For Tomorrow. For Everyone. For the Children. Let's Play Shadow Hearts: From The New World


newmascotresized: We might as well pull this lever because there’s a Stellar in a chest in the corner, plus we need to grind stock for Frank. The boss here basically requires that everyone has full stock to start.

newmascotresized: Frank has 8 Sanity, the same as Natan, and is Light element. This is going to be important because the upcoming boss is Dark element - meaning Frank will be our best damage dealer.

newmascotresized: Frank’s only mechanical issue is that his damage ability can only hit airborne enemies, meaning that in most cases we’re going to need a Double or D-Combo to use it.

newmascotresized: Frank starts with three attacks on his Ring, the same as Shania. He also comes with Holy Edge, which could theoretically buff Natan or Johnny’s damage against the boss, but in practice isn’t the best way to spend a turn.

newmascotresized: Bright Rage is a Light-based spell that I probably should have put onto Johnny, since he has nothing else he can do with a Double, but we need to Snap this boss. Apparently, the “No Snapping Bosses” rule only applies to bosses that Johnny isn’t in the party for.

newmascotresized: Frank is about to obliterate this fucking door.

newmascotresized: I love Frank so fucking much.

newmascotresized: The pose here just kinda gets me.

newmascotresized: God dammit Johnny stop being such a little goddamn bitch I swear to god.

newmascotresized: There’s another Stellar hidden in a corner behind the door, which we have no particular need for at the moment but I’ll grab anyway. There’s a save point up those stairs, so clearly the next room is…

newmascotresized: An anticlimax. This room plays the background music that plays when you’re in the university campus, and you can hear people laughing and playing outside.

newmascotresized: The box has a Leather Cap inside, which is a defense-boosting accessory. I toss it on Natan.

newmascotresized: Rarely do I see a game where the cutscene director is this level on point with all of the character animations and poses. It is a goddamn shame that Nautilus got reduced to making pachinko machines.

newmascotresized: Someone get me a goddamn mod for Ace Attorney where you can play as Frank. You could fix how bad most of the cases in The Great Ace Attorney were that way.

newmascotresized: My favorite part of this cutscene is that Shania and Natan are… just kinda there taking it all in. I feel like that’s really the only response a normal person could have to being in a room with Frank.

newmascotresized: I happened to run into a Sergei before the fight while I was grinding stock for Frank, and I’m pretty sure Frank can oneshot them.

newmascotresized: Or, you know, Johnny’s knife will become a lightsaber and impale it through the mouth. That works too.

newmascotresized: Johnny does not deserve cutscene powers.

Shania: “Her power!? If you know something, then tell me now!!”

newmascotresized: This cutscene isn’t canon because Frank would’ve stopped Gilbert singlehandedly if it was.

Music Le Gran Luxe

newmascotresized: Igornak looks like a rejected design for William Birkin’s super-zombie form in Resident Evil 2. It’s actually a relatively easy fight - provided you know how to abuse the combo system. You’ll notice that Igornak starts with a Stock and is going after Johnny, but before the rest of the party.

newmascotresized: Igornak has a three-hit combo, and each hit has a chance to apply Poison. By itself, Poison isn’t too bad - but if you get hit with it a second time, it becomes Deadly Poison. Deadly Poison does something like 10 to 15% max HP in damage each turn.

newmascotresized: What we want to do is immediately launch into a D-Combo. Unfortunately, Johnny can’t do much with a second turn - he can’t Snap unless he’s the last person in the combo.

newmascotresized: Johnny passes to Shania, who does a regular attack and then casts Dusk Proud. One of our side objectives here is to do a 25-hit combo, so we want to pull that off if possible.

newmascotresized: Shania passes to Frank, who uses his regular attack to launch Igornak, so that he can use Ninja Star.

newmascotresized: Frank’s animation for Ninja Star consists of him doing a bunch of Naruto hand motions to make an F…

newmascotresized: And then throwing a giant fuckoff shuriken at the enemy.

newmascotresized: Natan follows up with a regular attack and Slug Shell, his first special attack, to bring the combo counter to 24. At this point, we’ve done well over half the boss’s health in damage.

newmascotresized: One of the major problems with the Stock system is that for some reason, the boss gains Stock during a combo, meaning that you need to save at least half a bar of stock for the end to prevent the boss from Double Attacking.

newmascotresized: Igornak has 500 HP, and we’ve taken off 359 in one combo.

newmascotresized: On its turn, Igornak beats Frank down to 9 HP, because it knows he’s the biggest threat in the party.

newmascotresized: Now, here’s what I’d like to point out. Before the boss’s turn, it had one stock. Johnny used a Hard Hit to remove it… and now it’s back to having a stock again within one turn.

newmascotresized: In the end, we finish the fight exactly one turn before Johnny would have gone Berserk.

newmascotresized: A 25-hit combo gets us a new gun for Natan. If you really feel like using some Handy Tools, getting 100% strikes on the Ring gets you a Lottery Ticket, but given that the strike area lowers on a combo, you’d probably need to TAS it to hit every one.

newmascotresized: The only place we can go is back to Johnny’s office, so let’s do that. Technically, I still need three more Snaps of both of the enemies in the basement, but I’m going to wait on that.

Lenny: “No, I’m sorry. Not only has he vanished, but apparently Gilbert wasn’t even his real name. No personal information, no leads.”

Johnny: “I see… that’s just great. Now what are we going to do?”

newmascotresized: I know who Frank’s master is, and believe me when I say that whatever your guess is as to who Frank’s master is, it’s almost definitely wrong.

Johnny: “Frank’s Master? Is your Master all there?”

FRANK: “Of course! No doubt about it. But, Master is traveling around America, so Frank has no idea where Master is…”

Johnny: “What, so we have to go out looking!?”

newmascotresized: Wait… hold up. You’re telling me Frank is the goddamn Hokage? I mean, I’m not surprised that Frank is the Hokage, it would make no sense if he wasn’t.

FRANK: “Master is a very unique individual, so they’ll surely find her soon!”

Johnny: “You’ve got subordinates!?”

newmascotresized: I refuse to believe for a moment that at least two of those subordinates aren’t his kids, whose names are Frankruto and Franksuke.

Natan: “Princess! You can’t mean…”

Johnny: “That’s fine with me, but where is it you wanna go?”

newmascotresized: Normally, I’d stop the update here, but there is a scene coming up that is peak Frank, and let’s be real here, we’re all here for Frank. Let’s just step out of the office, and…

Johnny: “A ghost? What, again…”

newmascotresized: I mean, it hasn’t eaten him or turned him into orphan soup, so it’s probably fine.

Johnny: “Consider yourself lucky. Not many people get to see a ghost. Well, I’m in a bit of a rush, so…”

newmascotresized: This is going to lead to the re-emergence of a running joke from Covenant.

Johnny: “Uh, yeah. Sure. Looks like I don’t have a choice…”

newmascotresized: Looks like we found the ghost. We just need to apply Frank. I would not at all be surprised if Frank is a licensed exorcist.

Johnny: “It doesn’t really look that scary, though… all right, I’ll just sneak up on it here so it doesn’t get away…”

newmascotresized: We can add stealth to the list of things Johnny sucks at.

Aya: “Wh-Who are you!? Don’t you know it’s rude to creep up on people like that!?”

Johnny: “You’re the one who’s creepy! You look like a ghost!”

Aya: “A…a ghost!?”

newmascotresized: Let me explain this for a minute. In Covenant, there was a character called the Ring Soul, who was part of a sidequest of sorts where you’d track him down to upgrade each character’s Judgement Ring.

newmascotresized: Part of the joke was that Yuri kept referring to the Ring Soul as a “Ring Spirit”, causing the Ring Soul to become increasingly dejected.

Aya: “…I’m still an apprentice, though.”

Johnny: “I don’t really understand, but that sounds pretty impressive. But what is a person who governs all fate doing in a place like this?”

Aya: “I was looking for something. This little boy had it a minute ago, but… aah! That thing you’re holding there! Let me see it!!!”

Johnny: “What? You mean this?”

Aya: “I knew it… it’s a Ring Fragment! Please, please! Give it to me!!”

Johnny: “…Well, I don’t really have any use for it, so I guess it’s OK.”

newmascotresized: The rest of this cutscene is a tutorial that I’m going to skip in favor of showing you how it works directly.

newmascotresized: In the menu is a new option called “Customize Ring”, which allows you to do a couple of things. First and most important is changing the number of attacks each character has per Ring.

newmascotresized: Most characters have a maximum of five attacks per Ring - some have fewer. Adding an attack costs an Attack Boost, which in this game can be reassigned freely. I don’t know if they were consumable in Covenant, but I think they were.

newmascotresized: You can also do something the Allansons absolutely should’ve picked up on for YIIK but didn’t because they are incapable of learning anything and change how the Ring works.

newmascotresized: Technical isn’t bad if you have… Handy Tools… in that it increases damage done at the cost of making the hit and strike areas smaller.

newmascotresized: Gamble Ring is only really used for an exploit much later in the game.

newmascotresized: Now here’s the thing the Allansons really should’ve picked up on. You can, at your option, straight up turn the Judgment Ring off. This lowers your damage, but means no QTEs.

newmascotresized: Added Effect lets you put status effects on your regular attacks. Evasion Down is kind of useless, but later we’ll get items that do things like lower defense on hit or inflict poison, which… yeah, I’ll take that.

newmascotresized: Before we leave for the Grand Canyon, we can go back to Gilbert’s office and get a lottery ticket off this desk.

newmascotresized: Honestly, this seems like Johnny’s own fault. Why the hell is he wearing that jacket in… probably Arizona or Nevada, if I had to guess.

Johnny: “Anyway… what are we doing out here? Why did you drag us out in the middle of nowhere?”

newmascotresized: We did it for Frank. Trust me when I say what you’re about to see tops the Ninja Art of Unlocking.

Johnny: “Uh huh. You looked like a bird, I think…”

Shania: “No, not a bird…”

newmascotresized: I mean, I was gonna say “One of those early 2000s kids with a Deviantart account who got let loose in a Hot Topic that was located next to a Spirit Halloween,” but okay.

Shania: “For a short time, I have this ability… I can borrow power from the Spirits.”

newmascotresized: I mean, unless we’re talking Drakengard here where you sacrifice your ability to talk in exchange for a giant red dragon, or alternatively the ability to eat babies.

newmascotresized: I was very, very disappointed that there was no ending to Drakengard where the baby-eating elf becomes 50 feet tall and has a steel cage match against the giant pregnant demon ladies.

newmascotresized: Seriously, just imagine this giant elf going “I’m gonna make Roe v. Wade look like a goddamn joke” and then she pulls out a knife and fork and goes to town on the giant demon babies who are destroying everything.

newmascotresized: Now, one thing I forgot to mention is that my first reaction to seeing Shania’s fusion animation was “It is a goddamn crime that Frank does not have a Fusion ability where he runs off screen and comes back in a really poorly-made costume”, and that’s when I immediately contacted Salty Vanilla.

newmascotresized: Salty wanted to go with a magical girl transformation like Shania has, and I could not bring myself to say no. Speaking of which, it’s Frank time. We’re just going to… skip ahead a bit.

newmascotresized: There’s a whole village ahead that we’re just going to ignore for now. We’ll see that in the next update.

newmascotresized: At the end of the village is this cactus. There is no indication you can interact with this cactus, but we need to do just that.

Johnny: “Yeah, it’s pretty big…”

FRANK: “…Boy. After hearing that, what DO you think?”

Johnny: “Huh? I wasn’t thinking anything in particular…”

newmascotresized: That’s because you suck, Johnny.

newmascotresized: You know what you should do? There’s no music in this cutscene, so let’s go ahead and put something more appropriate on.

FRANK: “Fighting all alone… it won’t lose to this dry earth. What bravery!!”

Johnny: “Uh, sorry. I’m not following what you’re saying…”

FRANK: “But don’t worry anyMORE! From today, Frank will be with you!”

newmascotresized: RULES OF NATUUURE!

newmascotresized: Why yes, Frank does just so happen to keep an adjustable katana hilt on his person at all times.

Johnny: “Aaaack! You can’t take that! Put it back!”

newmascotresized: The gay vampire luchador from Covenant had this same gimmick, except it wasn’t nearly as amusing as the way Frank does it.

newmascotresized: Next time, we’ll explore the Grand Canyon. To finish this off, have some fanart from Warren.

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Well Timrod, I wish you luck in completing this game and finish covering The Dark Id’s project in doing all the Shadow Hearts games.

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newmascotresized: Now that we’ve gotten Frank’s new weapon, let’s look around the Grand Canyon.

newmascotresized: Inventive Ost has never heard of zoning boards, and that’s a good thing.

newmascotresized: The tent behind Inventive Ost has a Silver Bracelet in it, a returning accessory from Covenant. Covenant had an accessory to prevent each status effect, and the Silver Bracelet prevents “Mental Break”.

newmascotresized: Mental Break is a status effect that causes you to lose MP every turn.

newmascotresized: Unselfish Aura sounds like a special attack a Final Fantasy boss would have, only it’s from one of the SNES games and was never properly coded so no one knows what it actually does.

newmascotresized: Right outside the tent is a chest with a Phoenix Tail. The item description reminds me of that weapon story from NieR (another game The Dark Id LPed) with the phoenix that gives away all its feathers to save a starving child, who then stabs it to death and eats it.

newmascotresized: I also remembered that there’s another Ring item up at the start of the area, which we definitely want because this is one of the better ones. Lowering defense is never bad.

newmascotresized: Except The Spirits Within. We don’t talk about that one.

newmascotresized: There are only two more tents to visit - the Chief’s tent and one other. The Chief’s tent is progress and also has a Poison ring item in it, which I slap on Natan.

Shania: “We’ve only come back because we have something to ask you. So, Zonda. I want you to tell me the location of the altar where the spirits of the earth and ocean slumber.”

Johnny: “Hey, who’s that?”

Natan: “He is the head of this village. He is also Shania’s betrothed.”

newmascotresized: If I was stealing The Dark Id’s thing, I would put a line here where Natan goes “You do not stand a chance.”

Natan: “I heard their parents, each heads of their respective tribes, decided it. But that’s a thing of the past now.”

Shania: “I absolutely cannot lose, that’s why.”

newmascotresized: This does, admittedly, sound like every married couple I’ve ever known. “Why do you need to renovate the bathrooms? We just renovated the bathrooms last year!”

Shania: “I can’t. I haven’t finished getting revenge.”

newmascotresized: “I need to renovate the bathrooms because they must suffer. That is why I must renovate.”

newmascotresized: They fled because they realized Johnny Depp’s career was about to go to a very weird place and none of them wanted a part of it.

Shania: “What about the Earth Spirit… Tatan’ka?”

newmascotresized: And now we unlock a very simplified version of Yuri’s main mechanic from Shadow Hearts 1 and Covenant.

Shania: “Thank you, Zonda…”

Natan: “Understood. You need not worry.”

Natan: “Lord Nvwoti? I understand.”

newmascotresized: The Eagle Statue is the first of Shania’s upgrade items. Killing enemies gets you Soul Energy, which you can then pump into the statue to upgrade the fusion associated with it.

newmascotresized: Bar Rod is effectively a wind-element version of Frank’s Ninja Star that hits two or three more times. It’s also where I’d go if I drank, but I don’t drink.

newmascotresized: Evil Eye is a Dark spell that can theoretically hit multiple targets, but that’s more or less totally random.

newmascotresized: This cutscene angers me, and you’ll see why.

Johnny: “Who’s this guy?”

Shania: “Nvwoti. The Healer of this village.”

Natan: “What did you need from me? If you could be brief.”

Natan: “This? This is what you have been working on all this time?”

Natan: “Hm… this is a good jar. How does it work?”

newmascotresized: That is, admittedly, some 10/10 dialog right there. Fucking nailed it.

Natan: “I’m afraid we are in the middle of an urgent journey. Please ask someone else.”

Natan: “I am sorry, but what else can I do?”

Shania: “…Natan, it’s OK if you take it on.”

Natan: “Princess. But…”

Shania: “You have got to increase your strength from here on out anyway. We just can’t get too sidetracked.”

Natan: “…I understand. Lord Nvwoti, so how does this work?”

newmascotresized: We get like eight different items here ranging from honey to fly paper.

Natan: “I see. However, if I am unfamiliar with the UMA’s disposition and habitat, I have no way to trap them.”

Natan: “True to your title, Lord Nvwoti. But what about the valley’s guards, who let the UMA invade so easily?”

newmascotresized: Now, this is what pisses me off. You have a setting in which it makes sense that Bigfoot exists, but Bigfoot isn’t a party member. Why the fuck isn’t Bigfoot a party member?

Natan: “I understand. I believe I have enough information now.”

newmascotresized: We’ll see how UMA hunting works in a little bit. Before we go out to the next dungeon, Gerard has some new stuff on sale.

newmascotresized: He has a new weapon for Johnny and Shania, which is good because that’s about all we can afford. Gerard also carries the Schofield II for Natan if you didn’t get it off the boss, and the Cactus Saber if you somehow missed the cactus.

newmascotresized: And now we can continue on a single screen before I backtrack to New York.

newmascotresized: The screen immediately beyond the guard has a Ring Fragment hidden in a bush. We’re going to want to cash this in because we have a solo boss fight coming up.

Johnny: “Um, hey, I’ve been meaning to ask… just what are these fragments? Why would you collect something like this?”

Aya: “Something like this? How rude! These are the fragments of the Judgment Ring of a person who died unfulfilled. So basically, these are the broken pieces of that person’s Judgment Ring. They’re very precious!”

Johnny: “I…I see.”

Aya: “All Ring Spirits have to come to the human world and search for them as part of their training.”

Johnny: “I understand that, but… if this is your training, shouldn’t you be the one gathering them?”

Aya: “Yeah, but well, ah… ummm. Ah! Oh no, look at the time! Well, if you find any more, make sure to bring them to me! I’m counting on you! bye-bye!”

newmascotresized: Okay, we’re ready to keep progressing… directly to another cutscene.

Johnny: “Huh? Whose voice is that…? Could it be? This wooden pillar just talked?!”

newmascotresized: Frank isn’t in this cutscene, but he should’ve been just to go “Johnny, you saw a guy summon a knockoff William Birkin from another dimension, and this is what you find strange?”

Shania: “To forge a pact with the Earth Spirit.”

Shania: “And what are the qualifications?”

Johnny: “What should we do, Shania?”

Shania: “There’s no question about it. No matter what the trial, we’ve come prepared to handle it.”

newmascotresized: The ‘trial’, in this case, involves running one screen to the left. However, now that we’ve talked to the pillar…

newmascotresized: Random encounters are on, and even worse, we get surrounded on the first one.

newmascotresized: Our two new enemies are Maii and Tonakh.

newmascotresized: Maii is kind of annoying in that it builds up stock fast, but it likes to cast Mirage for a 30% dodge bonus that… actually, it never really did anything in Covenant, and it doesn’t do anything here, either.

newmascotresized: Johnny’s “Evasion Down” skill also procs pretty frequently, especially compared to Poison or Sp. Def Down.

newmascotresized: Tonakh only has 34 HP, but can inflict Small Ring, which… honestly doesn’t do much apart from halve the size of the Judgment Ring. Everyone but Johnny can kill these in one turn.

newmascotresized: If you want to get all the Snaps, you need four Tonakhs and two Maii, but I’m going to wait on that.

newmascotresized: Just to the left is the mural the pillar was talking about. Even though it’s pretty clear, we have to go up and “search” it for it to count.

newmascotresized: I get the hare and deer, but… why the frog?

newmascotresized: There are three different questions Dohkwibuhch can ask, and it’s randomized on a per-game basis. The mural is always the same. For reference, the other two questions are “Assume the hunter catches his prey and procures two horns. How many animals remain?” and “Above the head of whom does the sun on the mural shine?”.

newmascotresized: The third enemy type here is “Argen Tabisu”, which is a pretty clear mistranslation of “Argentavis”, an extinct species of giant bird native to Argentina. What they’re doing in the Grand Canyon is a mystery.

newmascotresized: Argentavis hits 3 times for a good chunk of damage, and has pretty good odds of inflicting Mental Breakdown. This can get really ugly if an enemy manages to combo you - which can happen easily, as there’s a chance that a Maii spawns with a stock.

newmascotresized: There is one thing that prevents these encounters from going into bullshit territory, which is that the enemies here cannot Double Attack, only Combo. This means that if you have one enemy alive with Stock, they’re never going to use it.

Johnny: “Then why are you and that guy so unhappy about it?”

Natan: “In order to make the pact, Shania must do battle with the Spirit, alone, and win. However, even if she makes the pact successfully, she still has to allow another life into her body. Something normal humans can’t withstand.”

Johnny: “Can’t withstand? Will Shania be alright?”

Natan: “She’ll be fine. If worst comes to worst, I will defend her with my life.”

newmascotresized: Worst comes to worst, Frank will make contact with Bigfoot. I want to see Frank make contact with Bigfoot.

newmascotresized: That’s not really a question, but okay.

newmascotresized: Our job now is to go through a couple of screens and look at all the murals. Honestly, this reminded me a lot of Dwarf Fortress, where it is not uncommon for a dwarf to go into a hallway and spend several weeks carving elaborate pictures of themselves eating cheese while screaming into the walls.

newmascotresized: Near the last mural is a Pocket Watch, which negates Ring effects.

newmascotresized: There’s also a pretty well-hidden chest near one of the earliest sets of murals that has a Shield stellar in it. Shield reduces Physical damage, while Barrier (which we also have) reduces Special damage.

newmascotresized: It’s kind of a crime that the game will not accept “A lot”.

newmascotresized: We take about another three steps before we wind up in front of a third talking magical wooden statue.

newmascotresized: This part has some important items, and is also where Bigfoot hangs out. I wonder if Bigfoot is friends with the statues.

newmascotresized: Red Nova is important because it’s a spell that also acts as a Hard Hit - this means, as far as I can tell, that you can Hard Hit twice on one turn by using a Double if you really need to nuke an enemy’s stock.

newmascotresized: This spot is a straight line across from where that chest is, and this is where we can find Bigfoot.

Natan: “Should I set the trap here?”

newmascotresized: If you say yes, you’re given a list of items to use as bait.

newmascotresized: Now, we all know the correct answer should be “Nothing at all, because Frank has known Bigfoot for years and they are best friends”. Yes, I am getting Salty Vanilla on that.

newmascotresized: God dammit! Why is Bigfoot invisible!? This is some bullshit!

newmascotresized: Now, here’s the dickish part. Johnny goes first, but as I’ve mentioned before, he cannot Snap during a combo unless he is the last person in the combo. We do need a snap of Bigfoot, even though that makes no sense.

newmascotresized: Bigfoot hits pretty hard, and so we want to get him down quickly, but not so quickly that Johnny can’t get a Snap of him.

newmascotresized: Frank goes last, and we get a new option: Combo Magic. Combo Magic is only available to the final person in a combo or d-combo, and only works if you have full Stock.

newmascotresized: Frank can call in an orbital laser because of course he can.

newmascotresized: Unfortunately, Combo Magic can miss. That’s not great. It’s time for some, uh, Handy Tools.

newmascotresized: With around 40 HP left, Bigfoot nukes the hell out of Johnny using Red Nova.

newmascotresized: Johnny gets the Snap of the invisible Bigfoot… and then Bigfoot Doubles.

newmascotresized: In two attacks, Bigfoot has nearly killed Natan. Thankfully, Shania finishes him off next turn.

newmascotresized: Most of the UMA fights drop something - in this case, we get another Totem for Thunderbird.

newmascotresized: In this case, we get the ability to lower the SP cost of Thunderbird’s spells. 15 Soul Energy is cheap enough, so I go ahead and pump it up.

newmascotresized: Johnny leveled up after the fight, and now has 6 SP. The extra buffer is nice in case we run into a longer fight.

newmascotresized: Rapid Shot is a straight upgrade to Slug Shell that hits one more time. The only difference is that it only hits Low, while Slug Shell only hits Mid.

newmascotresized: Next time, we’ll get Shania a new fusion and have a run-in with the mafia. There will be Frank cutscenes.

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Man, The Dark Id. I used to read his archived LPs during high school, and actually saw The Third Birthday one live. I hope he’s able to get his wish of living at least longer than Kissinger. I was going to check if I had the right person he wanted to live past, but the new Twitter automation system killed his account.

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You’re completely correct, it was Kissinger. I’m kinda pissed they deleted his account, but at the same time, I think he’s the kind of person who would prefer to have his account deleted rather than it staying around forever. Part of me does wish that someone had archived his tweets, simply because he was such a foundational LPer.



newmascotresized: Back at the final statue gate, we run into one of the two murals just south of where we fought Bigfoot.

newmascotresized: Just past it is a well-hidden Third Key. I’m pretty sure this is meant to be used in the upcoming boss fight, but we have “handy tools” for that.

newmascotresized: The other mural is maybe a screen to the south. I ran around for just a little bit to get Shania back up to 2 stock, because the upcoming boss fight kinda sucks if you don’t use that Third Key.

newmascotresized: He’s not joking. The boss is effectively on a timer, and if you screw up a QTE or happen to get a random miss, you’re probably going to lose.

newmascotresized: We want to make sure that Shania has her maximum number of attacks. I considered turning it to Technical, but didn’t wind up doing that.

newmascotresized: You can’t see it, but Johnny smacks right into Shania when she stops.

newmascotresized: This fight would have been a thousand times better if it was Frank trying to drink Bigfoot under the table.

newmascotresized: The first thing you should notice is that Tatan’ka starts with a full stock gauge. We have to remove that immediately and keep it down, otherwise he will remove potentially 80% of Shania’s HP in one go.

newmascotresized: I could have fused into Thunderbird, and the only reason I didn’t is because there’s not much of a reason to. Thunderbird’s best spell only hits High, and we will never have the stock to Double.

newmascotresized: Tatan’ka’s standard attack hits three times and does about a third of Shania’s max HP in damage. If he’s ever allowed to Double…

newmascotresized: He has the potential to use Red Nova, which not only hits for almost as much damage as his physical combo, but also removes a full stock bar. Getting hit with this means the fight is now unwinnable.

newmascotresized: On Tatan’ka’s third turn, he gets to go twice, with one of those being a guaranteed Double. This is why getting hit with Red Nova is a loss - with two turns and a Double, Tatan’ka can very easily instakill Shania.

newmascotresized: As long as you’re consistently hitting Strikes, you can win this fight with just physical attacks in five turns.

newmascotresized: Because I went a little overboard on the “handy tools”, we get a Hit Area Expand for hitting all Strikes.

newmascotresized: Shania gets a new tattoo, which immediately made me think of Sae in Persona 5 and her canine-themed tramp stamp.

newmascotresized: Oh yeah, speaking of fusions, Salty Vanilla finished that picture.

newmascotresized: Frank has had enough of this weird pelvic tattoo shit, and moves to claim this cutscene as his own.

newmascotresized: The ninja whispers something unintelligible into Frank’s ear while some odd sound effects play.

newmascotresized: I beg you, someone make a mod for the PC version of Persona 5 Royal where during any cutscene where Akechi or Makoto show up, Frank shows up and does this and the cutscene is over.

newmascotresized: Johnny, stop trying to be the protagonist, you cannot beat Frank.

newmascotresized: Speaking of Frank, Salty Vanilla also sent me a sketch of Frank being best friends with Bigfoot.

newmascotresized: There is a lot of cutscene here.

newmascotresized: Now, I get what they’re going for here, but this is time they could have used on more cutscenes with Frank in them.

newmascotresized: What an original name. I’d make a joke about Christine Love’s “Ladykiller in a Bind” here, but there aren’t enough lesbians here for that.

Johnny: “Shania! Are you feeling better now?”

Shania: “Yes, sorry for worrying you. I’m ready to go anytime.”

newmascotresized: We have Tatan’ka now, and could power her up - but we won’t, because we have 90 Soul Energy and we’re going to pump it into Thunderbird instead.

newmascotresized: Arc Gale is a full-party buff spell that costs roughly 40% of Shania’s MP at this point. It boosts speed, which means more turns, which means more stock. We’ll be opening boss fights with this.

newmascotresized: Chicago is now open, and because we already turned in the Bigfoot sidequest, there’s nothing else for us to do.

newmascotresized: This whole thing feels like a bootleg Yakuza cutscene.

newmascotresized: I’m not kidding when I say that Frank can oneshot the mafia.

newmascotresized: There is no way Al Capone will not be a boss fight at some point, given the track record of the first two games.

FRANK: “Yes. She’s been in this town for a few months now it seems. But…”

Johnny: “But?”

FRANK: “It appears my men were chased off by the mafia for some reason before they could see the Master…”

Johnny: “That’s no good. Well maybe…”

newmascotresized: We have to go around and talk to some NPCs, so we might as well do that.

newmascotresized: The Pisces chart comes with a number of stellars pre-installed, so let’s grab that. It’s not hard - I missed it by a pixel on my first attempt and used some ‘handy tools’ to get it the second time.

newmascotresized: I did a search to see if McManus was a real person, and no.

newmascotresized: Oh man, are we gonna get to see Frank wrestle a tiger?

Johnny: “A great big cat…?”

newmascotresized: There’s a Hit Area Expand in a box near Gerard that I grab and put on Frank’s first attack. Frank’s first attack is a little annoying to hit with the input lag from the emulator.

newmascotresized: We can go into the bar to progress the plot, so let’s do that.

newmascotresized: Someday, I want to see the mariachi equivalent of the Insane Clown Posse, where they do mariachi music about the “Dark Quinceanera”. I can guarantee it would not be good, but it’d be amusing as hell.

newmascotresized: I did do a little digging into the Irish mafia scene in Chicago around this time, and from what I can tell, the McManus family is based on the North Side Gang, who were rivals to Al Capone and the Chicago Outfit.

newmascotresized: The North Side Gang wasn’t really an “Irish” mafia, outside of being led by a gangster by the name of Dean O’Banion for a few years until he died in 1925.

newmascotresized: At this point in history, though, the North Side Gang was being run by Bugs Moran, who was of French Canadian descent. The thought of a Quebecois mafia is actually kinda hilarious when you think about it. The other mafias have to subtitle their dialog in both English and French, or the Quebec mafia won’t deal with them.

newmascotresized: In reality, Capone spent almost the entirety of 1929 in prison.

Johnny: “A really strong bodyguard…”

newmascotresized: I looked it up, and according to Wikipedia at least, most states had no minimum drinking age at all before 1933… except Connecticut, because Connecticut apparently sucked just as much in 1929 as it does today.

newmascotresized: As soon as we leave the bar (and change screens), we run into the mafia.

newmascotresized: We have two new enemy types, the “Petty Mafioso” and “Mafia Hoodlum”, who I’m pretty sure are re-skins of the Thug and Fat Thug from New York.

newmascotresized: Annoyingly, this is the only place you ever encounter these two enemies… and of course, we need snap cards. In fact, we need THREE of the Petty Mafioso.

newmascotresized: Technically, we can get snaps of both enemies in the arena sidequest later on, but I don’t really want to do that.

newmascotresized: Frank can oneshot the Petty Mafiosi, so I have him do that and leave the other one alive but at low HP so we can farm Snaps.

newmascotresized: The mafia guys can inflict Fast Ring and Tight Ring - the first is self-explanatory, the second shrinks the Hit and Strike zones on the Ring.

newmascotresized: For our efforts, everyone who isn’t Shania levels up.

newmascotresized: This is Frank’s mafia now. Admittedly, ninjas would probably be really, really good at bootlegging.

FRANK: “What!? The Master’s orders?”

Shania: “We don’t know either, but, he seems to be a student of Mao.”

FRANK: “Oh! That would be a big help!”

newmascotresized: We can grab a Lottery Ticket from a chest here, which is an alley to the left of where we entered Chicago.

newmascotresized: And now we can enter the club. Yes, that’s a club and not a casino. Don’t ask me, I don’t know.

newmascotresized: This confirms that Johnny’s camera probably once belonged to Anastasia Romanov, who was a party member in Covenant. She had a camera, but it worked as an Enemy Skill kind of thing.

Johnny: “So you know about them too, huh? I got this camera from my butler. It’s really incredible. If it takes a picture of a living being, it prints out the picture as a card, and for some reason it doesn’t need film.”

newmascotresized: There’s no way Lenny isn’t following us somewhere in the shadows and reloading the film when Johnny isn’t looking.

newmascotresized: Edgar was the person who invented Anastasia’s cameras, which he traded to her in exchange for clockwork eggs. At this point, Anastasia is probably busy trying to marry Yuri’s cousin.

Johnny: “Wow. You really know a lot about cameras. Are you a famous photographer or something?”

Johnny: “Umm… Masatoshi Moreno Yamaguchi… 3 year consecutive Snap Master in 1913, 14, and 15…”

newmascotresized: Yes, I checked. No, he’s not based on a real person as far as I know, though there is a Masatoshi Yamaguchi who directed both of the live-action Kaiji films.

Johnny: “What’s a Snap Master?”

newmascotresized: It is canon that Frank can do this at will, except he gets a team of those Brazilian soccer announcers who get incredibly excited about everything.

newmascotresized: This sidequest is how we get all the snap cards for bosses that Johnny isn’t in the party for.

Johnny: “No, I don’t think so… are you a collector?”

Johnny: “Wow. So maybe some of those collectors would be willing to take my snap cards off my hands for a good price!?”

Johnny: “Sounds pretty interesting. Maybe I should try and collect some snap cards myself.”

newmascotresized: We’ll leave it here for now, since there’s even more very long cutscenes coming up. I also may have spent several hours working on The 25th Ward this week trying to get two updates out.

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newmascotresized: Let’s slowly make our way to the club.

newmascotresized: It’s obvious the writers didn’t look this up - because honestly, who gives a shit - but the 1929 White Sox (which is presumably the team Hansen would be rooting for) had a pretty miserable season. They went 59-93 and were nearly dead last in their conference - a mere two games ahead of the last-place Red Sox.

newmascotresized: The 1928 White Sox were slightly better, with a 72-82 record. That year, they were 5th place in the American League, beating both Detroit and Cleveland in addition to the Red Sox.

newmascotresized: I wish I had played this before that City of Heroes private server came out, because I would’ve made a villain-side character named Immoral Rodimus.

newmascotresized: The unspoken bit here is that Al Capone was a huge fan of jazz, and was a backer of a lot of famous jazz musicians.

newmascotresized: Good to see that Gaston got another gig after that whole Beauty and the Beast thing.

newmascotresized: I’m going to skip some of the NPC dialog here because we have a cutscene that… well, I don’t like it. You’ll see why.

newmascotresized: This cutscene starts out okay, we’ve got Frank, any cutscene with Frank in it cannot be bad.

newmascotresized: Yes, Frank’s master is a giant talking cat. Why are you surprised? This is Frank we’re talking about.

newmascotresized: Admittedly, if Morgana had been like this, Persona 5 would have been a much more tolerable game.

Johnny: “Oh come on now, it’s unusual all right! It’s just crazy!”

Natan: “I’m afraid I have to disagree. In my tribe, cats are looked at as intelligent. To see that one is able to talk - I’m not surprised.”

newmascotresized: Johnny still hasn’t figured out the bit about not underestimating what Frank is capable of.

FRANK: “I haven’t been able to find him within my network, so of COURSE! I thought Master might know…”


Johnny: “Don’t call me a kid! We just wanna ask you something.”

Johnny: “I have no idea… Gilbert… for some reason, he seemed to know… so we need to find him and hear everything he knows!”

newmascotresized: You mean other than the one we just went to maybe an hour ago?

Johnny: “Anything is fine! We just really need any help you can give!”

newmascotresized: A historical note: Al Capone wasn’t put into Alcatraz until 1934.

newmascotresized: This is where I stop liking this cutscene.

newmascotresized: A good cutscene would have had Frank throw Garfield here out a window.

newmascotresized: This is character assassination! I won’t stand for it!

Shania: “We have no choice…”

Johnny: “It’s a deal. We’ll do it.”

newmascotresized: God dammit I hate this so much. This is Metroid Other M all over again, or alternatively that announcement that Zelda is now going to be nothing but Breath of the Wild clones for the rest of time.

newmascotresized: Edna is Al Capone’s sister. She isn’t based on an actual person - the real Capone had three brothers. Two of them were part of the Chicago Outfit, the other one was a Prohibition agent.

Mao: “He’s a wandering guitarist. Well, we say he’s wandering… but he’s been living in town for a year.”

Johnny: “Hey, I’ll go! But…”

Mao: “Fine. We don’t leave until tomorrow… Go ahead! Have a good time until then.”

newmascotresized: There’s really not much to this cutscene, so I’m going to be skipping a lot of it. Just imagine a very generic spanish guitar song in the background for like 3 minutes.

Shania: “Sorry, but I think we should probably be going…”

Johnny: “Just one more song!”

Shania: “Johnny! We’ve got an early day tomorrow.”

newmascotresized: I bet Tatsuya said this to Jun at least once over the course of Persona 2.

newmascotresized: In case you’re wondering how long this recent series of cutscenes is, I found a recording of it on Youtube - it’s about 25 minutes.

newmascotresized: Finally, we’re out of the cutscene mines. Actually, we’re not out of the cutscene mines at all. Next time, another… 15 minutes or so of cutscene. We’ll also get a new “Handy Tool” for Johnny that is slightly more handy than his camera, but still not handy and actually not much of a tool either.

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newmascotresized: We’re heading back into the cutscene mines for this update. From the New World has several times the cutscenes of the original Shadow Hearts or Covenant, and I think that’s because the devs never really had the budget for voiced cutscenes before.

newmascotresized: For reference, the original game had maybe two voiced cutscenes per character, and Covenant didn’t have many more.

Mao: “I’m impressed, you’ve got guts. Some guys still haven’t returned yet, so if you see them while you’re out, tell them to come back and see me. And kid, this isn’t the type of town where you let ladies walk around alone at night. Keep an eye on her, OK?”

newmascotresized: By “some guys”, Mao means “you need to find Frank and Natan”. Honestly, “Find Frank” should always be an objective. If Frank’s not on screen, I want to know why.

newmascotresized: Rage is a physical damage buff. Johnny still doesn’t have much else to do in boss fights after he Snaps, so I’ll probably have him use this on Frank.

newmascotresized: Natan is on the corner near where we met the photographer earlier.

Shania: “You’ve done enough for tonight. Come back and get some rest.”

Natan: “Yes, Princess.”

newmascotresized: Frank is in the back room of the bar. I don’t drink, so I can empathize with him. Seriously, Connecticut has gotten absolutely eaten by microbreweries in the last decade or so.

newmascotresized: And with this, it’s back to the cutscene mines.

newmascotresized: I have a lot to say about this cutscene. First, holy FUCK that is a big cigar. Frank could probably put a katana hilt on that and use it as a wakizashi.

newmascotresized: Second, Al Capone looked nothing like that at any point in his life. In case you’re not familiar, this is what he actually looked like around this point in history.

newmascotresized: Third, and kind of the funniest point for me - if you know anything at all about Alcatraz, you’d know that room looks nothing like a cell there. The thing is, it IS a real prison cell, and one Capone was held in.

newmascotresized: This pic is from the Eastern State Penitentiary Museum in Pennsylvania, and is the prison cell Capone spent most of 1929 in before he was transferred to Alcatraz.

newmascotresized: And here we have Eliot Ness, who uh… doesn’t translate all that well to this game’s style. He looks kinda like Mark Zuckerberg’s demented metaverse avatar. Let’s get a photo up.

newmascotresized: I feel like this is how you should address any cop you see.

newmascotresized: Something I need to clarify here: Eliot Ness did not at any point arrest Al Capone. He was brought in months after Capone was sent to Alcatraz to try and shut down the rest of the Chicago Outfit.

newmascotresized: This actually is pretty accurate - Al Capone was one of the first people to be prosecuted under the “drug dealers have to declare their drug income on their tax return” theory that is still used today.

newmascotresized: Eliot Ness spelled his name with a single L, by the way.

newmascotresized: I guess we know now why they didn’t bother making a new model for Al Capone. Gotta say that I think the whole Irish-flag colored suit and shirt combo might be a bit much. I’m not sure what the deal is with that chain, either.

newmascotresized: This feels like it’s some kind of alternate bad ending to Dagger of Amon Ra.

newmascotresized: I don’t know what it is about this shot in particular, but McManus looks like a rejected SNK villain design from the era between when they were still trying to replace Geese Howard and when they gave up and just went “Fuck it, every game is a dream match now, death doesn’t matter”. We’re talking… I dunno, 1997 or 1998.

newmascotresized: I feel like Maruki had this exact conversation with Joker about trying to get him to date Akechi in Persona 5. Face it, the art boyfriend always wins.

newmascotresized: Well, that escalated quickly.

newmascotresized: The video cuts away, and there’s a gunshot.

newmascotresized: When I was recording this, I started going, in a stereotypical gangster voice, “Hey! You! Dames can’t do that to other dames! Lesbians ain’t been invented yet!”

newmascotresized: And with that, we’re free of the cutscene mines.

newmascotresized: We could go right to Alcatraz, but we won’t because there’s a new Handy Tool for Johnny if we instead go back to his office.

Johnny: “What’s the fuss? Why are you yelling…”

Lenny: “This morning, this letter came to the office.”

Johnny: “Let me see…”

Johnny: “Tinkerbell…? I don’t think I’ve heard of him before.”

Lenny: “M-more importantly, please read the rest of the letter!”

Johnny: “What… what is this! This really pisses me off! Lenny! Where’s that code!?”

Lenny: “Here it is.”

newmascotresized: Let me tell you, there are puzzles I feel like expending effort on, and puzzles I definitely do not feel like expending effort on, and this is one of the latter.

Johnny: “Hmm… so this means that I have to arrange the numbers 1 through 9 so that they match the totals, right?”

Lenny: “Yes, I believe so.”

Johnny: “All right… stand back and watch! I’ll have this figured out in a second!”

newmascotresized: Three days later…

newmascotresized: A is 5, and B is 9. Let’s see what’s inside.

newmascotresized: The vacuum costs 44 MP, which is nearly half of Johnny’s total MP, and transfers a stock from the enemy to Johnny.

Johnny: “He always makes fun of me… Lenny! Find out all you can about this ‘Tinkerbell’!”

Lenny: “Huh? So, you mean to say…”

Johnny: “I’m gonna catch him myself! I’ll make him regret calling me a pee-wee detective!”

Lenny: “Understood. I’ll contact you as soon as I find anything.”

Johnny: “I’m counting on you!”

newmascotresized: I feel like it would not be very hard to fool Johnny. Now we can go off to Alcatraz.

Mao: “I think just the fact that there’s no risk to our lives is pretty good.”

Johnny: “Ugh… I get it, so let’s move! Otherwise, I’m gonna barf…”

newmascotresized: Have we run into a single door in this game that wasn’t locked?

Mao: “Is it locked? Well, I guess that’s to be expected.”

Johnny: “So what are we gonna do? Can you open it?”

Mao: “This kind of old lock isn’t anything to get worked up about. Move aside.”

FRANK: “Oh! Just like Master! You’ve already MASTERED the art of unlocking doors!”

newmascotresized: Is that a Resident Evil reference?

Johnny: “M-my eyes are playing tricks on me! Did you just have a pouch on your belly? You just pulled the key from there?!”

newmascotresized: If we go back to just before that door, we can find this hidden in a corner. Seal is Shadow Hearts’s equivalent of Silence.

newmascotresized: This is another annoying fight - not because of the enemies, they have something like 36 HP each and can be killed in a single hit by everyone who isn’t Johnny (though Natan will need two Strikes).

newmascotresized: No, it’s annoying because we only run into the prison guards twice, and we need four snaps of them.

newmascotresized: For some reason, the game gives me four turns in a row with Johnny that I spend doing nothing but using Snap.

newmascotresized: I thought for a second that the guards were carrying katanas, but they’re actually telescoping batons.

newmascotresized: The next door puts us into a fight with six jail guards, which we promptly beat down.

Mao: “We should be all right now. From what I’ve heard, Capone’s jail cell is just beyond here.”

newmascotresized: Before we go into Capone’s cell, there’s an item in a chest on the left.

newmascotresized: He earned the title of Big Underworld Boss after killing his master, The Underground Boss.

newmascotresized: This really is coming dangerously close to a MGS3 cutscene.

newmascotresized: I love the expression on Natan’s face. “Why did I let my agent talk me into this?”

Johnny: “Drunken Fist? By a cat!?”

newmascotresized: Frank! He’s gonna let that fucking cat know whose game this is, and it’s not the cat’s.

newmascotresized: Right after he says this, the alarm sounds and you can hear people screaming in the background.

FRANK: “Oh! NOTHING’s as reassuring as hearing that Master Meow’s going to fight with us!”

newmascotresized: I know that Frank is incapable of sarcasm, but I’m just going to pretend he is.

newmascotresized: This is fucking character assassination! This is Frank’s game! Fuck this!

newmascotresized: The game then allows us to compose our party… except we have to take the fucking cat. I refuse to drop Frank for any reason, and we need Johnny for Snaps, so I take Shania as the last party member.

newmascotresized: If we go back into Capone’s cell, there’s a very, very well hidden chest behind the bed.

newmascotresized: We get into a forced encounter in the very next room. These are Byakhees - I only know this because the PS1 version of Eternal Punishment made the same translation mistake.

newmascotresized: It’s weird too, given that X-Seed localized this game. They’re usually known for being pretty good at what they do.

newmascotresized: Mao has no special abilities, though she does come with an upgraded star chart that is going to be immediately taken off her and put onto Frank.

newmascotresized: Her gimmick, which we haven’t run into yet, is that she gets a special ability that turns enemies into coins if it lands the killing blow.

newmascotresized: Her star chart comes with a second Red Nova. We’re going to want to upgrade those for no particular reason at all.

newmascotresized: We only need one Byakhee snap, but there’s another enemy here we need SIX snaps for.

newmascotresized: Mao has a weaker physical attack than Natan, and has a maximum of 4 attacks per Ring. If it wasn’t for the fact that you need to farm coins to get her later abilities, she would be perma-benched.

newmascotresized: That dress doesn’t really scream “the kind of thing you’d wear to a murderous rampage on a prison island”, but okay.

newmascotresized: What I want to know is how that thing on her head stayed on this entire time, between being shot, dragged into an alley, and then somehow making it halfway across the country to Alcatraz Island.

newmascotresized: I know Tatsuya’s Scenario isn’t canon, but if the Byakhees he had fought in Zodiac looked like this, he probably would’ve laughed at them and they’d have fucked right off.

newmascotresized: We’ll handle the rest of Alcatraz next update, because it’s got a lot of backtracking, but I’ll at least show off the rest of the enemies.

newmascotresized: These things that look like a bug fused to a pile of entrails are “Womps”, apparently. The game’s enemy database (which I’ll show off next update) claims they’re some kind of alien virus.

newmascotresized: They have Red Nova, which means they can nuke our stock if they ever get a Double off. This is kind of a problem because we need six snaps of them.

newmascotresized: Then we have… these things. They’re called “Chon Chon”, and have around 40 HP. They’re Dark element, and Johnny has a Light-element spell that can easily wipe several of them off the board in one go.

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Music Alcatraz

newmascotresized: We’re now in the actual dungeon part of Alcatraz. This room has three aisles of cells: first is this middle one.

newmascotresized: There’s also one on the left and right that have two floors, but we’ll ignore those for now. Let’s try that door we can see in the first screenshot.

newmascotresized: Huh, the door’s alarmed.

newmascotresized: Before we move on, there’s a Lottery Ticket over on the left side, in this corner. It took me a while to find this because the guide was not very good at explaining. What we want to do now is head to the right.

Johnny: “Information?”

newmascotresized: I’d like to take a second and point out that walk-through metal detectors did exist in the 1920s… but not like the one we just went through.

newmascotresized: Unlike modern metal detectors, the ones that would have existed in 1929 required an operator with headphones on listening to a tone. The tone would change when metal passed through the detector.

newmascotresized: I looked this up, and this doesn’t actually work - there’s no easy way to fool a metal detector.

Johnny: “An insulating sheet…? Where am I supposed to get something like that!?”

Mao: “So what are your terms? You want help breaking free?”

Johnny: “A spoon? Just a spoon?”

newmascotresized: Frank should have been in this cutscene and had a line about having a ninja art he could use to destroy the entire island using only a spoon.

newmascotresized: The door to the cafeteria is directly across from the metal detector.

newmascotresized: There’s a hidden chest in this room. Can you find it?

newmascotresized: It’s behind the oven. By the way, I’m pretty sure that these attack effects get auto-applied if you use a Hard Hit, so that’s something to keep in mind.

newmascotresized: There’s a Spikes here in the middle thing, which is actually not a terrible idea to put on Shania. I found out the hard way that the Womp enemies can and will nuke your SP even if they don’t have a Double.

newmascotresized: With that, we can go through the metal detector.

newmascotresized: Before we do, though, we can grab a Bhodi Bracelet from the left side of the room, on the second floor. This is an accessory that prevents Paralysis, which Byakhees can inflict on attack.

newmascotresized: We need to go through that door in front of Johnny to progress, but there’s a few items we can collect first. Let’s head off to the right.

newmascotresized: Man, they even locked up Gerard’s bike. Sent to Alcatraz for bike crimes.

newmascotresized: The only new thing Gerard sells is an accessory we can’t afford, but I do grab some healing items to refill our supply.

newmascotresized: This brings our discount rank up to D, which allows us to buy at a 20% discount and sell at a 10% markup.

newmascotresized: In the corner is a chest with a spell that is very, very good against Womps. If you manage to get two that spawn close enough to each other, you can potentially instakill them with this.

newmascotresized: If we go to the left, there’s a Hit Area Expand in a hidden chest. I throw this on Frank because of course I do. Let’s go through that door we saw earlier.

newmascotresized: Time for another (small) cutscene.

newmascotresized: Is this a “it’s actually locked” scenario, or just Johnny being unaware of how doors work again?

Johnny: “Wow, you’ve got a good eye.”

Mao: “The breakers probably tripped with all the commotion. I wonder if there’s a control room somewhere?”

newmascotresized: Just outside, we get a pre-emptive attack and I use Hail Dust to nearly oneshot two Womps in one turn.

newmascotresized: The control room is just to the right.

Johnny: “Which one? Whoa, all the breakers were blown! There’s so many switches, I don’t know which one to reset.”

Mao: “You can try whatever, but maybe it’d be faster if we found someone who knows about this stuff?”

newmascotresized: Just as Mao implies, if you know what the solution to the puzzle is, you can just do it and skip right to the boss. I could do that, but I want to make another trip to the shop and we might as well take the extra random encounters.

Johnny: “How’d you know?”

Johnny: “…being a 15-year veteran, right? So, what’s the deal? Do you know how to reset the switches?”

newmascotresized: The prison is going all Arrival in Hell and this guy’s trying to negotiate.

newmascotresized: To be clear, he means the right cell block in the area past the metal detector.

Johnny: “What? Just that?”

Mao: “The total amps designated by the switches should be the same as the numbers written on the right?”

newmascotresized: As previously mentioned, Murdock is in the area beyond the metal detector - he’s in the cell right above where Gerard and Buigen are.

newmascotresized: Murdock was arrested for attempting to ship Joker and Makoto. Remember kids, shipping is illegal unless it’s gay.

Johnny: “Oh, it’s you. I have a message from Mr. Smith: ‘We carry out the plan in 5 days.’”

Johnny: “Also, I was told to ask you about the breakers.”

Johnny: “Hmm… I better remember that.”

newmascotresized: While you can write this down, there is an option to repeat this at the breaker board itself.

newmascotresized: Peck’s cell is on the left side before the metal detector. On the way, I find a lottery ticket that none of the guides I’ve looked at mention.

Johnny: “We would love to get outta here quick, but the breakers are thrown and we can’t open the front gate. Are you the person called Peck? If we deliver you a message, we heard you’d tell us about the breakers.”

Johnny: " ‘We carry out the plan in 5 days’, but I don’t really know what it means."

Johnny: “Ah-ha. From the left? OK, got it.”

newmascotresized: Baracus is in the room right before Capone’s cell.

newmascotresized: On the way back there, I find out that you can, in fact, fight Prison Guards as a random encounter in the areas before Capone’s cell.

Johnny: “Oh, he’s scary looking… I have a message from Mr. Smith, but are you Mr. Baracus?”

Johnny: “The plan will be carried out in 5 days.”

Johnny: “What?! W-wait! I’m supposed to ask you about the breakers.”

Johnny: “I think we now have all the information we need to get past the breakers, right? All right, let’s give it a shot!”

newmascotresized: Now, there’s one rather important thing I should point out here: if you mess up the puzzle, you get a guaranteed random encounter against Prison Guards. This isn’t a bad idea to do a few times.

newmascotresized: The reason is that we want full Stock going into the boss, and Prison Guards will never show up with Womps, meaning they cannot Stock-nuke you.

newmascotresized: First row is simple: you can either turn on all the switches from the leftmost one except the last one (1-2-3-4-5), or go from the right and do 6-5-4. It’s very possible you’ll get this one even if you don’t know how the puzzle works.

newmascotresized: The second row has the numbers reversed, so we want to hit the leftmost switch (6) and the rightmost one (1) to get 7 amps.

newmascotresized: You know, now that I think about it, wasn’t getting a metal item past a metal detector in a prison a thing in Resident Evil: Code Veronica? I think Code Veronica had a breaker puzzle too…

newmascotresized: If we run into Steve Burnside, I’m stopping the LP right there.

newmascotresized: The third row is 10 amps, and the switches are back in ascending order from the left, so we can hit the rightmost (6) and the third from the right (4) to get 10.

newmascotresized: Before we go to the boss, I spend 3,000 cash to upgrade the MP efficiency and damage of the Water-element slots on both Johnny and Mao’s star charts. I also equip both of the Hail Dust stellars.

newmascotresized: This is some Parasite Eve shit right here. You know, I wonder what would happen if we put Frank’s cells on some bullets and shot her with them.

newmascotresized: On an unrelated note, I watched a friend of mine stream Street Fighter 6, and all I could think about was “Would Frank and Blanka be friends” and really, the answer is yes.

newmascotresized: Welp, Edna just got stomped to death by a giant blue dude who looks like a rejected World of Warcraft raid boss.

newmascotresized: This boss’s name is Ronwei, and he is Fire element. This is why we’re packing those upgraded Hail Dust stellars. Mao is Water element, which means she will both do more damage and take more damage.

newmascotresized: I’m not sure if that applies to spells as well, but I figured it couldn’t hurt, even though we all know Frank is probably a better mage.

newmascotresized: We want to immediately unleash a D-Combo. Ronwei has 700 HP, but you do not want to let him live very long due to his insane rate of Stock gain and how hard he hits.

newmascotresized: Mao follows up with a second Hail Dust and sends Ronwei flying. The optimal thing to do would’ve been to pass to Shania and have her use Bar Rod, but…

newmascotresized: Nah, we’ll just use Frank instead. We have now done just over half of Ronwei’s HP in damage in a single combo.

newmascotresized: Because Shania still has two Stock, I opt to use Combo Magic instead of having her attack. By sheer luck, we get the Water-element combo spell.

newmascotresized: You know what, yeah, I’ll take 560 damage in a single combo.

newmascotresized: Ronwei responds with Flame Mine, which is a single-target fire spell that hits pretty hard. If he chooses to hit Mao with it, Mao is probably going to die, especially if it’s a Double.

newmascotresized: He then follows up with Red Nova, which can’t nuke our Stock because we’ve already used it all.

newmascotresized: Unfortunately, Ronwei then uses Seal, which is… not great. If Johnny gets hit by this, he can’t Snap… and of course that’s what happens.

newmascotresized: Shania uses a Soul Benediction to remove it, and I get the Snap.

newmascotresized: Shortly afterward, Frank gets the final hit.

newmascotresized: There’s no really good bonuses for Ronwei, but the Gurkha Khukri is a nice (and free) upgrade for Johnny.

newmascotresized: Shania reaches level 12, with everyone else at 11 except Natan. We’ll be tossing Mao out of the party soon.

newmascotresized: With that, we’re kicked back to the world map for another (thankfully short) cutscene.

Mao: “Perhaps. Well, we will try and track down that Gilbert guy. From what the kid says, it sounds like there might be some connection.”

newmascotresized: Next time, we’re going to Roswell for what I’m sure won’t be aliens, since the infamous UFO incident happened in 1947. We’ll get a new party member that anyone who played Covenant will be expecting… and there will be a Frank cutscene.

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newmascotresized: A couple of hours ago, I was at the gym and had a horrible thought: “Did they dub From the New World in Japanese, even though that wouldn’t make a whole lot of sense?”

newmascotresized: That line of questioning immediately went to “Wait, what does Frank sound like in Japanese?” and I knew I had to investigate. Fortunately, I did not have to investigate very hard.

newmascotresized: As it turns out, a Japanese dub does exist. Even better, someone made an undub patch, which I had downloaded and completely forgotten about. The saves are compatible with the regular US version.

newmascotresized: No one else has uploaded this on Youtube to the best of my knowledge, so without further ado… Japanese Frank.

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Thank you so much for covering this game! I got into binge-reading screenshot LP because of The Dark ID and definitely glad to know Shadow Hearts series through those LPs. Hopefully one day this series could make it onto new gen consoles in a remastered compilation or even better a remake!



newmascotresized: This update is going to start with a goddamn war crime.

newmascotresized: Now that we have control, we can take a spare Gale stellar from Capone’s office.

Mao: “Before we go to Roswell, there’s somewhere I’d like to stop first.”

Johnny: “Where’s that? We’re kinda in a rush…”

Mao: “Don’t be such a spoil sport. I just want to go see an old friend.”

newmascotresized: Purramount Pictures is where we get introduced to Mao’s upgrade gimmick, which, you know, might’ve been useful to have in that dungeon we just did.

newmascotresized: We’re not going to head there just yet. Instead, we’re going back to Alcatraz for a couple of items I missed and one we couldn’t get because this series loves backtracking.

newmascotresized: Eliot Ness is still sitting in Capone’s cell.

newmascotresized: And apparently, Smith’s escape plan backfired. I’m sure Frank would be willing to smash a hole in the wall for him.

newmascotresized: Back by the control room, there’s a passage to the right with a Dark Edge stellar in it. The other chest is just a Tent.

newmascotresized: If we go to where we fought the boss, there’s a big, sprawling area with nothing in it…

newmascotresized: Except a Ring Fragment hidden on a screen we would otherwise have no reason to go to. Let’s go turn that in.

Aya: “Thanks, but… try not to yell ‘Ring Spirit’ so loudly.”

Johnny: “OK. Umm… is there something else I can call you?”

Aya: “Hey, now that I think about it, I don’t know your name either… didn’t we introduce ourselves?”

Johnny: “Now that you mention it, maybe not…”

newmascotresized: This is all that’s left of Aya Brea after The Third Birthday. Actually no, this is the continuation of a long-running joke from Covenant.

newmascotresized: At one point in Covenant, Yuri asks the Ring Soul about his family, and the Ring Soul mentions he has a daughter named Aya. His wife’s name was… Miyabi, I think? She probably would’ve been the Ring Spirit in Shadow Hearts 4.

Johnny: “That’s an unexpectedly normal name… I’m Johnny. Johnny Garland.”

newmascotresized: It’s kind of sad that I’ve read enough manga to know that she’s calling him “Johnny–kun” in the original Japanese without actually knowing what the original script says.

Aya: “Make sure you call me by my name from now on, OK! Bye-bye.”

newmascotresized: If I was translating this, I would have made it “But wait, why does she keep asking about a raccoon?” and then Frank comes out of the background wearing a raccoon costume.

newmascotresized: We’ve got nowhere to go but Purramount Pictures, so let’s do that I guess.

newmascotresized: The first thing I thought when I saw this was “Wait, is that cat George Lucas?” followed by “Oh christ, that’s fucking George Lucas as a man-sized talking cat”.

newmascotresized: I’d like to point out that this game released in 2005, a full six years after Star Wars Episode 1.

FRANK: “Oh… Master has so many friends.”

Johnny: “Master Meow’s not the only big cat…?”

Mao: “What? Spit it out.”

Mao: “The money I pilfered from Capone wasn’t enough?”

Mao: “Oh, so that’s the problem? How silly of me. Well, if that’s the case, I’ve got to raise some Cat Coins.”

Johnny: “Uh… Master Meow…? What have you guys been talking about?”

Mao: “Can’t you tell by looking? A movie. This is America – Hollywood, no less. Without at least one silver screen debut, I can’t call myself a woman.”

Johnny: “Oh… a cat in a movie, huh?”

Mao: “For now, leave the money concerns to me. You continue listing and booking the actors.”

newmascotresized: Cat Touch is Mao’s first skill, which gives you cat coins if it lands the killing blow on an enemy.

Mao: “That’s right. Boy, I’ll accompany you on your travels, but let me do what I want to do.”

Johnny: “Right… you’re free to do whatever…”

newmascotresized: For Mao’s first skill upgrade, we need 5 Mackerel Coins. We could get these off the enemies in Roswell, but they drop off any enemy from the start of the game up until now, so I farmed the Grand Canyon a bit since we needed more Snaps anyway.

newmascotresized: The game does something kind of nonsensical with Mao’s fight scenes. Each fight costs coins, and if you lose, you have to pay the coins again… except there’s a save point in the room.

newmascotresized: Mao’s fight scenes are more or less a rehash of the Great Gama fights from Covenant that Joachim used to get new skills.

Mao: “A combat cyborg? Hmph, you’re just wearing sunglasses. Think that makes you tough?”

Mao: “Huh. Children are just the result of being in heat. I shouldn’t have to die for that.”

newmascotresized: This fight isn’t too difficult provided you have Mao come in with full Stock and you have Red Nova equipped. As you can see from the turn order, the Meowmenator always gets two turns to start off.

newmascotresized: The Meowmenator hits for around 35 damage per turn, on top of inflicting Tight Ring. There is a way we could avoid this, but it would cost all of our money and Tight Ring isn’t all that bad.

newmascotresized: The trick to this fight is Red Nova, which allows us to nuke the boss’s Stock without having to pay any of our own.

Mao: “Thinking a robot could beat a living cat was your first mistake.”

newmascotresized: There’s exactly one other thing we can do before going to Roswell, and that’s trading some of our Snap Cards off.

newmascotresized: Most of the rewards are just extra stellars - we got a Rock Bump, a Gale Rod, and another Cure. This one, however…

newmascotresized: Gives us a card for an enemy we haven’t encountered yet. From the looks of it, this is a returning enemy from Covenant. Now we can move on to Roswell… and immediately get dumped into a cutscene.

newmascotresized: If you played Covenant and did all of Joachim’s quests, you know that the pink bat is his sister, and another member of the Valentine family of vampires.

newmascotresized: There’s a running thing where the next game’s Valentine sibling shows up in bat form at the end of their sibling’s quest - Joachim shows up in the first game, and the pink bat in the Covenant.

newmascotresized: By the way, the bat’s voice is… pretty annoying.

newmascotresized: And this would be Roger Bacon, a 700-year-old monk who stole the secret to immortality from the Vatican. He is the only character to be in all of the Shadow Hearts games (and Koudelka).

newmascotresized: The bat is the favorite character of people who speedrun this game, because of her gimmick. We’ll see what that is in the next update.

newmascotresized: I will say that I feel like Hilda would have been a totally different character if Oshi no Ko had existed in 2005.

newmascotresized: This coming from a guy who was in a coffin for several hundred years until Koudelka found him.

newmascotresized: I’d be more concerned if Roger wasn’t immortal. Anyway…

newmascotresized: The weird thing about this is that Roger Bacon had a working jet in Covenant. I’d almost say that this would be proof that Covenant’s good ending (which involves time travel) is canon, but it can’t be because that means Covenant never happened.

Shania: “It couldn’t be… a spaceship?”

Johnny: “No, not really, but… what the heck is it?”

Johnny: “So… it’s a real UFO?”

newmascotresized: Huh, there’s a sign next to Johnny. Let’s check that out.

newmascotresized: Oh shit, it’s a Frank cutscene!

newmascotresized: Frank understands how America works.

FRANK: “When you hear that, do you FEEL something, boy?”

Johnny: “Huh? No, I didn’t say anything… I’ve got a bad feeling about this, though.”

Johnny: “In all of America, I think you’re the only one crying…”

newmascotresized: Shut the fuck up, Johnny.

FRANK: “Mr. Bus Stop, you can STOP crying now. Ol’ Frank will mend your broken heart.”

newmascotresized: The only disappointing thing about this is that Frank does not get a skill to summon a city bus to hit the enemy. The bus would be named “Bushamut” and would have dragon wings.

newmascotresized: If we talk to the NPC nearby again…

newmascotresized: Like a lot of the other areas, I’m going to cut some of the NPC dialogue. If we go over to the left side of the hotel…

newmascotresized: The top prize is a Ring enhancement, but let’s go for it anyway.

newmascotresized: This stellar is hidden in a chest in the back corner of the hotel.

newmascotresized: Oh look, it’s Roger’s vending machine. This replaces Gerard and Buigen in this area. We should talk to it.

newmascotresized: The vending machine has new weapons for everyone - we already have Johnny’s, and we don’t need to bother buying Natan or Mao one but I do anyway and then reload to get the descriptions.

newmascotresized: Unlike Natan’s weapon, which goes the Lupin III route of making up countries, Johnny’s knife has actual history in the description.

newmascotresized: The Gurkhas were an actual British military unit consisting entirely of Nepali soldiers, who did in fact use khukris when they were first incorporated into the British military in the 19th century.

newmascotresized: I had not realized it until I saw these, but all of Shania’s tomahawks (at least, so far, and bar her starting one) are named after chiefs of the Lakota Sioux tribe, which is presumably the tribe Shania belongs to. Her previous weapon (which I’m not sure if I ever showed the description for) is called Crazy Horse.

newmascotresized: Wait a second… a little girl… named “the watcher?” Did I accidentally LP Drakengard somehow?

newmascotresized: That’s pretty much everything we can do here. If we go off to the right, we can see that base Uninquisitive Nex told us about.

Johnny: “Ah, excuse me. We’re looking for a man named Gilbert who we think might be around here.”

newmascotresized: I know, right? He should have recognized Frank as the protector of the STATES and immediately let him in.

FRANK: “There is no use talking to him, yes…”

Mao: “Well, if we can’t go in the front door, we’ll just have to go in the back, huh?”

Johnny: “What? But that’s…”

Mao: “That’s what? We snuck into Alcatraz, didn’t we? So don’t go getting all scared now.”

newmascotresized: If we go back to the hotel, there’s a guy who can get us in.

Johnny: “That truck? There’s a truck that goes in and outta the base?”

Johnny: “…You hear that?”

Mao: “Hmph, that sounds perfect, doesn’t it? That’s our best ticket in.”

newmascotresized: Next time, we’ll sneak onto a military base and free Roger Bacon. Natan will get screwed out of being in the party again.

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You know, I wonder if there are times that Roger regrets being woken up back in Koudelka?

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I feel like there are, and they get more frequent as time passes. By the time you get to the people on Youtube trying to cross the extremely cursed land of Wales in a straight line, Roger is probably trying to find a way to go back to sleep for another few hundred years because clearly the world has not heeded his warning.

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newmascotresized: The truck is a point of no return, but we should be fine. I should mention that if you do not have all of the Red Nova stellars, you definitely want to get all of them before you go in here.

FRANK: “Hmm, the facility is much bigger than ol’ Frank expected. Searching for Professor Gilbert’s whereabouts will take some time.”

Mao: “What’re you talking about? At times like this, all you gotta do is grab the guy in charge and make him talk.”

Shania: “A little violent, but sounds like the fastest way. Anyway, let’s get moving and find the head of the base.”

newmascotresized: It’s hard to see, but right behind the truck, on that ramp, is a chest.

newmascotresized: Raise Up is the basic revival spell. Hopefully, we’ll never need it.

Johnny: “Huh? Umm… yeah, right. We’re the new kids.”

newmascotresized: I’m having flashbacks to Eternal Punishment, and I don’t like it.

Johnny: “Wow… sounds pretty nice.”

newmascotresized: Actually, wait a second. Isn’t this that guy that Kandori shoved into the DEVA machine in Persona 1?

Johnny: “Hmm… well, now I know how great Mr. Morrison is…”

newmascotresized: …This really is the lab dungeon from Eternal Punishment, isn’t it.

newmascotresized: If we talk to Morrison again, we can ask him about himself.

newmascotresized: This looks so much like a Perfect Dark cutscene. Frank would main the Farsight and have the most kills without even knowing how the Farsight works.

newmascotresized: I hope someone remakes Perfect Dark.

newmascotresized: Meet Hilda. She has a very annoying gameplay gimmick that we’ll get to after Roswell.

newmascotresized: Hilda looks like someone threw a copy of Manga Time Kirara Carat into a nuclear reactor and an unholy fusion of Machikado Mazoku and Hidamari Sketch came to life as a result.

newmascotresized: You might ask if Hilda’s eyes being fucked up like that is an emulator bug, and the answer is no - that’s how it’s supposed to look.

newmascotresized: I feel like this probably could be a chapter of Machikado Mazoku. Hidamari Sketch not so much, unless Yuno got her head stuck in a bucket or something.

newmascotresized: Natan gets screwed out of his party spot yet again. Don’t get me wrong, Hilda is great - if you’re willing to grind a ton. You’ll understand what I mean when we use her in combat.

Johnny: “OK, I’m Johnny. Nice to meet you. And how about… uh… this weird creature here?”

newmascotresized: This is a running joke that’s been going on since Koudelka. Let’s just hit Start and see what happens.

newmascotresized: I made a save state before hitting Start to see if he had alternate dialog for putting in “Roger Bacon”, but there isn’t any.

newmascotresized: Roger is here to remind us all of the moral of the first three games: don’t fucking go to Wales! I mean, there’s also the whole bit about not trying to resurrect the dead, but really it was about Wales.

Johnny: “…Hmmm.”

newmascotresized: I don’t think Johnny even knows that Wales exists, so we’re okay on that front.

Johnny: “…'Cause I don’t really care that much. Well, let’s get a move on. If we get found in here, things could get difficult.”

newmascotresized: Roswell is a lot like a PS1-era Persona dungeon, in that the developer kind of intended you to run into walls and backtrack a bit. We’ll be taking a more straightforward approach.

newmascotresized: Our first stop is this room, to the right of where Hilda and Roger were. The chest has a Daphne Fruit in it.

Johnny: “Huh? Umm. no, no, you got it all wrong. We’re just the new assistants.”

Hilda: “So you believe me, right? Thank you very much!”

Hilda: “Thank you!”

Johnny: “… I feel kinda bad.”

newmascotresized: There’s another person in here we have to talk to.

newmascotresized: You see, there’s a three-part password we have no way of knowing about - the game kind of assumes you’re going to go through the door behind Zett and find that out first, then backtrack.

newmascotresized: Instead, we want to grab this Hit Area Expand, which I’ll probably use on Hilda, even though she can only have three attacks per Ring. Let me show you why.


newmascotresized: That second hit area is absolutely anemic. It’s pretty clear that they actually expect you to use all of the Hit Area Expands, compared to Covenant where they weren’t really that important.

newmascotresized: On the way back to where we met Hilda, we hit a random encounter. We need two Snaps of each enemy here. None of them are particularly threatening, especially compared to Alcatraz.

newmascotresized: Betelgeuse here has around 100 HP and attacks for damage. That’s about all it does.

newmascotresized: Acteon has around 80 HP and will usually spend its first turn buffing itself. It’s kind of a mystery to me why the enemies here are so much easier than they were in Alcatraz.

newmascotresized: Oh, right. It’s time to talk about Hilda. Hilda’s gimmick is that she has three forms, which are changed by using a move we haven’t actually gotten yet.

newmascotresized: Which form she’s in is governed by a meter we can’t see yet that ranges from -100 to 100. Right now, she’s in “Curvy” form, which is anywhere from 11 to 99 on the meter.

newmascotresized: Curvy Hilda has higher physical stats and higher HP, but lower MP and magic stats. In this form, most of her skills are geared towards healing rather than damage.

newmascotresized: Our next destination is on the other side of the room where we met Hilda.

newmascotresized: This is why we had to go right first.

Johnny: “…Who are you?”

FRANK: “Freeze! Stop right THERE!”

Mao: “What are you doing here?”

Johnny: “…Jonin? Orders?”

FRANK: “He he he… as a matter of fact, Britney’s a ninja, just like ol’ Frank. The Jonin is the head of our clan.”

newmascotresized: Not canon, Frank is definitely the hokage.

newmascotresized: I never bothered to read this, because I know where it is we have to go.

FRANK: “WHAT?! What is this?”

FRANK: “Hmm… and the secret location is written on this memo?”

Johnny: “Hey Frank… aren’t you kinda being used?”

newmascotresized: Before we leave this room, there’s two items we need to pick up - one of which we probably shouldn’t know is here.

newmascotresized: First up is another stat-raising item. I should probably start using these.

newmascotresized: This is what we came here for. We need this last keycard in order to complete Frank’s secret mission. We should, however, go into the room just behind Johnny before we do that.

newmascotresized: That’s two parts of the password.

newmascotresized: We’ve got everything in here. Our next destination is the hallway immediately before the room where we met Hilda.

newmascotresized: If we head to the left (the right side is where we entered the lab), there’s a level 3 door. We definitely need to go in here… because this is how we get Frank’s new skill.

newmascotresized: Yes, unfortunately, instead of befriending UMAs, Frank’s abilities are all gained through sidequests like this one. See these three barrels? We need to check the blue one.

newmascotresized: Oh, it’s just a nuke. This is just an average day for Frank.

Johnny: “Whoa… that looks really dangerous.”

newmascotresized: Please god let Frank make a Nuke Saber.

FRANK: “…Britney?”

newmascotresized: Fuck that! Let Frank have his nuke! How are we going to defeat Wales if we don’t have a nuke?

newmascotresized: This is stolen valor! That’s Frank’s nuke!

FRANK: “It’s like she’s taking all the credit…”

FRANK: “The Jonin… He is watching ol’ Frank’s work! How THRILLING!”

Johnny: “Uh… I think he probably always has to keep an eye on you…”

newmascotresized: Hmm… this is the third part of the password. In order, we’ve got… “GRAY MEN LITTLE?” Whatever that means.

newmascotresized: Slow isn’t terrible if we manage to hit with it, so I put it on Hilda.

newmascotresized: On the way back to the right side, we run into the final enemy in Roswell - Sirius, which has around 45 HP and is pretty much a joke. Everyone except Johnny can kill these in one turn.

newmascotresized: I also remember we have a shitload of Soul Energy, and use it to power up Tatan’ka. This was a mistake, because as it turns out, you can’t use Red Nova as part of a D-Combo.

newmascotresized: Either one of the two side rooms where we got passwords will lead you to the next area - I chose to go the long route just to make sure everyone was full on Stock.

newmascotresized: Gerard and Buigen are here. Now, if you’re the kind of person that grinds, you probably want to equip everyone with a Pocket Watch, which Hilda starts with. Pocket Watches block Ring abnormalities. You probably also want four Bodhi Bracelets to prevent paralysis.

newmascotresized: Of course, if you were one of… those people… you’d also probably remove Frank from the party because the upcoming boss is immune to physical attacks. I am not one of those people.

newmascotresized: Instead, we’re going to do this boss Frank style, by simply ignoring game mechanics and nuking the fuck out of it. It’s the American way.

Johnny: “Ah, yes. Please tell us!”

Hilda: “Looks like you believe me. Thanks so much!”

Johnny: “Wow, those eyes really work for you…”

newmascotresized: I should mention that the password “puzzle” is also able to be bypassed if you already know what the answer is. I was only running around to make sure everyone got Stock and to see if I could grind enough Cash for a second Pocket Watch (I couldn’t).

newmascotresized: There’s a lot of NPC dialog in this room. I’m going to skip some of it.

newmascotresized: I’m willing to bet money that’s not the original line, but at least it’s a Discworld reference and not some dated meme like a lot of translations did back in the day.

newmascotresized: There’s an extra Heal down here, which you should equip to anyone who has a Pocket Watch on (Hilda has one she starts with).

newmascotresized: We can use the computer in the middle to input the password.

newmascotresized: Now we can get into the elevator, which is right across from where we entered the main control room.

Hilda: “Excuse me, but we’re not aliens, really!”

newmascotresized: You might be asking “Isn’t this that thing that was on the snap card you traded for last update?” and the answer is yes. The boss is immune to Snap.

newmascotresized: Given how Shadow Hearts usually goes, I would not be surprised if that thing is powered by liquefied orphans.

newmascotresized: Yeah, we should probably get to killing this thing that looks like it’s a rejected Killing Floor monster.

newmascotresized: Game can’t resist the pantyshots, apparently.

newmascotresized: Bah gawd, it’s the stunner!

newmascotresized: Meet Slim Hilda. She’s a pure caster who has lower HP, higher MP, lower physical stats and higher magical ones than Curvy Hilda. Slim Hilda kicks in when her meter is between -11 and -99.

newmascotresized: I should mention that I think Hilda is the first of her siblings to actually suck someone’s blood - Keith had a special attack in Shadow Hearts 1 that drained HP, and I think Joachim did as well, but none of them did it in a cutscene.

newmascotresized: And now it’s nuking time. We could use Hard Hit or Red Nova on Procyon here to nuke its stock, or…

newmascotresized: Just have Hilda nuke it. Procyon has 960 HP and is Wind-element, effectively making it the perfect target for Hilda.

newmascotresized: Frank uses a couple of spells, and Shania fuses into Thunderbird to hit the boss with Omega Cluster, a hard-hitting Dark spell. Honestly, the hardest part of this fight is keeping your D-Combo up.

newmascotresized: The boss occupies the High and Mid hitzones, and a lot of our best spells are launchers, which remove the Mid hitzone.

newmascotresized: Johnny follows up with Combo Magic - by sheer luck, I picked the right one on the first try, no Handy Tools necessary.

newmascotresized: We have effectively deleted the boss in a single D-Combo. All that’s left now is to clean up.

newmascotresized: Of course, the boss hits like a goddamn truck, and if you get unlucky with its multi-target skill…

newmascotresized: Yeah. Even worse…

newmascotresized: The boss paralyzes Thunderbird. This is one of the two annoying things it can do - it can also do some Ring fuckery, but we don’t really care about that.

newmascotresized: Ultimately, due to the sheer power of Hilda and Combo Magic, we annihilate the boss before it really gets anywhere. The developers balanced this surprisingly well, given that Frank, Natan, and Mao’s skills don’t work on it.

newmascotresized: I recorded the post-boss cutscene solely because of Frank. You can view it here: Shadow Hearts: From the New World - Roswell Post-Boss Cutscene - YouTube

newmascotresized: Several seconds of Hilda curbstomping the director ensue.

newmascotresized: We must be on Persona time, where “the other day” means “six months ago”.

newmascotresized: Looks like we’re heading to South America next update.

newmascotresized: If I was doing the writing, I’d have had Johnny go “Chet-chin…Pizza?” followed by Frank interrogating the director to find out where he can get pizza.

newmascotresized: If you know anything about geography, you’d know that what Natan is saying makes no sense if you’re in Roswell, due to the fact that you’d hit the Gulf of Mexico and would not need to cross the Caribbean.

newmascotresized: Of course, this is Shadow Hearts, and I would not be surprised if the Welsh somehow cursed the Gulf of Mexico so that the only viable sea route to Mexico is down the East Coast.

newmascotresized: Yes, Frank is moonwalking. This is why I recorded the cutscene. I wasn’t going to, and then I saw this and went “No, I have to fucking record this immediately”. Here it is again, just in case you missed it.

newmascotresized: Roger is clearly trying to figure out whether Natan somehow knows more than he does about the status of the Gulf of Mexico in regards to its being cursed by the Welsh.

newmascotresized: Roger needs her to verify that the Gulf is still there, and if not, he’s gonna need Frank to use that nuke before somebody builds a giant floating fortress or summons a demon there.

newmascotresized: Natan is probably going “Thank god the vampire didn’t want to come, she’d probably dive facefirst into the extremely cursed Gulf of Mexico.”

newmascotresized: Next time, we drive all the way back to New York to take a boat from New York to Mexico. Shadow Hearts!

newmascotresized: Oh right, I almost forgot: have a picture from Salty Vanilla of Frank and Bigfoot being friends.

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Sat Timrod, if the Shadow Hearts franchise in general does get remade, in all seriousness what changes would you suggest (plot, battle, artwork, characterization, etc.)?

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It is my honest hope that they never make a Shadow Hearts 4. That does look like it’s going to be the case anyway, as a couple of people from the original developer did come back and Kickstart a spiritual successor last summer, with a protagonist who looks like Not-Yuri. The most I would want is a 1:1 remake (think the Crash Bandicoot or Spyro remakes) with updated graphics and a better translation, and I would hope that if they ever make a new game, it would be a new franchise where they don’t have to worry about ruining anything and can go nuts creatively.

That said, I think it’d be really hard to suggest anything, simply because the developers at Nautilus seem like they know how to learn things. Even though From the New World is generally considered the weakest entry in the franchise, you can tell they were learning things - the dungeons are way shorter than Covenant’s, because they knew that a lot of the dungeons in Covenant dragged. I can almost guarantee that if Shadow Hearts 4 had been made in the early 2000s, they would have figured out that Stock was a bad addition and that things like the early parts where you’re playing as Johnny alone and die if you whiff an attack aren’t great and would have cut them.

I also don’t think I could improve on anything Nautilus wrote, or that X-Seed translated, apart from adding more Frank. The writers and creative types at Nautilus were pretty clearly the most skilled people the company had. They clearly enjoyed making this game and this franchise - you can tell because they already had concept art for characters in what would have been Shadow Hearts 4 before this game even finished production. After four games, it’s obvious that they’re actually talented and not like Satomi Tadashi where he captured lightning in a bottle and was never a good writer.

Gameplay is really the one thing I could improve on, specifically the battles - but a lot of that is already obvious. The difficulty is still kind of all over the place, which was a problem that existed since Koudelka, and I feel like the developers should’ve focused harder on removing Combos as a thing than trying to regulate them with Stock, since the end result is still that boss fights consist of alpha striking with a Combo or D-Combo and then mopping up the rest. Snaps are also irritating, but admittedly they’re totally optional unless you really want the reward for getting them all.

If I had to have a Shadow Hearts 4 though, I’d love to see them do one set in the 1950s that isn’t afraid to get political.

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Lenny: “Welcome home, Master! It’s good to see you’re safe… but who are the guests behind you? Are they your new friends? Quite rich in variety…”

newmascotresized: Lenny’s capacity for surprise apparently died in Covenant, probably when he got tossed out that window.

Johnny: “Well, a lot of things happened… but I actually have a favor to ask. It’s urgent! That’s why I came… I want you to prepare a boat. The fastest one you can get.”

Lenny: “I see, very well. I’ll have it ready by noon tomorrow.”

Johnny: “Tomorrow? That leaves some time open… what should we do?”

Lenny: “You haven’t been home for some time, so why don’t you relax just one night? Everyone, you’re welcome as well. As your humble servant, I will do everything in my power to serve you.”

Shania: “Everyone needs to rest once in a while.”

Mao: “You’ve got alcohol, right?”

Natan: “It’s the duty of the master of the house to listen to the attendant’s advice too.”

Johnny: “Well, I guess it’s OK.”

newmascotresized: What they don’t realize is that Frank has already taken the bed.

newmascotresized: We get an explanation screen about Hilda’s forms here. I’ve already explained how Curvy and Slim work, but there are two other forms: the Pink Bat (-10 to 10 calories) and the Mask form. The Mask form kicks in if Hilda reaches -100 or 100 calories, and gives her a stat boost for three battles. At the end of those battles, she’ll revert to the Pink Bat.

Lenny: “Miss Hilda? Well, yes, you ARE wearing the same clothes, but… you look very much different.”

Hilda: “My figure tends to change easily. Earlier, I ate too much of your cooking, and…”

Lenny: “It’s your… your metabolism…? Ah… I apologize. I did not realize you were Miss Hilda, I did not mean to offend you.”

Hilda: “It’s all right. I was the one who surprised you… by the way, I have a question. What is this magazine?”

Lenny: “Hm? Oh yes, an old acquaintance of mine started this magazine. I bought it to take a look at it… but honestly, it is fairly boring, no? After that I didn’t see it on sale, so perhaps it isn’t published any more.”

Hilda: “Really… well, it’s certainly not very interesting… but the feature article on magic arts was very informative! I think I got a new idea for a fighting technique!”

Lenny: “Is that so? Hm… well then, Miss Hilda, I’ll give you the magazine.”

Hilda: “Is it really all right?”

Lenny: “Of course. In any case, I was planning on throwing it away.”

Hilda: “Thank you so much! I’ll cherish it!”

newmascotresized: This skill is a direct callback to Covenant, where it was Joachim’s second technique. We can assume Joachim is probably the magazine’s author.

newmascotresized: Grand Slam is only usable by Curvy Hilda, and is a multi-hit physical attack that has a chance of instantly killing its target. It is Curvy Hilda’s only offensive skill.

newmascotresized: Before we do anything else, I missed a very important item back in Roswell.

newmascotresized: Roswell still has random encounters, so I throw Natan back in the party for a bit.

newmascotresized: The item in question is in this area, which is right near where Gerard and Buigen set up, just outside the main control room.

newmascotresized: And now it’s time to max out Frank’s Ring. Speaking of which, let’s look at Frank’s new skill.

newmascotresized: Seismic Wave hits about as hard as Hilda’s Thorn Whip, but only hits Low.

Aya: “OK, OK. Good afternoon, Johnny.”

Johnny: “Here’s another fragment.”

Aya: “Wow! Thank you. This is the fourth time, isn’t it? I knew I could count on you, Johnny.”

Johnny: “Hey, I was thinking…”

Aya: “Hm? About what?”

Johnny: “Being a Ring Spirit is a pretty important duty, right? So, shouldn’t you try to act a little more… I don’t know, dignified or something?”

Aya: “Ugh… you’ve touched on a sore spot. Everyone always tells me that if I don’t shape up, I’ll never come of age even if I do gather all the fragments…”

Johnny: “I see… hey, why don’t you practice with me?”

Aya: “Are you sure?”

Johnny: “Of course!”

Aya: “OK then, I will. Well, I’ll practice for next time!”

newmascotresized: Frank now has his attacks maxed out… though we’re going to have to give two of them up to Shania again soon.

newmascotresized: This scene plays as soon as the cutscene with Hilda is over, but I left it because it’s the start of Nautilus’s favorite sidequest: the Pit Fights.

Johnny: “What? Did you see another ghost or something?”

Johnny: “Hmm… sounds like you’re telling the truth.”

newmascotresized: If we go back to the room where we fought the boss at Arkham University…

newmascotresized: Of course the first actual historical figure we meet is… this guy who looks nothing like the actual HP Lovecraft.

Johnny: “Oh, no. I’m just a… an acquaintance of someone who used to work here.”

Johnny: “Nice to meet you too… I didn’t really come for anything, so we’ll just get going then!”

newmascotresized: That’s probably a good idea, the faster we can get out of here, the less chance he has to start talking about his cat.

Johnny: “Help you? Do we have to do something bad?”

newmascotresized: I mean, you’d be indirectly supporting all the godawful fan material.

Johnny: “What!? No! No way!”

Johnny: “Why are you still talking about this? How do you think I feel about this?!”

Johnny: “…Well, if you insist.”

newmascotresized: We can’t actually do any of the Pit Fights yet, which is strange because in both of the earlier games you could do at least some of them when you first met the NPC for it.

newmascotresized: This, by the way, is the other method of getting Snaps of non-boss enemies if you happen to miss them (or just not get enough to trade). Anyway, let’s head to Chichen Itza.

newmascotresized: Wait… what?

newmascotresized: Is this a shitpost?

newmascotresized: And this is why we needed to let Frank keep the nuke… though I’m willing to bet everyone but Frank immediately went “Yeah okay, just kill him, it’s not like any of us give a shit.”

newmascotresized: Keep in mind that this game released four years before the Maersk Alabama got hijacked by pirates.

newmascotresized: A bit of context here. This girl is meant to be a descendant of Jean Lafitte, an actual pirate based in Louisiana who started off as a smuggler and eventually upped his game to pirating British ships during the War of 1812.

newmascotresized: She throws a temper tantrum in the background.

newmascotresized: I can’t believe this girl can’t see that Frank is a REAL AMERICAN HERO.

newmascotresized: If you’ve played Covenant (or read the LP), you’ll know that this scene is copied straight from Veronica’s torture scenes in that game. You might ask “Does it still work the same way?” and the answer is yes.

newmascotresized: For the uninitiated, you get an item after the torture scene based on who you picked and how you answered. The possible rewards include a Third Key, a Strike Area Expand, or a new weapon for the character you picked.

newmascotresized: Now, the obvious question is “What happens if you pick Frank?” and the answer is that you are taken to The Hague. Frank doesn’t get a weapon - he instead gets an accessory.

newmascotresized: Each character has a line of dialogue when you look at them, so let’s go around the semicircle.

newmascotresized: The obvious solutions are to pick Johnny (since he’s more or less always in the party) or Shania, but I picked Johnny after a careful analysis of the plot. Why? It’s because Johnny would probably spend the entire time sobbing uncontrollably and screaming, meaning he can’t give them anything useful.

newmascotresized: Of course, the problem is that the torture scenes are partially voiced, and I was only able to find Frank’s scene on Youtube because there are some goddamn war criminals out there. This means I had to record all of them.

newmascotresized: Let’s start with Johnny. Click here for the video.

Johnny: “No way! Let’s do something more interesting.”

newmascotresized: The three questions are always the same, so from here on out, I’ll only be showing off the answers, which do differ between characters. I’ll probably do the rest in a second update.

newmascotresized: Here’s how the reward works. Picking the first option each time gets you the Third Key. Picking the first option at least once, but then answering with the second or third option, gets you the Strike Expand.

newmascotresized: Answering only with the second or third options gets you the weapon. Here, I tried to answer as in-character as I could.

newmascotresized: Anne teleports another sword into her hand. You’d think she would be a party member, given that she has a portrait and everything, but no. We only have one more party member left.

Johnny: “…You’re kidding, right?”

Johnny: “Don’t laugh like that – it’s creepy.”

newmascotresized: Johnny launches out of the barrel cartoonishly and you can hear a splash in the background.

newmascotresized: This should’ve been another scene where Frank whips out a ninja technique, but no.

newmascotresized: Frank could pull a Morgana at this point and I would not blame him.

newmascotresized: Admittedly, that’s a pretty good plan. We could make Frank a pirate captain and ruin the entire early-2000s “ninjas vs. pirates” discourse before it ever begins.

Shania: “Well, we’re all the way out here… let’s do some exploring.”

Johnny: “This isn’t the time for sightseeing!”

Shania: “At the Grand Canyon, Zonda told me something… that the Ocean Spirit is worshipped by the tribes of the Caribbean.”

Johnny: “Grand Canyon… oh yeah! I do remember, now that you mention it…”

Shania: “So as long as we’re here, why don’t we look around?”

Johnny: “Good idea… wait! But…”

Shania: “Huh? Don’t worry. I won’t faint this time.”

newmascotresized: If you look in the top-left, you can see the chest where our reward got dropped off.

newmascotresized: I’m kinda surprised that they didn’t put in a Frank/Mao segment that works like the prison escape in Final Fantasy 8. Frank would use his hilt on the treasure chest that has everyone’s gear in it to make the Treasure Saber.

newmascotresized: In the “canon” recording, I wind up torturing Frank for the accessory.

newmascotresized: The Zodiac Bracelet protects against both Paralysis and Petrify - but this isn’t why we want it. The reason we want it is that it sells for 5,150 Cash… which is almost enough to buy two Mirror Bracelets.

newmascotresized: Mirror Bracelets protect against Petrify, and the enemies in the next area can do that - so it’s better to have three people protected (there’s a free one) than two. Gerard sells all the weapons.

newmascotresized: We can grab another Shield stellar from the bowl, which… given the rate we’ve been nuking bosses down, I doubt we’re going to see much of this until later.

newmascotresized: Our next destination is that shack there, right up the stairs from where we ended the cutscene.

Shania: “He doesn’t seem to be much of a threat. Sorry for startling you.”

Johnny: “Huh? Uh, yeah. We’ve had some rough hospitality, but yeah, you could say that we’re the Captain’s guests.”

Shania: “We will. You don’t happen to know of any ruins or other unique places that would be good for sightseeing, do you?”

newmascotresized: While we’re here, we can pick up a lottery ticket.

newmascotresized: This kinda surprised me because if I was going to put a lottery ticket in this room, I’d have hidden a chest between the stove and that shelf in the background like in Alcatraz.

newmascotresized: Our next destination is right behind the shack, going into that cave. There’s a healing item in the laundry press to Johnny’s right.

Johnny: “There’s two guards even here. Give me a break…”

Shania: “Could be. Whether there is treasure on it or not though, there is definitely something odd about that ship.”

Johnny: “It’s no use just waiting here. Let’s go see if there’s another way.”

newmascotresized: We can head south of the prison cell, so let’s do that. I was not aware that Comic Sans existed in 1929, but that doesn’t surprise me. My bet is that it came from a cursed Welsh printing press.

newmascotresized: Just past the Comic Sans monstrosity is the torture barrel… except someone’s asleep in it.

Shania: “Sorry for waking you, but we’re looking for the place where the seafaring god was worshipped. Do you know of it?”

Shania: “Thanks for the advice. But dangerous or not, we need to get through that ship.”

Johnny: “Huh? Uh… yeah, sure. We’ll take care of it so sleep all you want.”

newmascotresized: Afterward, we can open that chest visible in the background.

newmascotresized: Ordinarily, I would leave the dungeon to next update… except we have a Frank scene coming up.

newmascotresized: There’s nothing much here except a save point and some stairs, so let’s go up the stairs.

newmascotresized: We could go to the right and make progress… or we could go up those stairs behind Johnny. Considering there’s a Frank scene there, this isn’t really a choice.

newmascotresized: Let’s ignore that chest for now. You see that grey thing sticking out near the bottom-left corner of the screen?

newmascotresized: This is a re-used model from Covenant - Joachim also used a fish as a weapon, except he used it like a club.

Natan: “Yes. It is a marlin.”

FRANK: “Ma… ma… ma…”

Johnny: “Ma?”

Johnny: “Mike? Michael? But who’s Michael?”

FRANK: “Oh… how COULD I forget? It was 5 years ago, when I was in a fishing tournament…”

Johnny: “Gonna start another one of your stories?”

newmascotresized: Johnny, shut the fuck up, this is important Frank Lore.

FRANK: “My rival was beating me badly, so to reverse the score, ol’ Frank had no choice but to go for the BIG CATCH. What bit then was Mike, and our historic battle stretched out across several hours.”

Natan: “Yes, it takes a fair amount of strength and time to catch a marlin.”

Johnny: “Who cares? Plus, your stories are so long. Natan, don’t encourage him.”

newmascotresized: I care. This hasn’t even begun to reach the threshold for an Allanson Monologue, let alone one of those 20+ minute Akechi cutscenes in P5R.

FRANK: “In the end, Frank suffered defeat. But after the battle, Mike came to the surface and said: ‘Let’s meet again, my fair adversary.’ But before that could happen… why did he have to DIIIIIIE?!”

newmascotresized: If Frank had Fusion, this would be where he’d get his second Fusion, and his second Fusion would be strapping Mike to his head and ramming the enemy with Mike’s horn.

Johnny: “Yes… I mean, I just a fish. But I guess that’s sorta sad… right, so can we get going already?”

newmascotresized: Next time, we’ll finish the Sunken Ship and fight a boss.

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newmascotresized: I thought when I was recording the last part that this would be a fairly long dungeon. I was wrong. The sunken ship is honestly about as long as the tunnels under the university.

Shania: “Hey, look at that.”

newmascotresized: Great idea, I’m sure if the boards will collapse under the weight of a person, it should have no problem holding a probably several hundred pound boat with people walking over it.

Johnny: “But, how do we lower it?”

Johnny: “Hmm. So this is called a ‘capstan’? Well, let’s try turning it.”

Johnny: “What the…? All the handles are too short or rotted off. I can’t get a good enough grip to turn it.”

newmascotresized: This really feels like something Frank should be able to solve, like by using his katana hilts to extend the handles.

Johnny: “A sturdy pole to replace the handle… I wonder if there’s one around here…”

newmascotresized: I can picture Frank, just off screen, waving his arms and going “Hey! Guys! I can solve this! We don’t even need to bother looking for a handle!”, only, as Warren points out…

newmascotresized: Frank deserved better.

newmascotresized: There’s a hatch in the floor near the mast that we can investigate.

Shania: “Are you scared?”

Johnny: “W-who’s scared?! Watch, I’m going in.”

newmascotresized: It’s a nice touch that we already know Johnny has a lantern, so this all just kinda works. This part of the dungeon is three rooms and can be traversed pretty quickly. I only got into… I think 4 random encounters during this recording.

newmascotresized: These things are called “Heinz”, and are why we needed that Zodiac Bracelet, because…

newmascotresized: They can petrify on attack. Worse, we need SIX snaps of these fuckers. This fight consisted of me nearly running Johnny’s sanity out snapping ghost photos while the rest of the party got beaten to shit.

newmascotresized: Heinz is the first enemy we can run into that is worth negative calories - but even if the encounter rate here wasn’t really low, you don’t want to grind these because we need Hilda in Pink Bat form soon.

newmascotresized: We can find another Rage here. We’ll probably be using this on the next boss, since it has enough HP that I don’t think we can combo it to death.

newmascotresized: To the left is a Mirror Bracelet, which prevents Petrify. I toss this on Johnny, mostly because there’s one enemy here that’s kinda rare and that we need four Snaps of. It only spawns in groups with a Heinz, at least as far as I can tell.

newmascotresized: To the right is this room, which doesn’t have a whole lot in it. If we keep going…

newmascotresized: I’m not even going to ask how they got a motorcycle here. Gerard doesn’t sell the new tier of weapons yet, but he DOES sell new armor, which I pick up for everyone.

newmascotresized: I’d like to point out that even with 1929 firearms, it’s unlikely that chainmail would stop a bullet, though I’ll leave that to all those sweaty fuckers fishing for Youtube views to prove.

newmascotresized: Just outside where Gerard is, we run into Okeron, the other common enemy type. Okeron has 240 HP and can Seal - and to top it off, we need three Snaps of them.

newmascotresized: And then, Frank comes through. He manages to Paralyze both of them, allowing Johnny to Snap three times without any issues.

newmascotresized: This room is just to the right of where Gerard is, and puts us in a cutscene.

Shania: “It looks that way. The Ocean Spirit lies beyond that door.”

Shania: “If we turn this rudder in the opposite direction, maybe we could cross over?”

Johnny: “Turn the rudder… so I guess we need to find that spinny thing, huh?”

Shania: “…It’s called the helm. Try and remember.”

newmascotresized: In the back of this room, we can grab an Apathy ring item, which prevents enemies from building up Stock if they’re hit by it.

newmascotresized: I need a mod for Power Wash Simulator right the fuck now where you play as Frank with a Brush Saber.

newmascotresized: With the boat down, we can cross over to the last room of this dungeon.

newmascotresized: The room on the other side is big and empty - there’s a chest with a Daphne Fruit in it on the far side. The trick is that there’s a doorway hidden on the bottom of the screen.

newmascotresized: In this room, we run into the third enemy type here: Bablovia. These are caster-type enemies with only 55HP. Everyone but Natan can take these out in one turn easily, and that’s only because I didn’t give Natan any extra attacks.

newmascotresized: And… that’s it. We’ve seen the entire sunken ship. All we have to do now is spin the wheel.

newmascotresized: I know a lot of people who have their own meta-thoughts on different media, and mine is usually “You know, how do ordinary people in all these RPG settings deal with a world full of monsters?”

newmascotresized: It’s one of the problems with your classical RPG world design - you try to answer it and you get shit like World of Warcraft where there are level 110 peasants that could shitstomp earlier game bosses.

newmascotresized: Anyway, we fight a group of Heinz and everyone levels up. We’ve got full Stock, so we should be ready to go for the boss.

newmascotresized: Ann was later brought to The Hague for Crimes Against Frank, was immediately found guilty, and is now serving a 40-year prison sentence.

newmascotresized: The next boss has a pretty solid reward for getting a Ring Perfect (ie; hitting all Strikes) and we want it. The trick to this is that you can set Shania’s attacks to 1 and put the Coral Lariat on her so it’s almost impossible to miss.

Shania: “That’s just what the pirates say. This ground is dedicated to the Ocean Spirit. Let’s go.”

newmascotresized: This boss is called La Sirene, and has a grand total of 308 HP. The game kind of expects that you’ve been evenly pumping up Shania’s Fusion forms, but really I’ve just been putting all the points into Thunderbird.

newmascotresized: Bar Blast probably isn’t the best spell, given that it only hits for around 75 damage, but between that and Shania’s attack we can down this boss in two turns - three if you’re not using ‘handy tools’.

newmascotresized: The boss has both an ice attack (which counters Tatan’ka) and a light attack (which counters Thunderbird) but we don’t really care.

newmascotresized: For Ring Perfect, we get Shania’s next tier of weapon for free.

newmascotresized: Shania’s new tattoo is… I don’t know what I’d call that. It’s like a tramp stamp that decided the tramp wasn’t enough and it was just gonna keep on stampin’.

newmascotresized: La Sirene sports the rare Double Ahoge. Seriously, I can think of maybe a handful of other character designs with a double ahoge.

newmascotresized: I don’t think this even qualifies as a fusion monster. This looks like the cover art for an Everquest expansion, or one of those early-2000s graphics benchmark programs.

newmascotresized: There’s an unspoken “When I grow up, I want to go to Hot Topic just like you” here.

newmascotresized: Actually, you know what would be frightening? If Hilda had Fusion. Her hair alone would probably reach the PS2’s memory limit.

newmascotresized: Update: I contacted Salty Vanilla.

newmascotresized: This isn’t even her final form. No really, it isn’t - Salty couldn’t fit all the details in the sketch.

newmascotresized: This sounds like that time I got stuck in an airport for a full day waiting for a flight that never arrived.

newmascotresized: You might have noticed a chest in the background. We’re not done with the Caribbean yet - there’s still a bunch of stuff we need to do.

Mao: “You followed me all the way out here? It must be something pretty big, huh? Speak up.”

Mao: “To Las Vegas? He didn’t say anything else?”

Mao: “I see… he’s such a high maintenance man. Hey kid, sorry, but I…”

Johnny: “If you go to Las Vegas, we’ll go too. We’ve been worried about Edna too.”

Johnny: “Yeah. Sorry, but we’re in kind of a hurry.”

newmascotresized: We’re not going to Vegas just yet. Instead, we’re going back to Arkham University - this is because we’re about to do a UMA hunt, and I need Shania to have Stock.

newmascotresized: The Pit Fights are now open. Technically, it would be optimal for me to go to Vegas first because we’re short on a couple of early-game Snaps and Vegas gives us something that will help with that, but meh.

newmascotresized: Most of the Pit Fights I’m going to wait on until much later in the game, but this first one is easy - it’s five fights with whichever party members we want and no other conditions.

newmascotresized: This is how we can get Snaps of enemies that no longer show up, but fortunately, we’ve got all the Snaps we need.

newmascotresized: The final fight is against a couple of robots from Roswell, which we can destroy pretty easily.

newmascotresized: For our efforts, we get… an item that probably would’ve been useful in the opening part of the game, but is useless now.

newmascotresized: You know, somehow I’m not surprised that the pirate show would be in Miami.

newmascotresized: Anne’s room has no fewer than three items in it, so let’s get grabbing.

newmascotresized: We can now bring Frank up to 5 attacks while keeping 4 for Shania.

newmascotresized: Outside, the First Mate is actually…

newmascotresized: He has a powerup item for Shania, so we might as well do this.

newmascotresized: The gimmick for this one is that the hit areas on the Ring go invisible after a second. I got this on my first try, no ‘handy tools’ required.

newmascotresized: The Whale Statue is required for La Sirene to learn new spells, so it’s kind of a must if you plan on using La Sirene at all.

newmascotresized: This is one of the first second-tier spells we’ve found, so I’ll probably spend the money to upgrade someone’s chart to hold it.

newmascotresized: Up by the shack, there’s a Snap trader. We actually can’t do this first one because it requires Snaps of enemies from the university that I need to go back and get, but we can do all of them up to Difficult Request (1).

newmascotresized: I’m sure there’s some gimmicky use of these that will come up later, like there was in Covenant. Let’s go turn that Ring Fragment in, and then we can go to the Grand Canyon.

Johnny: “Hey, that’s pretty good…”

Aya: “I am the will of, um… the Judgment Ring which rules over all fate!!”

Johnny: “…”

Aya: “…No good?”

Johnny: “Uh, no. It wasn’t so bad, but that slip in the middle, and the outburst at the end were a little off.”

Aya: “Hmm, this is pretty difficult… Again! I’ll try it again!”

Johnny: “OK. Give it your best!”

Aya: “Deep breaths, deep breaths… here I go!”

Aya: “I-I am a Ring Spirit… I am the will of the Judgment Ring… which rules over all fate…”

newmascotresized: I’m picturing her saying this like the infamous “Bone of my sword” speech from Fate/Stay Night.

Johnny: “Hey! You did it!”

Aya: “R-really? That was kind of embarrassing. H-here’s your reward! Bye!”

newmascotresized: Now that we’ve got our attack count maxed, let’s go UMA hunting.

newmascotresized: This is where the UMA hunts get a little more involved. If we check under the stairs here, the UMA icon pops up.

newmascotresized: If all you read was the description in the dialogue, this would make sense - we know that Tihozhodi is covered in slime.

newmascotresized: This makes it clearer that it uses the slime specifically to hold its eggs in place. There’s no eggs here - and if we were to set out the bait, we’d get a random encounter instead.

newmascotresized: This is the right spot.

newmascotresized: Tihozhodhi is an invisible Womp, from back in Alcatraz. It has 900 HP.

newmascotresized: First we get a Snap. Now, it wouldn’t be a horrible idea to not combo immediately and instead have Johnny Double, then use Snap and his Vacuum to get his Stock back… but I don’t do that.

newmascotresized: Natan hits for a rather anemic 105 damage, but that’s because I forgot to equip magic on him.

newmascotresized: Shania follows up with Bar Rod and Bar Blast.

newmascotresized: If I didn’t care about people dying, I’d use Combo Magic and win this in one more turn.

newmascotresized: The problem is, if we do this, the boss now has two back-to-back turns on top of having full Stock.

newmascotresized: Instead, I have Johnny Double and use Shield on Natan to stop the boss killing him, followed by a Vacuum to reduce its stock.

newmascotresized: The boss can inflict Small Ring, but that’s not a big deal - certainly not worth dumping a ton of money into pocket watches.

newmascotresized: On the way out, I cash in the last Snap Card trade - I had to farm a couple of fights to max Shania’s Stock anyway, so I figured I’d just do it.

newmascotresized: Looks like a Castlevania boss. Let’s go turn in the UMA, and then we’ll do Vegas next update.

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newmascotresized: We’ve got nowhere to go but Vegas, so let’s do that. We’re going to watch a cutscene, and then immediately leave.

newmascotresized: Ricardo has made his way here, and we’re about to see what I can only really describe as “a John Wick scene where John Wick just kinda kills people by walking past them.”

newmascotresized: Ricardo walks by one of McManus’s guys, and he drops dead apropos of nothing.

newmascotresized: Ricardo is up to three kills without doing anything.

newmascotresized: I, uh… that’s a line, alright. I mean, it’s a line I’d expect in a time travel story or an isekai, but at this point, FTNW’s writers are taking every style guide they can find behind the woodshed. I love it.

newmascotresized: The second I saw this subtitle, I went “Yep. That’s it. That’s my update title.”

newmascotresized: I’d also like to point out that I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen a piece of media where somebody gets offed by a mariachi. Somebody in the writer’s room was definitely crossing shit off their bucket list.

newmascotresized: This whole thing feels like the writers went to Blockbuster (remember, this is 2004), emptied the action movie shelf, and binged it all over a three-day weekend.

newmascotresized: The Dark Id actually did that at one point - he binged all eight (at the time) Fast and Furious movies and then did regular movie nights where he’d show two at a time.

newmascotresized: That’s how I got into the franchise - I watched the first eight with him, and then watched 9 on my own just recently. He’s also how I saw the first two John Wick films.

newmascotresized: I’m not missing any screenshots - Ricardo fucking teleports behind this guy and grabs him.

newmascotresized: Is it mono? I’m guessing it was mono.

Mao: “Don’t say that. I’d say you have some loyal men. Anyway, is this the place?”

newmascotresized: I’m having flashbacks to Persona 5 and I don’t like it.

Johnny: “How about calming down a bit?”

Capone: “Oh, I’m plenty calm, see. Trespassing on my turf, dragging Edna into this… those bums don’t deserve to be Mafia. You watch. I’m gonna go in there and pound 'em all into hamburger meat!”

FRANK: “OH, such great FEROCITY.”

Johnny: “Ho-hold on, before you start fighting, shouldn’t you search for your sister?”

Capone: “What’s the point of searching? I already know they got Edna in there! That McManus bastard was always making eyes at her.”

Shania: “Aah, I don’t think he’s listening…”

Johnny: “Yeah, he’s gotten all worked up…”

Johnny: “Well, we’ll go take a look and see if they’ve got your sister.”

Capone: “You guys?”

Johnny: “If you go, it’d turn into a war, right? Besides, finding people is my specialty!”

newmascotresized: His specialty with an amazing track record of finding one guy who died ten seconds later.

newmascotresized: Shania hits him with the double ellipsis.

Johnny: “McManus doesn’t know any of us, and even if we fail, it still wouldn’t be too late for a fight.”

newmascotresized: Wouldn’t McManus know Mao, since Mao was running the Chicago Outfit in Capone’s place?

newmascotresized: And now, it’s time to turn around and go back to New York. Trust me when I say you want to do this as soon as you possibly can.

Johnny: “Huh? You don’t mean…”

Lenny: “Yes. Another letter has come from the mysterious Tinkerbell.”

Johnny: “Another one! Let me see it…”

newmascotresized: Ah yes, Times Square, well known for being empty at all times of day and also the best place to plan an assassination.

Johnny: “What the!? Why!? He’s making fun of me again!!”

Lenny: “What’s the matter, master? It could just be a prank…”

Johnny: “You think I can just sit back and let him say things like this!? I’m gonna go and teach him a lesson!”

newmascotresized: If we head to Times Square, there’s an NPC standing under the lamppost that wasn’t there the first time we came here.

Johnny: “That’s right. And you’re Tinkerbell’s assassin!?”

newmascotresized: Yep, we’re going there. I don’t know what it was with the early 2000s and doing this in games.

newmascotresized: These are all fairly easy and you have 10 seconds to answer each one.

Johnny: “Heheh, that was too easy!”

Johnny: “Hey that’s right! Where is the other one!?”

Johnny: “Harlem, huh. All right, just you wait!”

newmascotresized: It’s kind of a crime that Nautilus made a game taking place during the Harlem Renaissance and the best they could do was put it in as a sidequest destination where you do math.

Johnny: “That’s what I want to know. Lenny’s much better at that stuff than me.”

FRANK: “Lenny!?”

Johnny: “Yeah, he may look big and dumb, but strangely enough, he’s really good at math.”

newmascotresized: I mean, there was the whole part where he ran a third of a Vatican-based secret society in Covenant, and he probably had to count how many of his weird sword-hand guys got murdered by Yuri.

newmascotresized: We do another ten of these. This sidequest is at least pretty short.

Johnny: “Where is Tinkerbell!?”

newmascotresized: This is the entire reason we wanted to do this sidequest. The Panoramic Lens is an accessory for Johnny that makes Snap hit every enemy on the field.

Johnny: “Hm? Another letter…”

Johnny: “Hmm… well, at least he’s giving me a little respect this time. Hey mister! Are you sure you don’t know where Tinkerbell is?”

newmascotresized: A year before this game released, a Norwegian programmer by the name of Jon Johansen was arrested and put on trial for his involvement in a program called DeCSS - used for decrypting DVDs.

newmascotresized: Technically, he was arrested for doing math. He was tried twice and acquitted both times, and during the trial it came out that he had never written the decryption code in the first place.

Johnny: “Grr… all right! Argh, back to square one.”

newmascotresized: We’re done here, so now it’s time for Vegas for all of about a minute again before we head back off to New York.

newmascotresized: There’s a big parking ramp on either side of the entrance, and on the right side is the Hawk Statue. This one pumps up Thunderbird’s stats with each level.

newmascotresized: This is… I think the last Cure stellar we pick up before we start getting more useful healing spells.

Johnny: “Huh? You already know the way, Master Meow?”

Mao: “No, I’m just heading for the elevator. Mafia bosses tend to enjoy a drink from a top floor bar with a view.”

Johnny: “Oh, I get it…”

newmascotresized: The casino has a ton of NPCs to talk to.

newmascotresized: If you’ve been following closely, you’ll notice that we usually pick up lottery tickets near a Lottery Member, and this is no exception… except the Lottery Member in this case is like halfway through the hotel.

Johnny: “Huh? We don’t have a key…”

Johnny: “What’ll we do?”

Mao: “I don’t mind forcing my way, you know, but I don’t feel like making a scene. Let’s go look for someone with a key.”

newmascotresized: To do that, we’ll need to go through the casino to the right.

newmascotresized: Gerard and Buigen are here - you can find their motorcycle parked out front. Gerard now sells the next tier of weapons, so let’s grab those.

newmascotresized: There’s two chests in both of the lower corners - this one’s just a Seal of Strength, but the other side…

newmascotresized: Yeah, we’re going to want to cash this in.

Johnny: “…”

Aya: “…”

Aya: “…Hey Johnny, what’s the matter?”

Johnny: “Huh? Oh, sorry! It was just so perfect, I was shocked.”

Aya: “R-really? Heheheh! I’ve been practicing every day!”

Johnny: “Really… that’s great though. Now all you have to do is collect the fragments.”

Aya: “I…I guess so… it’s all thanks to you, Johnny.”

newmascotresized: I think you mean “It’s all thanks to Frank.”

Johnny: “Huh? Me?”

Aya: “Hee hee, never mind. Here. Today’s reward.”

newmascotresized: With this, we have now maxed out Frank and Shania’s attacks.

Aya: “Well then, see you next time, Johnny.”

Johnny: “Thanks to me… Heheh, I’m kind of embarrassed.”

newmascotresized: Back in the casino, we can slip through this door to enter a new area.

Johnny: “What’s wrong, Master Meow?”

Mao: “McManus’ cronies are inside… hmm… sounds like they’re having a stupid argument about who gets to have a room on the 8th floor.”

Johnny: “Of course, cat’s ears!”

Mao: “We don’t have to hold back with these gangsters. Let’s go, kid.”

newmascotresized: It’s a little confusing, but this is the door we need, even though the one in the cutscene is pretty clearly the one in the bottom-left of the screen.

Mao: “You’ve got a lot of nerve calling me a costume cat…”

newmascotresized: Ordinarily, this fight would be a pain in the ass, not because of the enemies, but because we need three Snaps of the Petty Gangsters - the taller, thinner ones - and two of the Gangster Hoodlums.

newmascotresized: For reference, they each have around 70 HP, meaning Frank and Shania can vaporize them without even trying.

newmascotresized: This is where our new accessory comes into play.

newmascotresized: The Panoramic Lens snaps all enemies on the field, including those that would be duplicates - meaning you can get more than one of the same card at a time.

newmascotresized: One thing I think I haven’t mentioned is that Snap gives Johnny a huge speed boost until his next turn, so I quickly take two Snaps in a row, giving us more than enough cards.

McManus: “Good. For one guy, he sure put up a fight. Hurry up and get rid of him!”

McManus: “What?”

McManus: “What?!”

McManus: “…I see. It can’t be helped then. Hey, take me to the mariachi. I’ll make him talk before we kill him.”

McManus: “Didn’t you hear me? I told you to take me to the mariachi! Now!!”

newmascotresized: I will admit it’s really noticeable how “bastard” is the only swear they can use when it’s in like every other line of dialog.

newmascotresized: This feels like every game of Town of Salem I’ve ever played.

newmascotresized: McManus spends a good like… ten seconds kicking Ricardo.

newmascotresized: Now that we have control again, we can go back to the elevator and use the key we just found.

newmascotresized: We can go left or right, but either way, we’ll run into more mobsters.

Johnny: “Important guests? Could it be…?”

Mao: “Well, we have a little situation here. We’re going to need to take a peek at your ‘guests’ faces.”

newmascotresized: This is another fight against four Petty Gangsters and two Gangster Hoodlums. I didn’t even bother screenshotting it because it was over in one turn.

newmascotresized: The group closer to the elevator goes down in two attacks - Frank managed to be in just the right position to hit five of them at once.

newmascotresized: With those two groups down, there’s a couple of things we can do on the 8th floor. First and foremost is going to Room 812.

newmascotresized: This one was kind of a pain in the ass to hit - the Ring sweeps backwards (not really a problem) but also has a delay on it so you have to press the button early. It took me five or so tries to get it.

newmascotresized: This is another returning accessory from the earlier games. There’s also a Step Tripler later on, but we want this in order to get the rewards from that guy at the university as early as possible.

newmascotresized: We can also enter this room, which is… I think it’s 824, but it’s hard to read the signs.

Mao: “…I don’t recognize your faces. Why don’t you quit with the acting!”

newmascotresized: Two attacks later and they’re all dead.

newmascotresized: The other reason I wanted to do this first is that we’re about to get our last party member forced on us, and I wanted to get Natan a quick levelup before we have to replace him.

newmascotresized: This gets us the key to Room 807, which has…

newmascotresized: I’m not sure what the advantage of using this over Paralysis is, if any. With that, we can finally go to Room 818 and progress the story.

newmascotresized: Frank is not having any of Ricardo’s bullshit.

newmascotresized: Fuck yeah he is!

newmascotresized: We now have a fight against the same mafia guys, only this time, Ricardo is replacing Natan. Ricardo is Nautilus’s apology for how bad Lucia was in Covenant - he’s basically Lucia but not garbage.

newmascotresized: His main attack is a gun hidden in his guitar, which would be an Innocent Sin ripoff except that Eikichi used a guitar case that was also a gun, not the guitar itself.

Johnny: “What’s wrong? If we don’t go soon…”

Ricardo: “It should be around here somewhere. Damn, they really made a mess of this place…”

newmascotresized: The Fade-Fast Flower is Ricardo’s first “Muse Item”, which unlocks his first four character skills. It works almost exactly like Lucia’s aromatherapy ability in Covenant, except each item has four skills.

newmascotresized: You don’t know what each combination does until you use it, but typically each item has a heal, an MP and SP heal, an attack, and a support ability.

Johnny: “What is that?”

Ricardo: “Edna gave this to me right after we met. At the time, I’d lost sight of my music. I was thinking about putting down my guitar for good. When she saw that, Edna just held this out to me without saying a word.”

Johnny: “Hmm… but why would she give you a dried flower?”

Ricardo: “I think she wanted to teach me that there is such a thing as beauty that doesn’t fade over time… even now, this is like my lucky charm. I can’t play my guitar if I don’t have it.”

newmascotresized: We should definitely make sure to grab this - you can see it sparkling in the cutscene - because, well…

newmascotresized: That’s the game’s way of telling us that random encounters are now on. This is why you want to grab the Step Doubler before you save Ricardo - because that means our steps now count.

newmascotresized: The two big guys are Butchers, the little one is a Ghoul. Let’s see what Ricardo’s special ability does.

newmascotresized: We get a choice of four melodies. I already know which one is which, so let’s pick Melody: Rage.

newmascotresized: I’m not entirely sure where Ricardo had space to put a flamethrower in a guitar that’s already got a rifle in it, but it works.

newmascotresized: We wipe the Butchers out pretty quickly (they have 150 HP) and the Ghoul wastes its turn buffing. Even buffed, Ghouls tend to do less damage than the mafia guys did.

newmascotresized: I took a quick trip back to New York for a free heal, and now we can go to the 4th floor.

newmascotresized: Not shown: another mafia fight where we destroy them in one turn.

newmascotresized: Down to the right, we can find the second tier of SP restorative. We might actually need a couple of these for the boss.

newmascotresized: There’s another item hidden around here, but first, we run into the final new enemy of this area: the Automaton. Automatons are spellcasters, and generally need to be taken out first.

newmascotresized: Otherwise, this happens. Right after this, I got into a fight where the party got surrounded and one of these things beat Johnny down to 1 HP through a D-Combo before anyone could move.

newmascotresized: This room, past the healing item, is our next destination.

newmascotresized: I can’t read these room numbers worth a shit, but this one, to the right of where we got the Stellar in that last shot, is our last real stop on this floor… for now.

newmascotresized: The Angel Souffle is an item for Hilda that increases her calories by 25. Very useful if we need to make her switch forms fast - which we will need to do at a few points in the future.

newmascotresized: Directly across the hall is the room we picked up the key for. Surely there’s a miniboss in here…

newmascotresized: Or we’ll just get the key without a fight. We’ll see the 9th floor, as well as the rest of the dungeon, next time. I’m already running late this week and I need to grind a bit.

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