Fog of Gore - Let's Co-op Demon's Souls

The End - Good and Evil

Thus concludes this accidentally-year-long LP. Obviously my initial plans for it didn’t work out, but I had fun doing it, and I thank anyone who stuck with it despite the months of delays prior to Yami joining in.

Before this closes out completely, feel free to voice whether you’d prefer we move on to co-op Dark Souls or straight to Bloodborne. That’ll be for the future though; we’ve got the wild to breathe. Or something.

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Black Phantom Satsuki’s even more annoying than pictured because he DOES carry healing grass, and he’ll eat it if you let up on him at all when he’s at low health. Miracles, at least, can be interrupted. Interrupting a grass-eating animation is tough.

I think we can close and archive this LP now. Thanks again everyone.
