quite perplexing, this.

: Chief!
: What kind of outfit are you running!?
: M-Mr. Edgeworth!
: How could they miss such a vital piece of evidence!?
: If your investigators are this lax, how do you expect us to do our job?
: N-now wait a minute, Worthy!

: Iā€™ve no desire to hear your excuses!
: Iā€™m telling you to wait!
: Or didnā€™t you hear me?

: ā€¦!

: Thereā€™s no mistaking that signatureā€¦
: Miles Edgeworth?
: Th-thatā€™s no fair!
: The day of the crime, I-I hadā€¦
: Your head in the clouds because you got that award!
: I know how you feelā€¦
: But youā€™re the person in charge.
: Iā€™ll expect a written apology.
: What? Are you serious!?
: Donā€™t be too upset, weā€™ll find a way to clean up this messā€¦ that you made.
: ā€¦!
: This is the first time Iā€™ve seen Mr. Edgeworth at a loss for wordsā€¦

: This kind of major blunder is unlike you Mr. Edgeworth.
: Gahā€¦!
: The court accepts this new evidence.
: But, Iā€™d like to ask the defense a favor first.
: Y-yes?
: Just to be sureā€¦

: The b-blade, Your Honor?
: Well, I donā€™t see why notā€¦
: Could you open it up for me, I wonder?
: Yes, well.
: I think all you have to do is push that switch, andā€¦

: If I cut my finger Mr. Wright, I wouldnā€™t be able to pound my gavel anymore.
: (Yeah. But if I cut my finger, I wouldnā€™t be able to point it at people anymoreā€¦)
: Come on! Just hurry up and open it!

The game forces us into examining the knife.

: It seems to say ā€œSL-9 2ā€ā€¦
: What does that mean?
: Wellā€¦ (Iā€™ve heard something similarā€¦ ā€œDL-6ā€ of ā€œDL-6 Incidentā€ fameā€¦)
: Butā€¦ itā€™s strange.
: Huh? What is?
: Iā€™m not certainā€¦ But I get the feeling Iā€™ve seen this somewhere before! Letters like thisā€¦ or letters that looked a lot like thisā€¦ somehow.

: Iā€™m the one whoā€™s scared!
: Look at this knife bladeā€¦ the tip is broken off.
: (And this dark red stainā€¦ blood?)

And back to the trial.

: This does not excuse the actions of the Police Department!
: I would like to hear an explanation from the Chief of Police himself!

: Iā€™m terribly sorry, but could I ask you to testify for us?

: Thereā€¦
: There was a murder at the Police Department!? A detective!?

: Thatā€™s hush-hush information, Udgey! We havenā€™t exactly announced it yet.

: W-wait a second!
: You said ā€œ5:15ā€ā€¦

: Order! Order! Order!
: Anyway, we at the Department were all a-flustered, as you might well assume. Weā€™re in the middle of a top-top-secret investigation.
: Donā€™t tell anyone, okay?
: I think we understand the Police Departmentā€™s situationā€¦
: Well, Mr. Wright?
: (Two detectives killed at the same time in two different placesā€¦)
: The chances of that are really slim. Scientifically speaking, of course.
: Iā€™dā€¦ like to exercise
: my right to cross-examine the witness.

: Very wellā€¦ however!
: Keep your questions focused on the case at hand!

Next time: Cross-examination.

Case 5 - Rise From the Ashes
Trial (Day 2) - Part 7

: Excuse meā€¦ ā€œspecialā€?
: Mmhmm. Hard to come by this particular knife anywhere else.

: Now why was there another knife at the scene of the crime?
: Thatā€™s quite a mystery!
: And like a mystery, itā€™s wrapped in somethingā€¦ a muffler!

: I think that makes it connected to the case, donā€™t you!?
: See, thereā€™s a lot of things that go on at the Department I canā€™t explainā€¦
: Itā€™sā€¦ delicate, okay? Sorry, Wrighto!

: Letā€™s examine that knife while we can, Wrighto!
: (Hmmmā€¦ evidence that links this knife to Detective Goodmanā€¦)
: (I think perhaps the pieces are falling into placeā€¦)
: (I should try presenting the piece of evidence thatā€™s had me stumped all this time!)
: So, how were things down at the Departmentā€¦?

: Something didnā€™t happen at the Police Department too, did itā€¦?
: You got a good look in your eyes, there, Wrighto my boy. Sharp! Hungry!
: Chiefā€¦ did something happen?
: And why havenā€™t I heard?
: Why havenā€™t you heard?
: Or why didnā€™t you ask?
: ā€¦!
: No matter, I understand. You were busy, what with Lanaā€™s case and all.

: Well, what happened!?
: What happened at the Police Department that day?

: On the same day that a detective was killed in the Prosecutorā€™s parking lotā€¦
: Another detectiveā€¦ was killed at the Police Department!?
: Thatā€™s a fact. Surprising, isnā€™t it, Udgey?
: Iā€™m at a loss for words.
: And the perpetrator? Do you have a suspect?
: Well, there was a suspect.
: Just arrested 'em, in fact.
: (Just arrested! That was quickā€¦)
: Butā€¦ thereā€™s still a lot of unanswered questions.
: Maybe you could help, Wright!
: I suppose I could helpā€¦ if you help me by giving me data on your case?

: So, tell meā€¦
: where was the victim found?
: ā€¦
: Well, I canā€™t speak on where the corpse was found.
: But I can say the crime took place in the evidence room at the Police Department.
: (The evidence room!?)
: You wouldnā€™t know about the evidence room, would you, Wrighto?
: I canā€™t say Iā€™ve heard of it.
: (I guess I should ask again once I learn a bit more about this ā€œevidence room.ā€)
: Thereā€™s something stranger about this then the place where the body was found!

: Well, how was the detective killed?
: How was he killed? Now thatā€™s the interesting part!
: It was what we in the force call a ā€œstabbing.ā€ With a knife!
: A kn-knifeā€¦?
: Thatā€™s exactly the same as Detective Goodman!
: Thatā€™s the spirit! Weā€™re cooking now!
: But you knowā€¦
: Thatā€™s not the only thing that was exactly the sameā€¦
: Wh-what do you mean!?
: There were more similarities between the two cases than the cause of death!
: (IT seems like Iā€™m going to have to press this a bit harderā€¦)

: Soā€¦ when did the murder at the Police Department occur?
: Now thatā€™s a sharp question, Wrighto! Very sharp!
: Well, my boyā€¦ Youā€™re gonna love this!

And they all converge on the next bit.

: Fiveā€¦ 5:15ā€¦!?
: B-but thatā€™sā€¦
: Thatā€™s when Detective Goodman was killed in the Prosecutorā€™s Office!
: What!?
: Funny, isnā€™t it? A murder at the Prosecutorā€™s place, and a murder at our place at the very same time!
: What are the chances!

: i[/i]
: This is just my gut feelingā€¦
: but Iā€™d say thereā€™s a 0.001% chance of that happening!

: Chief Gant, please tell us more about the incident!

: How can you say thereā€™s no connection!?
: How? Because Iā€™m the Chief of Police!
: I canā€™t just say anything I please, Wrighto. You understand!

: Try to understand, Wrighto.
: Well, if you can prove there is a connection, more power to you.
: Maybe there is something that ties the two murders together?
: (Whatever it is, Iā€™d better find it and get to the bottom of this! Two detectives were killed at 5:15ā€¦ One at the Prosecutorā€™s Officeā€¦)
: (And one at the Police Departmentā€¦ that canā€™t be a coincidence!)

: (Iā€™d better check this knife outā€¦)

And loop. You probably know the answer.

: Wait a second!
: Ah, at last! An honest to goodness ā€œobjectionā€!

: What do you mean!?
: Ah hah! An honest-to-goodness what do you mean from the judge! This is great!
: Look at the tag on this knife!
: It reads ā€œSL-9 2ā€ā€¦
: And this is importantā€¦ why?

: 6 minus 7Sā€¦ 12/2ā€¦?

: Your Honorā€¦
: Itā€™s upside-down.
: Upsideā€¦?

: When he wrote this note, he was holding the paper upside down!

: Order! Order!
: Well, Chief?
: ā€¦
: Ah well. I guess the catā€™s out of the bagā€¦
: You win, Wrighto!
: Iā€¦ win?
: Ahā€¦ (What game is this guy playing!?)

: Yes, but on the day of the murder.
: It was evidence, you say.
: Was it, in fact, a murder weapon?
: Nice! Nice! Nice! Good show, little Worthy! It was a murder weapon, as it happens.
: It was evidence from a case long-since solvedā€¦
: (So this knife was stolen on the day of the murderā€¦)

: Hard to think there isnā€™t a connection there!

And now that we know that, we can go back toā€¦

: So, tell meā€¦
: where was the victim found?
: ā€¦
: Well, I canā€™t speak on where the corpse was found.
: But I can say the crime took place in the evidence room at the Police Department.
: (The evidence room!? W-wait a secondā€¦)

: (I have heard of that!)
: The evidence roomā€¦
: Didnā€™t he mention that in his testimony just now?

: (Thereā€™s the connection between the two cases!)
: You seem happy, Mr. Wright!
: Happy? We just got handed our ticket to go to town on this case!
: (With the link between the two cases established, we finally have some leverage.)
: (Now we can get Gant to testify about the details!)

: Chiefā€¦ The defenseā€™s positing is simply this:
: The connection between these two cases has already been proven!
: Heh, you donā€™t say?
: Well, out with it Wrighto! Whatā€™s your connection?
: Yes, out with it, Mr. Wright.

: The connection is a place, mentioned in the testimony we just heard.

: from the Police Departmentā€™s evidence room.

: And we also know that the detective murdered at the Police Departmentā€¦
: was killed in that very same evidence room!

: Indeedā€¦
: There do seem to be too many connections for it to be a coincidence.

: You two make a good pair. It took my men two days to find out
: what you deduced right here.

: Chief!
: I request that you release your information on the victim at the Police Department!
: See, thatā€™s the tricky part.
: It hasnā€™t been announced yet, and allā€¦
: Can we get the informationā€¦
: unofficially?

: Hmmmmmā€¦
: Sure! Why not? Itā€™s unofficial, after all.
: (What? Really!?)
: Who would have guessed?

Next time: Truthā€¦???

Case 5 - Rise From the Ashes
Trial (Day 2) - Part 8

: If youā€™re going to tell us a little, why not tell us everything?
: Ah, well, case information is sticky stuff. You have to do everything properly.

: Okayā€¦
: how about the gender of the victim!
: You want to know that!? Umā€¦ Hmmā€¦ Okay, a hint.
: Letā€™s seeā€¦ first hint! The gender thatā€™s NOT femaleā€¦!
: Ah hah!
: He was a guy!
: What did I tell you! The boyā€™s sharp!
: Stop goofing around, Mr. Wright! This is serious business!
: S-sorry, Your Honor.
: (Hey, tell that to the Chief of Police!)

: Okay, wellā€¦
: What division was the victim stationed in?
: Oh? You want to know that, do you? Do you? Ah hahā€¦
: Criminal Affairs, Division 1.
: The detectives responsible for homicide cases.
: (Homicideā€¦ that would be the same division as Detective Gumshoe!)

: Itā€™s almost like a serial killer was after homicide detectivesā€¦
: Except this serial killing happened simultaneously, scientifically speaking.
: Well, I sure hope Detective Gumshoe isnā€™t next on the listā€¦

: Okayā€¦ How about you tell me
: the victimā€™s ID number?
: Hmm? Sure, why not. Itā€™s not like youā€™ll be able to tell who it is from that!
: Of course not.
: You wonā€™t tell me their name, after all.
: We keep a tight lid on ID numbers, so donā€™t go getting your hopes up.
: The number isā€¦
: 5842189.
: Well! Thatā€™s quiteā€¦
: long!
: And we have to remember these! It drives me nuts!
: 8ā€¦ 2ā€¦
: I canā€™t do it.
: (You didnā€™t even get the first number right!)

: Well, Mr. Wright? Does this tell you anything?

: Absolutely nothing, Your Honor.
: Ahā€¦ well, yes.
: First of all, it was too long! Iā€™ve forgotten it already!
: S-sorry!
: I mean, why are you getting mad at me!? I didnā€™t come up with those numbersā€¦
: Hmmā€¦ 5842189ā€¦

: Actually, it does, Your Honor.
: It doesā€¦!
: I think!
: Meaning?

: Well, letā€™s hear what the defense hast to say.
: You say the ID number of the detective who was murdered at the Police Departmentā€¦

: Witness! ā€¦
: ā€¦
: ā€¦
: ā€¦
: What is it, Mr. Wright!?

: No, Iā€¦ itā€™s just,
: I got confusedā€¦
: And this is news?
: Huh?
: Just come out with both guns blazingā€¦
: like you always do.

: (Two places, two detectives murderedā€¦ at one time.)

: Oh hoh!
: Is it yours?
: N-no, Your Honor. Iā€™m a defense attorneyā€¦ remember?

: Shame on you, Wrighto! Personnel IDs are top secret!
: Detective Goodmanā€™s ID number isā€¦
: ā€œ5842189.ā€
: ā€¦
: ā€¦
: ā€¦
: Andā€¦?
: This meansā€¦ what, exactly?
: Huh?
: Waitā€¦
: That ID number we heard from the Chief earlierā€¦
: That started with ā€œ82ā€¦ā€
: Hmm. Iā€™ve forgotten.
: (You even got the first number wrong!)
: The number the Chief of Police gave us wasā€¦
: 5842189.

: W-wait a second, Wright! What does thisā€¦?

: Mean? Thatā€™s what I want to know!
: The two ID numbers are identical!
: In other wordsā€¦ The detective killed in the Police Departmentā€™s evidence room was Bruce Goodman!

: What does our witness think about that!?
: ā€¦
: Oh! Ho ho ho, sharp as a tack, Wrighto! Sharp as a tack!
: B-but wait! Detective Goodman is OUR victim!

: Yet, a Detective Bruce Goodman was also killed at the Police Departmentā€¦

: Th-thatā€™s impossible!
: So, what weā€™re saying isā€¦
: The same person was killed at the same time!?

: Order! Order! Order!
: Chief! What does this mean!?

: Noā€¦ what I want to know isā€¦
: why didnā€™t I hear about this!? Yes, itā€™s top-secret, fine! But Iā€™m the prosecutor in charge of the case!!!
: Now, just wait a second, Worthy. No need to get all flustered.

: Your Honor!
: The Police Department has made a grave error in this caseā€¦
: Wait.

: Or didnā€™t you hear me?
: ā€¦!
: The oversightā€¦ the grave errorā€¦? Mr. Edgeworthā€¦

: Theyā€™re yours.

: Howā€¦ how dareā€¦
: We informed you yesterday.
: I believe it was our Officer Meekins who brought you the news?
: O-officerā€¦ Meekins?
: Mr. Wright!
: Where have we heard that name before?
: Waitā€¦ Ah hah!

: Iā€™m here, sir, at the request of the chief, sir! Iā€™ve got your report, sir!

: According to Meekins, you didnā€™t accept the report?
: Hard to believe.
: B-but your officer, he told me!
: He said that report had nothing to do with the Lana Skye incident!

: Mr. Edgeworth. The victimā€™s name is written write on top of the report.

Whoops, nice typo, game.

: Wh-why didnā€™t your officer tell me!?

: He did seemā€¦ challenged.
: In any case, this is a serious error, a gross negligence of duty on your part, Worthy.

: B-But, sir!!!

: Then, Iā€¦

: No such luck this time, Worthyā€¦ or should I say, un-Worthy?

: What!?
: Now what was the second rule of evidence law, hmm?
: Well, Mr. Wright?
: Huh? Oh, well, itā€™s, uhā€¦
: Rule 2: New evidence may only be submitted if it concerns the case on trial.
: And how is this relevant!?
: Normally, you submit a list of evidence to be used in court before the trial.

: Soā€¦
: What does this mean?
: I couldnā€™t submit this evidence until a connection was proven in court.
: ā€¦!!
: The connection was just proven by Wrighto over here.
: Good job, Wrighto, my boy!
: Huh? Uhā€¦ Iā€¦
: I was just doing my job.

: Noā€¦

: It seemsā€¦
: we have come to the end of this trial.
: You are becoming a thorn in my side, Worthyā€¦ Thereā€™ve been rumorsā€¦
: After all, you were in the defendantā€™s chair just last yearā€¦!
: ā€¦!
: I apologize for this terrible lack of due diligence on my partā€¦
: M-Mr. Edgeworth!
: Pleaseā€¦ Just give me one day. Iā€™ll get to the bottom of what happenedā€¦
: If itā€™s the last thing I do!
: Youā€™d better get results this time. Really.
: Iā€™m sorry! Iā€™m so sorry!
: Poor Mr. Edgeworthā€¦

: I donā€™t think thereā€™s ever been an error this serious in the history of this court.
: We will grant one further day as the prosecution has requested.
: Will this be sufficient, Mr. Edgeworth.

This case has more typos and grammar issues than any other in this game, really.

: Yes, Your Honor. Thank you.
: Whatever your punishment for this is, for your sake I hope itā€™s notā€¦ decisive.

: Very well! Court is adjourned!

Next time: The case only gets weirder from here.htah

(some more filler here)

(weā€™re catching up)

Case 5 - Rise From the Ashes
Investigation (Day 2) - Part 1

: Uhā€¦ um, Mr. Wright! Soā€¦
: Whatā€™s going on with the case, anyway!?
: Iā€¦ Iā€™m a little confused.
: Huh!? W-well, umā€¦ letā€™s see. (What is going on?)

: He died in the Prosecutorā€™s parking lotā€¦ and the Police Departmentā€™s evidence room.
: Whatā€™s this ā€œand the evidence roomā€ part!?
: The Prosecutorā€™s Office and the Police Department are 30 minutes apart by car.
: ā€¦ Wellā€¦ thatā€™s what weā€™re going to find out. (Or try to, at leastā€¦)
: ā€¦
: Alright! Letā€™s do it!
: (Glad sheā€™s in good spirits, but Iā€™m not sure sheā€™s going to be much help with thisā€¦)
: Donā€™t be so sure, Mr. Wright.
: Huh?
: Would you mind coming with me?
: Iā€™ll prove that these thick-rimmed glasses of mine arenā€™t just for show!
: Letā€™s go! Science awaits us!

And we are immediately jumped toā€¦

: You know, I really donā€™t think we should worry about the Police Department murder!

: (Of course it was our victim who was killed at the Departmentā€¦)
: And my sister would never do such a thing! I know itā€¦

Sudden flashback!

: The oil drum kicked over by the Chief Prosecutorā€¦
: was brimming with water!

: (Even though she says they donā€™t get along, Ema really likes her sisterā€¦)
: Thatā€™s not it at all!
: Itā€™s justā€¦
: Weā€™re both professionals at what we doā€¦ and I trust her!
: (Big words for a high school student.) Well, whether there was blood stains or notā€¦ The water in that oil drum washed it all away.
: He he heh. Ignore the strength of my science at your own peril, Mr. Wright!
: Huh? Whatā€™s that grin for?

: L-luminol?
: Blood is sticky stuff, you know. You canā€™t just wash it away with a little water.
: Even if you canā€™t see it, itā€™s still thereā€¦
: But wouldnā€™t the police have already done those tests?
: Never trust anyoneā€™s eyes but your own, Mr. Wright!
: Just give it a try!
: M-me? Why do I have to do it!?
: Iā€™m a minor! I canā€™t even drink yet!
: (Weā€™re testing blood stains with this stuff, not drinking itā€¦)
: Here, look, Iā€™ll lend you these glasses.
: Huh? You had an extra pair of those things?

Luminol testing takes place on the bottom screen, like examining.

: To test for a blood reaction, just spray the luminol on it.

: Touch the screen to spray it on.
: Okay! Letā€™s find us some bloodstains!

Once a bloodstain has been identified this way, you have to tap it.

: So, this is a bloodstain?
: Uhhhhā€¦ Itā€™s soā€¦ ugh!
: Ema, youā€™re shaking.
: Itā€™s justā€¦ this is my first time seeing real blood!
: (Scientific investigation in actionā€¦)
: O-okay, well, we definitely know this is a bloodstain.
: But, doesnā€™t something strike you as odd? Scientifically speaking, of course?
: (Whatā€™s odd about thisā€¦ scientificallly?)

: Why, the blood stainā€™s location is odd! Elementary!

: I mean, I would think that if there was a fight, youā€™d expect some bloodstains here.
: ā€¦ I suppose you might think that.
: Cā€™mon, Mr. Wright! Weā€™re all counting on you!
: (There is something odd about this bloodstainā€¦ But if itā€™s not the location of the blood, then maybeā€¦) Maybe itā€™s the amount of blood thatā€™s odd?


: The perpetrator and Detective Goodman fought here, right? Donā€™t you think thereā€™d be a little more blood?


: I meanā€¦

: (Itā€™s strange! If they fought here, thereā€™d have to be more bloodstains than this.)
: Uh, h-hey, Mr. Wright!

: Seeā€¦ Iā€™m pretty handy to have around, right?

: I saved up my allowance to buy this!

The Luminol is added to our evidence list. I forget to actually look at it for a bit, though.

: We canā€™t be sure that the police will reveal all their evidence in court.
: Sometimes they fail to mention evidence that doesnā€™t fit with their view of the case.
: And weā€™ll drag that ā€œhidden evidenceā€ out into the light of day!
: Yeah!
: It feels like weā€™re really investigating a crime now, doesnā€™t it?
: (This luminol stuff is going to come in handy.)
: Hah!

: Ms. Starr!

: You only trust your own eyes, hm?
: Not bad, you twoā€¦

: Sorry, itā€™s just, that kind of lead in doesnā€™t really get my mouth watering.

And now we can look around or talk to Angel.

: So thatā€™s where Ms. Starr saw the incident from.
: You can probably see quite a lot from up there. i[/i]

: Whereā€™s the security guard, anyway?
: Well, this is just something I heardā€¦
: But apparently he went out to buy coffee for Ms. Starr.
: (That woman is a force to be reckoned withā€¦)

: So, this is the famous oil drum.
: Well, no time like the present! Iā€™ll try to kick it over myself!
: Hii-yah!
: ā€¦
: Th-thatā€™s okay. Donā€™t cry. (That Lana Skye must be a powerful womanā€¦)

So letā€™s talk to Angel now.

: You certainly put me in a tight spot today.
: My apologies Ms. Starr, butā€¦
: No, no, itā€™s okay. It was my fault.
: Oh, we know.
: I witnessed everything from that security room right there. Butā€¦I was afraid that wouldnā€™t sound convincing enough, you seeā€¦
: I was wrong to think that. Iā€™m sorry.
: Sorry? You lied on the witness stand! Thatā€™s unforgivable!
: ā€¦

: Little girl, donā€™t forget whatā€™s important here. Even if the place I witnessed the events from was different, I still saw what I saw.

: Ahā€¦
: I swear it on my honor as a detective!
: She stabbed Goodman!
: ā€¦!

: Soā€¦ you were a detective, werenā€™t you, Ms. Starr?
: Yesā€¦ It was a long time ago.
: Well, two years ago. No matter how hardened the criminal, when they faced meā€¦

: They coughed it up.
: Coughed itā€¦ up?
: They confessed.
: They babbled like babies.

: I wouldnā€™t doubt it.
: Every day, I dragged the dirt out of the mouths of suspect after suspectā€¦
: And before long, they called meā€¦

: The Cough-up Queen!
: Oh, and here I thought someone had gotten food poisoning from your lunches.
: Andā€¦ you were ā€œlet goā€? Erā€¦ fired?

: And if these prim and proper prosecutors hadnā€™t let me go, Iā€™d still be one today.

: Essā€¦ elā€¦? (Wait! She doesnā€™t meanā€¦!)

If we present her photoā€¦

: Butā€¦ even I get flustered sometimes.
: So, you went straight to the scene of the crime?
: And climbed the chain link fence in an effort to stop the murder?

: In other wordsā€¦ five minutes after the crime?
: Those five minutes are the whole problemā€¦
: The hole in my testimony, as it were.
: The five minutes werenā€™t the problem, Ms. Starr, you lying was the problem!
: Listen, little girl.
: Iā€™ve had my testimony ā€œdisregardedā€ beforeā€¦ And I wasnā€™t going to have it disregarded again! Just like that timeā€¦
: (That timeā€¦?)

If we present either the SL-9 note or the SL-9 knifeā€¦

: Umā€¦ What do you think about this?

: Goodmanā€¦
: Goodman was the head detective on that case, you know.
: Really?
: That knife was evidence from that caseā€¦ the murder weapon. It was due for transferal the very day that Goodman was killed.

: As I suspectedā€¦ SL-9 isnā€™t over! Not yet!
: Do you think you could tell us more about the SL-9 Incident?

: Thatā€™s when I learned the truth.
: Weā€™re nothing to them. Disposable.
: Disposable?
: Two years agoā€¦ it was the biggest case Iā€™d ever handled.

: Soā€¦ they didnā€™t solve it?
: On the contrary. It was solved quite cleanly. The criminal was caught and executed.
: i[/i]
: Yes, the criminal got what was coming to him. It doesnā€™t get any cleaner than that. The only problem wasā€¦
: they never did find decisive evidence. Not even a little.
: What!? But the criminal was executed, right?
: Evidenceā€¦ of a sort. Made up evidence.
: Wh-what?
: You mean they executed someone with fabricated evidence!?
: ā€¦
: The best part came several months after the trial. Every detective involved with the case was dealt with.
: Some were demoted to patrolmen, others found themselves out of a jobā€¦
: Andā€¦ you were one of those?
: Myself, and one other person you know well.
: (Wait, could it beā€¦?)

: Exactly. Officer Jake Marshall. Heā€™s on security detail in the Police Department, isnā€™t he?

: As professional detectives, we investigated that case from every angle.

: And thenā€¦ it was over. And he was demoted.
: Howeverā€¦
: He hasnā€™t forgotten. And neither have I!
: You havenā€™t forgotten SL-9?
: There was another side to that case, a hidden side. Thatā€™s what weā€™re after now.
: And no one up in their fancy offices can stop us.
: Wait! Th-those lunches you sellā€¦
: There is only one reason I come to sell lunches in this accursed office.
: I come here to meet old friendsā€¦ boyfriends that can help me investigate.
: (Ms. Starrā€™s old boyfriendsā€¦ How many does she have, anyway? Just when the detectives on the case have disappeared, we find new evidenceā€¦)
: There has to be a connection!
: So, Rookieā€¦
: Wh-what!
: It seems like youā€™re serious about investigating this caseā€¦
: Yes.

: I know a certain guy who might help you if you tempt him with this treatā€¦

And it goes into the inventory.

: I can almost hear the sound of steak frying on the grill!
: No doubt itā€™s all cold and tough by now.
: No, Iā€™m sure itā€™s delicious!
: Ms. Starr poured her heart into making this!
: So long as she didnā€™t put any other organs in thereā€¦

: She must mean ā€œbeef.ā€ She probably just wrote it generically.
: Uhā€¦ yeah. Letā€™s hope so.
: Of course, as a scientist I have to check what additives she used.
: Go to town.
: Huh? It says hereā€¦ ā€œHours of sweat and labor.ā€
: So thatā€™s why the sauce is so saltyā€¦


: Um, Ms. Starrā€¦?
: Officer Marshallā€¦ is he yourā€¦ uh, are you hisā€¦?
: Are you g-g-g-going out!?
: Why do you want to know?
: I was just wondering what happened to him?
: A long time ago, when he was helping my sister do cases, he was so nice. He got along so well with my sister, it made me jealous. Andā€¦ he was nice to me too, back then.
: (This would be when Officer Marshall was a detective.)
: But nowā€¦
: now heā€™s so cold!
: ā€¦
: Jake and I are merely cooperating on this investigation. Weā€™re putting the past to rest, as it were.
: Nothing more than that.
: Iā€¦ I see.
: Thank you.
: (Officer Jake Marshallā€¦ Hmmā€¦)

Next time: Getting out of this damn parking lot.

Case 5 - Rise From the Ashes
Investigation (Day 2) - Part 2

We begin by heading for the police station.

: Itā€™s even busier here today than it was yesterday.
: The detectives are running around so fast theyā€™re blurring.
: (I suppose it makes sense-- a detective did get killed in their own department.)
: Soā€¦ the evidence room. The scene of the crime!
: According to the pamphlet we got at the front deskā€¦
: Here it is!
: (Sheā€™s like a kid at an amusement park.)
: Ooh, a real crime scene! Letā€™s go take a look!

But firstā€¦

You may have remembered the evidence being kept in a room off of Criminal Affairs last time. That is, apparently, a different evidence room, because it has nothing to do with what weā€™re looking for at all.

: Wow, everyone looks deadly serious hereā€¦
: Well, there was a vicious murder of a detective in this department, after all.

: Ughā€¦ It makes my head hurt.
: Well, first things first. I want to check out the crime scene here.
: Yes, you sound ā€œdeadā€-set on investigating!
: But donā€™t mess up, or we could wind upā€¦ dead!
: I doubt anyone wants more mysteries or dead bodies around here right now. (Butā€¦ it doesnā€™t look like anyoneā€™s going to help us much, either.)

So, instead, we should check out that security guard office.

: Whatā€™s with the decor in this place? Itā€™s veryā€¦ eccentric.
: According to the pamphlet, this is the guard station for the evidence room.
: So, beyond that door is the evidence roomā€¦ the scene of the crime?
: It sure seems that wayā€¦
: Oh. Ohhhā€¦
: Whatā€™s wrong?
: Itā€™s those cacti! Theyā€™re so pricklyā€¦ so imposing! Itā€™s hard to think straight.
: (If you canā€™t handle the cacti, stay out of the desertā€¦) What I want to know is, if this is a guard station, where is the guard?
: I have a feeling I know who this guard is alreadyā€¦

Letā€™s take a look around.

: Look, on the floor, a lasso!
: Hmmā€¦ looks like itā€™s set up to trap something.
: A trap, here?
: Wait, I know!
: Maybe someone was trying to catch a wild bull in hereā€¦
: But the lasso missed!
: You sure have an active imagination.

: The evidence room is beyond that door.
: Letā€™s just walk in! ā€¦
: It wonā€™t open.
: You thought itā€™d be open? (I think weā€™d need someoneā€™s permission to go in there firstā€¦)

: It looks like thereā€™s a video feed from the evidence room here.
: Thereā€™s a light blinking below the monitor.
: It says ā€œRecordingā€!
: I bet we could use this computer to check on who went in and out of here!

: This swinging door makes the place look like some kind of saloon!
: But look, itā€™s nailed shut. You canā€™t get in that way.
: Of course not! If you went in through hereā€¦
: The cactus would fall over. Ouch!
: Iā€™d say itā€™d be more of an ā€œYeeeeaargh,ā€ myself.

: Yipes, that sure is prickly. It must be the real deal.
: I would think just one big one would be sufficient.
: This cactusā€¦
: is a lot like my sister, actually.

: M-Ms. Skye?
: Encased in a cold, rigid shell, with thorns pointing in every directionā€¦
: Just like her.
: ā€¦ You know, Iā€™ve been looking at this cactus a while now, and I donā€™t see the resemblance.
: ā€¦
: Itā€™s more an attitude thing than a physical similarity.

: Thereā€™s a security guard uniform hanging here.
: It looks more like a costume than a uniform, honestly.
: A leather jacket, leather pants, a leatherā€¦
: What was that called again?
: A punchy? A paunchy? A pinchy?
: I know! A poochy!
: Hmmā€¦
: Wait, maybe that wasnā€™t it.
: (Itā€™s a ā€œponcho,ā€ but I think Iā€™ll keep that information to my self for the time being.)

Thatā€™s about all we can do in here now, so itā€™s time to find someone who can get us past that door.

: (This place is charged with frantic energy, as always.)
: Please!!!
: Huh? Wasnā€™t thatā€¦

: Detective Gumshoe!
: Nowā€™s no time for chit-chat, pal. Iā€™m a busy man!
: What I really need is a steak lunch from Lunchland.

: ā€¦
: ā€¦
: (I think I just heard the sound of his heart breaking.)
: Nowā€™s no time for despair!
: Weā€™ve caught our criminal!
: Now we just need evidence!
: The criminalā€¦ you meanā€¦?
: You heard about the stabbing in the Police Department evidence room, pal?

: Another detectiveā€¦ was killed at the Police Department!?
: And the perpetrator? Do you have a suspect?
: Well, there was a suspect.
: Just arrested 'em, in fact.

: But, Detective Gumshoe, who was it?
: Listen, pal, all I know is I need me a steak lunch, pronto!
: Standing around here talking isnā€™t going to fill my belly!

He goes to leave.

: W-wait! Donā€™t leave!
: If you want to know more, head on down to the detention center, pal.
: Questioning should be over, so I figure heā€™s down there having a good cry.
: Later!

And he leaves for real.

: He ran off to the evidence roomā€¦
: Well, this investigation is off to a running start.

To get to the detention center, however, we have to stop by the office.

Here, we can chat with Ema.

: Wellā€¦ where should we begin?
: Oh, well, isnā€™t it obvious? We should begin with that, yā€™knowā€¦ that thing.
: The mystery of the victim I guess. How could one man, Detective Goodmanā€¦ be killed in two places simultaneously?
: Oh, well, you seeā€¦
: We should go to the Police Departmentā€¦ the evidence room, was it?
: Uhā€¦
: Iā€™m not being very useful here, am Iā€¦
: (No, no! Youā€™re being veryā€¦ helpful.)

: Poor Mr. Edgeworthā€¦

: After all, you were in the defendantā€™s chair just last yearā€¦!
: ā€¦!

: Ah, about the killing at the Police Department, right.

: (But I canā€™t help but thinkā€¦ Someone at the Police Department doesnā€™t like Edgeworthā€¦)

Now, to the detention center.

: Still, I do feel better about things. A little.
: I mean, they caught the person who stabbed Detective Goodman, didnā€™t they?
: Uh, yeah, I guess they did. (Best to not go too far down that road right now. Things will just get confusing.)

Imagine this accompanied by an annoying megaphone feedback squeal sound effect.

: Wh-what was that!?
: Sir! Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying! Me, a perpetrator? I-I-Iā€™d say I-I-I was the perpetrated against, sir! Thatā€™s whaat Iā€™d say!

: Wait, I know who you areā€¦

: Iā€™m here, sir, at the request of the Chief, sir! Iā€™ve got your report, sir!

: No, sir! Iā€™m not, sir! Iā€™m a little lost patrolman, like a little lost lamb, sir!
: Oh, I get it.
: Youā€™re here to deliver a report?
: No, sir, I, uh, how should I say thisā€¦
: (Waitā€¦ he isnā€™tā€¦ is he?) Youā€¦ Officer Meekinsā€¦ You didnā€™tā€¦ did you?
: Errā€¦

This is why I hate Officer Meekins. Every time this sprite shows up, the same annoying whine sound effect plays. Be happy that I am not subjecting you to it.

: Whatā€¦!? Whaaaaaaaaat!?
: (Now this is an unexpected turn of eventsā€¦)

But still, we may as well question him.

: Sir! Iā€™m a patrolman with General Affairs, sir! SIR!
: Ow. I can hear you fine, Officer Meekins.
: I had some business that day, sir, and so I went to the evidence room, sirā€¦ The guard office in front of the room was empty, sir!
: So, normally thereā€™s a guard at the evidence room?
: Thatā€™s right, sir! Because evidence is kept in the evidence room, sir! Now, the security officerā€¦
: was none other than Officer Marshall!
: i[/i]

: Thatā€™s when I saw him, sir!

: (What the heck is this guy doing?)
: So what happened then?
: After that, sir, Iā€¦ Iā€¦
: everything went white! I saw red! I blacked out! Andā€¦ when I came to,
: I was here. In the detention center.
: (How long were you out!? Days!?)
: Um, might I askā€¦ what happened to your hand?

: Sir! There was no one to bandage me, sir! So I did what I could to wrap it up, sir!

: Yet another similarity between this case and the one at the Prosecutorā€™s Officerā€¦
: First things firstā€¦ tell us how you hurt your hand!

: Um, I donā€™t mean to pry, but you are the perpetrator, correct? You killed Detective Bruce Goodman in the evidence roomā€¦ right?
: Sirā€¦
: Please donā€™t look at me with those sad puppy dog eyes, sir! If oyu have to label me as perpetrator or victim, sirā€¦

: Um, I would, but you happen to be in detention. And alive and well at that.
: Ah, yes, well, thatā€™s true, sir. I suppose you could say that.

: Well, sir, if I had to label him as a ā€œstrangerā€ or a ā€œtotal strangerā€ā€¦
: Then Iā€™d say he leans heavily on the ā€œtotal strangerā€ side!
: Soā€¦ you didnā€™t know him?
: Sir! I work in a tiny department, devoid of light or other creature comforts!

: I donā€™t know any detectives!
: So, if he was a total stranger, why did you stab him?
: Sir! I had n-no intention of killing him, sir! None!
: N-nor do I have any recollection of k-killing him, sir!
: (At least someone around here is more confused than I am.)

: And your handā€¦ that happened when Detective Goodman was stabbed?
: Well! You see, sir,
: I, erā€¦
: Donā€™t you think that you should just confess?
: But, sir! Sir! But! There was nothing I could do!
: ā€œNothing you could doā€ā€¦?
: Sir, to tell the truth, sir, when it happenedā€¦
: When the detective pointed that knife at me, I just hollered, sir!

: And the next thing I knew, I was unconscious!
: The next thing you knew you wereā€¦ huh?
: Then, when I opened my eyesā€¦

: I was alone in the evidence room, sir! All alone! Alone becauseā€¦
: Because Detective Goodman had disappeared!!!
: What!?
: Then when I looked down, I was gushing blood from my hand, sir!
: Oh, the shock! Oh, the sorrow, sir! Can you imagine how I felt?
: (The victimā€™s bodyā€¦ disappearedā€¦?)
: Hmmā€¦ Thatā€™s some story.

If we present the switchblade knifeā€¦

: Officer Meekins, this is for you!
: Eeeek! I-Iā€™m scared of knives, sir!
: Itā€™s okay, I just wanted you to take a look at it.
: Thatā€™s it, sir! Last night, sir! Thatā€™s the one!
: I was an apple, sir, in my dream, sir, and I wasā€¦ I was being peeled!
: On second thought, you donā€™t have to look at the knife.
: (Hmmā€¦ Heā€™s overreacting to the knife, but I guess heā€™s been through a lot.)

ā€¦yeah, weā€™ll give him a break. I need a break from that goddamn megaphone anyway.

Next time: Slightly fewer annoying sounds.