Let's Play the Portable Legend of Zeldas! (Now playing Spirit Tracks)

One part in and I already love Toots♪. This is gonna be fun.

Zelda’s death didn’t last very long.

Time for Spirit Tracks to properly Spirit Track!

We may have the train, but we can’t kill anything with it. Let’s fix that.

With the first temple complete, it’s time to get chilly.

Toots takes on the Ice Temple before we must sadly say goodbye to Skippy for the rest of the LP.

Will he impotently stand up for us against demons? Not until you get his ring.

Some more light Phantom Hourglass nostalgia, pretty music, and mystical BS.

All that ocean in Phantom Hourglass and we never got to properly go underneath it. Guess that’s why.

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Hovering with cuccos not weird and barely-functioning enough for you? Spirit Tracks’ birds have got you covered.


Our chunky buddies return with a new car for our train, and now we can truly engineer.

Gotta haul ass, rabbits, lumber, and whatever else will get me more rails to haul ass over.

We go slippin’ about for collectibles and the clothes we really want, and Ferrus gets the longest train ride of his life.

Those hot angry honkers

Let’s shoot stuff in two more engaging ways than in Phantom Hourglass and shun our pirate ancestry.

I remember it took me a long time to get around to editing the footage for this part because of how miserable it is.

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Let’s get sand in our joints and count the grains

It’s another two-part collection and exploration sequence before we reach the endgame. Only three more parts after this, folks.

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Final part of collection, and we must face ourselves and our mortality. No wonder we go glam by the end.

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